Interest in a good old Biloxi Meet and Greet, for shits and giggles

Actually , you made an accusation while hijacking a meet and greet thread, about me telling you to fuck off.
The only way I could have personally told you to fuck off and mean it is if you were in fact a certain current banned handle. WHICH I THINK YOU ARE. But the only way I personally would have told you would have been via text message when you took upon yourself to try to stick your dick in my business and of course I will tell you to fuck off. I dont like you
You gave information that could have been shared off the board (no relevance) or via Private message (see rules and regulations # 9).

Point blank, you have no place at my table with your negative ass retarded bullshit. Go find another thread to hijack or another to harrass
Now back to the discussion.

Gulf coast meet and greet in all seriousness.

Thinking of doing this Jan 9.
Send PM. Light screening is mandatory. The more the merrier!
tracerxxx's Avatar
Count me in love to see old and new friends....
Itd be good to see you old friend!
I'm in if I don't fall asleep after the ribs and boobs!
Ribs and boobs, boobs and ribs...then the Jim
JustaGuyinMS's Avatar
Wish I could be there, but I'm 7 hours away...sigh.

Ya'll have fun.

Ill be there sounds like fun.
Moonchild's Avatar
Just let me know where and I’ll be a voyeur and just watch from a distance
Vivian Gates's Avatar
Im in !
Moonchild, yay!
Cravinhead69's Avatar
If you do it on Jan. 9th, I'll be at work until 8:30 pm. If you all are still there around 9, I would be happy to join in.
I would really like to go to that!
Moonchild's Avatar
The 9th...not a good evening for me. I already have plans and can’t get out of it. So much for being a voyeur lol

You guys and gals have fun!!!
I had to decline the last one, but would be interested this time around!