Conservatives love him because he screams, whines and spreads lies. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
ive thought some about why I think trump has appeal

and yes he does have appeal... his supporters look past his bombastic style,
they forgive him any crudeness

his appeal is in his directness....and in the fact he brooks no political doesn't matter if he overstates some case he may be making or misuses a word in stating some claim, such as he did when he said our leaders are "stupid", when in fact our "leaders" are nefariously cunning and it is they who are the real liars not trump but they have been found out

the rhino republicans and retrogressives (progressives use the wrong word in describing themselves), the political class, the Washington elite and those in the upper west side of manhattan, all these people have something other than America to fall back on

they have their wealth and superior feelings and insulation from the basics of life, they have financial freedom and a worldliness has come over them and their children, they don't really need America, not the America that used to be taught in a civics class, or seen in a Norman Rockwell painting. they like their doorman and buy him a Christmas present (but just don't not tell me about your grandkids) and they like the special key to the elevator. their only fear is in their own death

Obama has his adulation and seeks praise from the world, not from americans, he has his money and his Hawaiian estate

but the guy in Kentucky or a West Virginia miner or someone living in rural Idaho or a west texas oil hand or some small town mayor or someone who grew up in middle america going to some small church and pledging allegiance in elementary school and holding high the flag at 4th of july parades, to these people, the America they dreamed about and loved and were taught was special, their America is important to them. that's what they have or had that held them together as one but their country is going, its being destroyed. so some gaff or crudeness of trump's, that doesn't matter one bit.

they don't care he gave money to the Clinton's or has changed some past view, they see his lack of political correctness and that he tells it like he feels

whether trump can ultimately accomplish anything doesn't matter right now either, for he's the one shot they see out there
gfejunkie's Avatar
Trump is a buffoon Originally Posted by shanm
Are you worth 10 billion?

Who's the real buffoon?
LexusLover's Avatar
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
She is hot!
Nobody needs to destroy Trump, he is a loose cannon and will do it himself. Conservatives love him because he screams, whines and spreads lies. He also keeps his lips pursed like he is ready to kiss your ass if you like him. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

Independent eehbuuurrs for communist Bernie Sanders...

  • shanm
  • 08-08-2015, 08:40 AM
Are you worth 10 billion?

Who's the real buffoon? Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Implying that someones net worth is directly related to how smart they are...only bfejunkie could come up with something like this.

Trump had a rich daddy, that was his first cornerstone. He's got good business sense, I'll give him that. But in no way does that mean he is smart. You can be a good business man just by having some influence and that crass personality that Trump has.

He is S-T-U-P-I-D. You can tell every time he opens his mouth.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-08-2015, 08:49 AM
Are you worth 10 billion?

Who's the real buffoon? Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Evidently you according to your metrics!
Independent eehbuuurrs for communist Bernie Sanders...

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Your family reunion photo whiffy?
  • DSK
  • 08-08-2015, 11:09 AM
She is hot! Originally Posted by LexusLover
She is very hot - I'm glad she is on the air and not some ugly bitch like Fauxcahontas.
  • DSK
  • 08-08-2015, 11:10 AM
jealously will get you nowhere jewboy.

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Waco, please tone it down. You are creating sympathy for that loser Assup.
Waco, please tone it down. You are creating sympathy for that loser Assup. Originally Posted by DSK
That is a pic of your head Jl, right?
lustylad's Avatar
the rhino republicans and retrogressives (progressives use the wrong word in describing themselves), the political class, the Washington elite and those in the upper west side of manhattan, all these people have something other than America to fall back on

they have their wealth and superior feelings and insulation from the basics of life, they have financial freedom and a worldliness has come over them and their children, they don't really need America, not the America that used to be taught in a civics class, or seen in a Norman Rockwell painting. they like their doorman and buy him a Christmas present (but just don't not tell me about your grandkids) and they like the special key to the elevator. their only fear is in their own death. Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

I get your point but I think you are over-stereotyping. A lot of those upper west siders live in doorman buildings that Trump erected. And where do you think Trump lives?

If you force me to choose between Donald Trump and Megyn Kelly, Trump is probably going to lose every time! The idea that Megyn set him up is preposterous. If you want softball questions go watch the democrats debate. Conservatives know how to grill each other. If you can't handle it then you can flake out.

I get your point but I think you are over-stereotyping. A lot of those upper west siders live in doorman buildings that Trump erected. And where do you think Trump lives?

If you force me to choose between Donald Trump and Megyn Kelly, Trump is probably going to lose every time! The idea that Megyn set him up is preposterous. If you want softball questions go watch the democrats debate. Conservatives know how to grill each other. If you can't handle it then you can flake out.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
if you understand my point, you would know the fact people are rich or have a doorman doesn't bother conservatives one bit.. that has nothing to do with my point

my post was my musings on why some people support trump regardless of some of his missteps or prior positions that would doom another type candidate

the discussion about the rich or the elites, of which everyone knows trump is a member, was merely to juxtapose the supporters of trump with other types, especially liberals who have no hope of ever understanding, and who may not have the same internalized and infused feeling and idolization of an America trump's supporters hold dear.

the appeal of trump or even some less gaff-prone similar no-nonsense type may escape some because they have other things they rely on was my point and their acculturation is perhaps different

the time is running short for a correction, so supporters overlook shortcomings

or at least that was my thought on the subject..and yes its a given, not all people are anything

as far as megan kelly, she is a glam girl wannabe who baited trump with her incorrect slanted questioning of him

all three of the moderators of that "debate" fell victim to their own perceived stardom at the event and to a large extent seemingly played it as they did with "tough" questions to display their "bona fides" to other media.

they preened and self congratulated themselves all night, they lost the fact they weren't supposed to be the stars
lustylad's Avatar
as far as megan kelly, she is a glam girl wannabe who baited trump with her incorrect slanted questioning of him

all three of the moderators of that "debate" fell victim to their own perceived stardom at the event and to a large extent seemingly played it as they did with "tough" questions to display their "bona fides" to other media.

they preened and self congratulated themselves all night, they lost the fact they weren't supposed to be the stars Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Well, it did remind me of the judges at a Trump Ms. Universe pageant when they panned the moderators smiling at the camera, lol... Megyn Kelly IS a glam girl, not a wannabe, but beneath the glam she is tough as nails and smarter than 90% of the posters here. I would rather see her asking the questions than Rosie O'Donnell. And who cares WHY they ask tough questions as long as they do? If a question is "slanted" or "incorrect" then it gives the candidate a perfect opportunity to expose the slant and make the questioner look bad. Ted Cruz is deft enough to do this. Trump isn't.

I also don't see how a question that simply asks a candidate to explain his own twitter feed can be called slanted.
Well, it did remind me of the judges at a Trump Ms. Universe pageant when they panned the moderators smiling at the camera, lol... Megyn Kelly IS a glam girl, not a wannabe, but beneath the glam she is tough as nails and smarter than 90% of the posters here. I would rather see her asking the questions than Rosie O'Donnell. And who cares WHY they ask tough questions as long as they do? If a question is "slanted" or "incorrect" then it gives the candidate a perfect opportunity to expose the slant and make the questioner look bad. Ted Cruz is deft enough to do this. Trump isn't.

I also don't see how a question that simply asks a candidate to explain his own twitter feed can be called slanted.
. Originally Posted by lustylad
Every type appeals to someone, the body and brains are alluring that's true enough

Listen to the mark levin clip iffy posted up above for the incorrectness of her questioning

Cruz is a world class debater, so it's no fair the comparison. Trump is trump , his skill lies elsewhere, he sees red when it's red