Why can't we, for once, have a serious (and intellectual) conversation about this topic?

I'm sorry, but this is one of those things that, as of late, has me cringing in disgust! the ladies and gents who partake in bbfs....educate us.

Why? Why would you partake in this behavior? Seriously, maybe I'm missing the boat on something here (not that I truly believe that is the case). But, I'm willing to have an open mind here.

We (ladies and gents) partake in this hobby...we already have existing inherented risks. i.e.... LE, social stigmas, being ripped off, robbed, raped, nc/ns, etc. Yes, some risks are scarier than others, but they are risks, none the less.

Why on earth would any of us compound that with the risk of spreading HIV/STDs??

I'll admit, I'm not a health-care professional. But I love these lines of "I'll show you my clean papers, you show me yours." What about HIV? From what I recall, that doesn't necessarily show up on early-testing. I thought that could lay dormant for months to years before tests positive.

So why?... Is it really worth the 10 minutes of raw pleasure? Is it the taboo?...the pushing of the envelope, in this hobby?

I'm really hoping we can have an open, honest conversation about this.

Alisha...xoxo Originally Posted by Alisha1972
So you think Alisha's question was off-topic? Originally Posted by 78704
Thread title "BBFS Condomnation"

Alicia asks the folks that partake in this practice to "educate us" and gives her view(s) on the issue at hand. She also asks (I think, because this is a subject that has been discussed, posted about, and debated muchly with some degree of emotion) that we have an "serious (and intellectual) conversation on this topic" and she states that she hopes that "we can have an open, honest conversation about this."

In my opinion the bulk of what she says is on the subject matter contained in the OP's post.

If you read the bulk of the posts regarding this topic, most posters state that they are against this practice, but they acknowledge that it occurs more than anyone wants to admit. We never seem to hear from the "pro" side of this discussion. It seemed to me that Alisha was asking to hear from the other side and was encouraging all of us to respect the rights of those that engage in BBFS to state their opinions and rational, hence the hope for "open and honest communication".

you have to assume all risks before jumping in for a swim,

if you are so worried then dont do it, like ATX says, its there and not going away,
Simply Alisha's Avatar
Thread title "BBFS Condomnation"

Alicia asks the folks that partake in this practice to "educate us" and gives her view(s) on the issue at hand. She also asks (I think, because this is a subject that has been discussed, posted about, and debated muchly with some degree of emotion) that we have an "serious (and intellectual) conversation on this topic" and she states that she hopes that "we can have an open, honest conversation about this."

In my opinion the bulk of what she says is on the subject matter contained in the OP's post.

If you read the bulk of the posts regarding this topic, most posters state that they are against this practice, but they acknowledge that it occurs more than anyone wants to admit. We never seem to hear from the "pro" side of this discussion. It seemed to me that Alisha was asking to hear from the other side and was encouraging all of us to respect the rights of those that engage in BBFS to state their opinions and rational, hence the hope for "open and honest communication".

AustinModStaff Originally Posted by Spacemtn
Thank you Spacemtn!

I didn't post with concern of having perfect spelling, grammar, etc. I'm sorry, it isn't a priority of mine to type my posts up in Microsoft, just to please other posters. Everyone got the basic jist, obviously.

Spacemtn got the exact point behind my post. We spend so much time slinging mud, naming names, and calling people out on the carpet about stuff. I just figured this might just be something we can have an open and civil conversation, for once.

I am NOT nieve to believe bbfs hasn't been around since the dawn of time. Nor am I nieve enough to believe my opinion is going to sway another provider/hobbyist's desire to partake in the service.

As a female, I don't really enjoy CID. Haven't for a long time. Hence, I have no desire to go bb.

And thank you to the gents who gave an honest answer about why they would go sans-condom, if they could. As a female, it doesn't feel any different for me. I can see where it does for a gent, tho.

I don't condone the service. I do feel it puts an unneccessary hazard out there. But, to each their own. All I can do is protect myself.

78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 07-22-2010, 09:56 AM
Thread title "BBFS Condomnation"

Alicia asks the folks that partake in this practice to "educate us" and gives her view(s) on the issue at hand. She also asks (I think, because this is a subject that has been discussed, posted about, and debated muchly with some degree of emotion) that we have an "serious (and intellectual) conversation on this topic" and she states that she hopes that "we can have an open, honest conversation about this."

No. She asked, "Why can't we, for once, have a serious (and intellectual) conversation about this topic?" Do you think that question is off-topic or not?

In my opinion the bulk of what she says is on the subject matter contained in the OP's post.

If you read the bulk of the posts regarding this topic, most posters state that they are against this practice, but they acknowledge that it occurs more than anyone wants to admit. We never seem to hear from the "pro" side of this discussion. It seemed to me that Alisha was asking to hear from the other side and was encouraging all of us to respect the rights of those that engage in BBFS to state their opinions and rational, hence the hope for "open and honest communication".

AustinModStaff Originally Posted by Spacemtn
Interesting interpretation. I'd say the bareback argument would go thusly: it's not as dangerous for the males as it's commonly portrayed as, it doesn't significantly increase the risks for covered clients, and while it does increase risk for the provider, she accepts it. Parenthetically,
ANONONE's Avatar
I have said my piece on this issue in other threads. I like Alisha's questions, even if they could have gone through the grammar spin cycle a few times, they were more coherent than many other postings on ECCIE.

I am willing to be open-minded. Please, if you are a active proponent BBFS, please do present your case for why this is such a great menu item for the hobby.

Even if you are not a practitioner of BBFS, but would like to play devil's advocate, please provide a rationale, beyond "it feels good," for why this activity should be embraced with open arms by our community.

Parenthetically, Originally Posted by 78704
Now that is a nice start on a rational discussion. Thanks for backing up the "less dangerous" comment with some science.

. . .of course I think I will wait for them to actually pass a few clinical trials before I will buy their prediction that these new antibodies are 91% effective.
Now we are back on track!!


Yes, I know I misspelled "grammar"!!!
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
I know there is a fiery lady just dying to post in this thread....

But seriously, nobody who partakes in this activity, except maybe Blue Max, is going to admit it in co-ed.

I have been given the rational from a practitioner. She likes the feel of skin on skin and reserves it for a group of gents she feels are low risk.

And to all who don't think you can get a disease from bbbj, you're wrong. I know of one provider who got ghonnoreah of the throat, and according to local health professionals, it's far more common then you would imagine. Also, years ago a boy got HIV from sharing his toothbrush with his HIV + brother. Yes, this is highly unlikely. In this case, they both had bleeding gums and one used the toothbrush immediately after the other. It's unlikely that you will contract it, but not impossible. That's why I don't do CIM -- minimizing, but still not eliminating a risk.

I typed this on my phone and I would appreciate it if 78704 didn't jump all over whatever spelling mistakes i may have made.
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 07-22-2010, 10:18 AM
I have been given the rational from a practitioner. She likes the feel of skin on skin and reserves it for a group of gents she feels are low risk.

And to all who don't think you can get a disease from bbbj, you're wrong. I know of one provider who got ghonnoreah of the throat, and according to local health professionals, it's far more common then you would imagine. Also, years ago a boy got HIV from sharing his toothbrush with his HIV + brother. Yes, this is highly unlikely. In this case, they both had bleeding gums and one used the toothbrush immediately after the other. It's unlikely that you will contract it, but not impossible. That's why I don't do CIM -- minimizing, but still not eliminating a risk.

I typed this on my phone and I would appreciate it if 78704 didn't jump all over whatever spelling mistakes i may have made. Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
Only three, spellchecker only would've caught one of them.

Fine, I'll shut up.
Spellchecker is for wimps!! I still do it the old fashioned way, I have a dictionary on my desk!!!!
AtxTexMex's Avatar

The first thought that comes to mind is who has been reading or sharing conversations they shouldn't?

BBBJ is becoming a scary thing?

Ummm?..... You mean as in the Scary Movie Franchise being True Horror Flicks?

I can't agree with ya on that..... Sorry Originally Posted by Whispers

I was thinking that very same thing about sharing conversations.

However I too dont support BBFS and if it leads to current providers going to CBJ's then I will be one sad puppy.
I do come from a medical background and sophia is right. That is why i am concerned about providing bbbj to risky, well, riskier people. I know that that is my issue to deal with. I also agree with what ebony jasime love said about "an ocean" and not a "pool". I am not trying to call anyone out, and I know I am not going to change behavior. I know the practice is not new and will continue.this isn't a panic from one ad. I would think,by now, it is common knowledge that this is happening more frequently lately. I don't want to argue about it and I don't care if people think I'm a bitch for being concerned about it! I want to know other peoples thoughts on this. I guess I am curious to know how people really feel about this. Like I stated before, I practice universal precaution so gfe doesn't bother me in comparison to the bbbj I could be providing to the "ocean of riskier" people. I didn't do my spell check or ms word eithier. Some of us use our phones. Feel free to correct my grammer or punctuaction 78704! You must be a professor. Punctuation just drives you crazy it seems!
As for are you guys talking about? The only conversation I heard is about the one my roomie had with a young girl who provides bbfs.
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 07-22-2010, 10:54 AM
Well, it answers Alisha's question, anyway; why can't we discuss this in a serious intellectual manner? Laziness, apathy, willful ignorance....
And several ads and reviews with bbfs and cid in them.
ANONONE's Avatar

However I too dont support BBFS and if it leads to current providers going to CBJ's then I will be one sad puppy. Originally Posted by AtxTexMex
That is a very good point. That alone should convince gents to police their own. If you don't care about safety of others, hopefully you will be concerned about profound fundamental changes to the hobby as we know it.

I can imagine ladies everywhere on ECCIE right now looking at the latest in flavored condoms, if this continues.