Bullshitting in moderation?

pyramider's Avatar
A bit touchy nowadays are we?.... Originally Posted by Hercules
They have been herding cats in Houston. And they ain't done yet.
I'm really confused here. But that dosen't take much
Guest091314's Avatar
Im with you ladies!
I believe the message is never prepay busy chicks with pimps unless you check id or carry a gun.
I think the thread starter is trying to point out the opposite

He is (from what i gather)..saying that the HOBBYIEST aren't stupid..and that providers attempting to bullshit their way thru their interaction with some hobbyiest should be done in moderation

thus the "bullshitting in moderation".. he is asking that you give the experienced hobbyiest a little credit that they in fact do NOT buy every damn thing some provider says as "fact".. and that bullshitting them is at times insulting their intelligence and should be done NOT SO OFTEN..

I hear where you are coming from.. the big no no of telling or possibly elluding to how many guys a girl is seeing in a day is a practice most guys wish girls still used.. that the guy ain't stupid..he knows that she is seeing more than one guy in a day.. especially if she is a touring girl..don't throw it in their face

good thread tho.. needs to be said more.. guys aren't stupid..they don't need the bullshit.. bullshit in moderation
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
I believe the message is never prepay busy chicks with pimps unless you check id or carry a gun. Originally Posted by monkmonk
at least you have a theory... i read the original post once and still have no fucking idea what it was about. seemed pretty useless so i didn't bother to read it again to try and figure it out.
Int3rested's Avatar
at least you have a theory... i read the original post once and still have no fucking idea what it was about. seemed pretty useless so i didn't bother to read it again to try and figure it out. Originally Posted by Juan Pablo de Marco

When I FIRST read it I thought he meant for us providers to not tell guys we are booked solid for the week when we are actually on our period because the thought of us being that busy was repulsive and would cause him to find a less busy provider...lol. I am still not sure that he did or didn't mean that.

Then I think it meant something about stop saying you have a gay black man watching your back when in fact you have a pimp. Because in TX you never know who is carrying a gun? Like the pimps in states without carry laws don't carry guns...lol Like the pimps in TX are really carrying legal with a permit? Ha!

But the bottom line, and I am sure of this, is that we should only bullshit in moderation!

***Marla puts on her schoolgirl outfit and sits next to Jules now to retake "provider 101"***
he is saying the PIMP is the one in danger because you never know who is carrying..because he says "do you really want your name on the news with this".. i.e the pimp gets blasted because the texas hobbyiest has a gun on him.. and the provider makes the news because she is involved
TonyStark's Avatar
***Marla puts on her schoolgirl outfit and sits next to Jules now to retake "provider 101"*** Originally Posted by Marla
Wow my plan worked.

Of course I won't be able to sleep tonight with that visual in my head!
mmcqtx's Avatar
Darn it Jules, back to Provider school for you! Originally Posted by TonyStark
I know a thread is in trouble when Tony is making the most sense! lol

Just curious, where does one apply to be Professor Emeritus at said stripper school? I have already paid for an advanced degree and done years of field work.
boardman's Avatar
They have been herding cats in Houston. And they ain't done yet. Originally Posted by pyramider
It never ends.....That's why they call it Cat Herding.
Pulling my seat next Marla and Jules. I need a refresher course.

Okay so I get what the OP said. Several of these types of threads have popped up lately. Just different titles.

Find another provider that does not bs you. We all don't.
Do not pre-pay
If your spidy sense goes off like a red alert alarm.....run.

Or I could be wrong and Im going to sit next to Jules and Marla...
Hercules's Avatar
But the bottom line, and I am sure of this, is that we should only bullshit in moderation! Originally Posted by Marla
See? Now was that so hard? Yes when the gals strategic bullshit goes overboard it can have the opposite effect.

Maybe if I add titties to a post you guys might actually READ the summabitch?......NAH!
I always wanna see titties. Are they big??