
sue_nami's Avatar
hahaha sorry I have not been on here today to answer, I was busy answering the phone and seeing clients. one thing about this tactic, it does work. Gotta love free enterprise. thanks fellas
sue_nami's Avatar
and SL, thanks man for posting links to all my old ads, I appreciate the effort and glad you're keeping an eye on such important things as my ads on eccie. good job.
Pretty sure I have seen mods note on more than one occasion that threADs in coed are tolerated...aka fine.

I mean, if they weren't, there probably wouldn't be a coed.
Can I ask a question sue?

Why are you obsessed with the whole fucking a dude in the ass?

Also, why are you only a "Top"? Why would you not want to be fucked but do things other providers would never dream of doing?

Asking for David Doucheherst.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar

Don't be putting werds in mah mouf! Ah ain't inta gittin rump-wrangled!

Butt, Ah ackshully enjoy'dt mah colon-osk-oh-pee. Tha seddytifs they give ya ta put thet periscope up yer pooper are purdy ah-mazin'.
Treetop78759's Avatar
Fucking guys up the ass… we get it! You do that. You like it! As do some guys! A desperate ThreAD. That’s all you post about. Nothing new here.

curious about the backside? come to the darkside, we have cookies

let's raise the bar for your kinkiest experience

curious about the backside? come to the darkside, we have cookies

Strap Om Gang Bang

Forbidden Zone

Does this one look familiar?It should you posted it! You got all your answers as did the rest of us.


Question threADs?

so any topic I make is deemed a threAD by some. what constitutes a threAD? I think if we make topics for group discussion about hobbying in coed that others discuss and participate in then it is not an ad but a topic to talk about as a community. Please define for me, what makes a post an ad? Is this an ad? How can this be an ad if I am not soliciting business from it? I do not work Sunday? I am not booking now, I have not mentioned my sexual specialties, nor hours, location? Is my mere presence in coed at all an ad? I often make topics we can all discuss and it is not an ad to ask this gang questions to open discussions in coed. Again while quite legal here, to me a ThreAD would be a thinly disguised thread posted to simply advertise service and not something like this which is posted to engage in conversations and maybe learn something or spread info to new folks. as we know threADs are legal here but THIS IS NOT ONE. what defines a ThreADS for you? do they even bug u in the first place? Lately it seems that no women are allowed to post in coed because a small handful of control freaks do not want older or bbw or anyone not on the approved list of acceptable providers to post in coed. Even if you guys do not want to see me as a client, I'll bet most of you are not bugged by topics that create a group discussion. I bet most of you want more women to participate and contribute to coed even if they are not on your menu. Austin coed has become just about 5-6 guys duking it out with zero women in here because of the toxic environment. So, is that what the bulk of us want in coed, just 6 guys arguing about god knows what any more?
A simple proposal, let's get back to coed as a place for both sexes to hang out and talk and have fun. Recently, the continual meltdowns and spamming of coed makes it unusable and not fun for any one, male or female. so guys how bugged are you by threADS? by BBWs participating in coed? by women who are not on your menu making topics? can u scroll past posts that do not interest you or are u one of the ones who need to poopoo on everyone who is not on the cool kids list? what is YOUR take on the mess that is coed lately? let's actually talk about issues that matter and not just wade thru the BS that coed has become.

Like Forest Gumps mamma use to say "desperate is as desperate does!" Originally Posted by Still Looking
Welcome back Dad! Tell grandpa we miss him too.

Especially me. I need you two to help take all of this hate off me.
Treetop78759's Avatar
hahaha sorry I have not been on here today to answer, I was busy answering the phone and seeing clients. one thing about this tactic, it does work. Gotta love free enterprise. thanks fellas Originally Posted by sue_nami
You approach is very creative. I'm surprised more of the gals don't do it as well.

Thats right. Silly me. I forgot that they would rather bitch about it.

Cheers and be safe.
Still Looking's Avatar
and SL, thanks man for posting links to all my old ads, I appreciate the effort and glad you're keeping an eye on such important things as my ads on eccie. good job. Originally Posted by sue_nami
Yeah you and your other old hooker buddies can play stupid. And I admit you guys do a great job. When slapped in the face with proof / facts you run away. You and your buddies post in Coed to get noticed and hope to get business. ThreADS. You act like you don't but we all know the truth.

You were busy lmfao At least Lioness had the balls to be honest.
Still Looking's Avatar
and SL, thanks man for posting links to all my old ads, I appreciate the effort and glad you're keeping an eye on such important things as my ads on eccie. good job. Originally Posted by sue_nami
Those were NOT just ADS. They were also COED repetitive posts. In short ThreADS... trying to get noticed.

Don't be putting werds in mah mouf! Ah ain't inta gittin rump-wrangled!

Butt, Ah ackshully enjoy'dt mah colon-osk-oh-pee. Tha seddytifs they give ya ta put thet periscope up yer pooper are purdy ah-mazin'. Originally Posted by David.Douchehurst

Yes sir Double D, I assumed you would be curious. Sorry
sue_nami's Avatar
Can I ask a question sue?

Why are you obsessed with the whole fucking a dude in the ass?

Also, why are you only a "Top"? Why would you not want to be fucked but do things other providers would never dream of doing?

Asking for David Doucheherst. Originally Posted by Kickrocks
I am only a top at work. I enjoy all the other stuff in my personal life. I had never even pegged a guy before I joined eccie. It is what the market needed, there was a dearth in the market for compassionate mature woman who would do things their wives will not. truthfully i was all into pegging women only before this. me and my guy working as team to please another woman, that is my thing. In the real world I love dick best but I like it flavored with squirt juice. however once i started here i found almost every single guy who came to see me wanted prostate play. if u look closely at my history here, you'd see I did not even peg, offer prostate massage or do other stuff I offer now the first year and half. Simply put, the market demanded it of me. now i love it. my exact real fetish is taking men and women to place they have never been sexually before. I like breaking in newbies to the joys of new things. thus i specialize in teaching women to squirt and teaching men to enjoy prostate fun. I adore hearing a man or woman saying damn, i never felt like that before and I love it. I am into mentoring folks to a higher plane of sexual response and enjoyment. I have taught hundreds of women to squirt in my prior hobby of swinging. once i started here i transferred that love to a new angle of fun. In my personal life I love to share my man with another woman and to help them reach a higher level of pleasure by "fluffing" and supporting both of them. however that is my hobby, not my occupation. I prefer to save intercourse, DFK and DATY for my own fun and hold it back here, I have never done FS or DATY professionally and I never will. look at 57, i am damn lucky to have my libido and love of sex intact and functioning, unlike many of your wives. I know what I can do to make that stay accurate and that is to be true to myself. I love what I do here. I have no shame. I love making new friends, showing guys a new way to enjoy themselves and as an added bonus, I do not ever have to fake it or be bored or get to the point where i hate this job. I wake up excited to do this and feel lucky i found something I enjoy and excel at. I am sorry for u fellas who do not enjoy what i offer but why must you put down the guys who do enjoy it? let the folks who like it find me and do not ridicule them for their curiosity and desires. I am good at it. The guys like it. I am a kind, sensual , compassionate top and i have done this now for 5 years. if i was not in demand and good at it i would be long gone. there is a need for my services and I like being the best. if something is not for you, then move along and let the other guys enjoy what they want. why must the naysayers put down what they do not understand? live and let live. I really skilled at this. I am not going away. I have well over 100 yes reviews that prove my point. there is a demand and I am the solution to many men's problems. Look guys, if your wife won't do it, check me out. that's why we are all here. stop being a bully and being hateful to guys who like this. i when i tell you it is ubiquitous and most all guys like it once they get older, you grow into it. if u are not there yet, so be it, but most guys like it eventually. stop being so conservative and worrying about others like behind closed doors. we all like what we like and there is no shame in exploring your desires with a kind, skilled, experienced, mature woman to help guide you. I hope now you all can understand where I am coming from, a position of love, joy, compassion and good hot nasty fun.
sue_nami's Avatar
and of course, i do offer regular fbsm L2 and fetish play that does NOT involve your ass at all too. prostate play is an OPTION with me. no one has to do anything they are not into. I am all about consent, and mutual agreement on where the sessions will end up. i never ever sneak up on anyone or do anything not discussed in advance. lots of guys just want to lay there and enjoy a good massage and simple cock and ball worship finish wth no ass play in the mix at all. prostate play is one of many options of joy I offer. bottom line, I do what you want me to do to you, not what I want to do to you. I am pleaser, a teacher, a coach and mentor. you pick what role I will play with you.
sue_nami's Avatar
any other questions from the peanut gallery?
any other questions from the peanut gallery? Originally Posted by sue_nami

No need to be catty. Just curious.

Plus it gave you an opportunity to do more self promotion.
Still Looking's Avatar
No need to be catty. Just curious.

Plus it gave you an opportunity to do more self promotion. Originally Posted by Kickrocks
Yes it did because the AD guidelines are just not enough for the older desperate hookers. By her own admission.