Only Fools thought this was about

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Not surprising that the material quoted would be flagged by the ADL.

Don’t need the ADL to tell you who regularly posts hate speech and racist trope to this site.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Not surprising that the material quoted would be flagged by the ADL.

Don’t need the ADL to tell you who regularly posts hate speech and racist trope to this site. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Cogratulations! You have won the coveted Stump the Chump award, as I have no earthly or even extraterrestrial inkling of what being, Pro or Anti, Jewish has to do with pissing hundreds of Billions of Dollars down a hole to one of the most corrupt nations on the planet, which we are leveraging as our own proxy war with Muh Russia, Russia, Russia.
txdot-guy's Avatar
What do you call Putin-loving MAGAs? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
  • Tiny
  • 05-17-2024, 08:03 PM
saving Ukraine from those evil Russians...

Where'd the 100 BILLION go? Democrat & Republican leadership pockets...

But you keep on telling us how we just need to send another 100 Billion and the Ukrainians will throw those Russians out and secure the blessings of liberty for themsleves just like we got now!

lol.... Originally Posted by texassapper
What chaps me is that the Biden administration should have used those billions to engineer a settlement, instead of giving the Ukrainians carte blanche to do what they wanted. From around the end of 2022 to the fall of 2023, Ukraine was in a great negotiating position, and Putin, if you believed him, was disposed to negotiate. The Ukrainians however weren't interested in talking to Russia until they retook the Donbas and Crimea. What a pipedream! Russia's a huge military and economic power compared to Ukraine. It has the largest nuclear arsenal in the world. Russia is not going to lose this war. Any contributions from the USA should have come with strings attached -- negotiate a settlement.

I fool and I don't think. Originally Posted by Ripmany
Fools don't know how to size electric motors.
Fascists? Originally Posted by txdot-guy
The Fascist are, by definition, the members of Government and their partners in the US munitions manufacturing industry who are making billions in weapons sales, courtesy of the US Taxpayer.

There are always those who reap huge profits during wars, whether we are actually fighting it, or using a Proxy.
txdot-guy's Avatar
The Fascist are, by definition, the members of Government and their partners in the US munitions manufacturing industry who are making billions in weapons sales, courtesy of the US Taxpayer.

There are always those who reap huge profits during wars, whether we are actually fighting it, or using a Proxy. Originally Posted by Jackie S
It’s called War Profiteering.

You can be a Fascist and a war profiteer or a liberal and a war profiteer. One doesn’t have to do with the other.

Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and/or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.

I’m not sure the MAGA movement is quite there yet but IMO they are pretty damn close.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Cogratulations! You have won the coveted Stump the Chump award, as I have no earthly or even extraterrestrial inkling of what being, Pro or Anti, Jewish has to do with pissing hundreds of Billions of Dollars down a hole to one of the most corrupt nations on the planet, which we are leveraging as our own proxy war with Muh Russia, Russia, Russia. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
So I did a bit of recon and turns out you may well be correct-ish. Turn outs that US Tax Dollar money pit is still infested with Nazis and O'Biden's Secretary of State seems to be good wid dat.
Secretary of State Blinken eats dinner at Ukraine pizza joint with… interesting decorations…

Blinken’s sudden and surprise trip to Ukraine got off to a rocky start. It turns out, much to his dismay, that officials in Ukraine have been pocketing our tax dollars—funds meant for their defense—while cities fall to Russia. That’s right, you’re in a country with its own border issues, paying 23 bucks for a pack of chicken, just so your hard-earned tax dollars can go to securing Ukraine’s borders and lining the pockets of their elites.

Blinken also caught a lot of flak for “rocking out” in a so-called “war zone.” The budding musician jammed “Rockin’ in the Free World” in a country that canceled its elections—a move Blinken embraced...

...But believe it or not, things got even worse for Tony. The US Secretary of State popped into a pizza joint for a cozy dinner, only to find out he was breaking bread with a war criminal in a restaurant plastered with Nazi symbols and prideful references to the Odessa Trade Union Massacre, which took place in 2014...
...On May 2, 2014, heavily-armed fascist militia forces attacked the House of Trade Unions in Odessa, Ukraine. Trapped inside were demonstrators opposed to the right-wing government in Kiev that had been put in place in a U.S.-orchestrated coup just weeks earlier.

The new government had been established in the wake of the February 2014 “Euromaidan” protests that overthrew the corrupt albeit democratically-elected administration of President Viktor Yanukovych. Trying to play Russia and the EU off one another to get the best economic deal for Ukraine when he was in charge, Yanukovych became the target of Western-backed business interests in Ukraine and ultra-nationalist groups. The latter joined together, with U.S. support, to carry out a coup and sent Yanukovych running for Moscow.

In the wake of that coup, labor unions and left-wing parties were severely repressed in Ukraine, and activists of the Communist Party of Ukraine and other groups were forced underground. Across the country, a campaign of ethnic erasure was launched against Russian-speaking Ukrainians, with the Russian language being banned from public life.

In the mostly Russian regions of eastern Ukraine, a violent war ensued between the Kiev government and separatists. By the end of 2021, it had taken over 15,000 lives. Commanders from openly neo-Nazi and fascist groups like the Azov Battalion were integrated to become brigades of the official Ukrainian Armed Forces and given free rein in the Donbass.

So, by the time that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered his military to invade Ukraine in February 2022, war had already been raging for years in eastern Ukraine. Chances for peace—both before and after the invasion—were repeatedly scuttled, often at the insistence of Kiev’s allies in Washington.

The Odessa trade union massacre was one of the earliest of many atrocities committed in the war in Ukraine. The Right Sector militia celebrated the mass murder that happened that day, calling it “yet another bright page in our fatherland’s history.” None of the perpetrators were ever brought to justice, and some of the massacre’s coordinators even ended up as members of parliament...
Little backgrounder on: Tony goes for pizza

If ya could just return that Major Award in the original packaging, that would be great. Better luck next time.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Another nutball video used as reference for an argument.

Why do you even do it when you know it's bullshit to begin with?
texassapper's Avatar
Any contributions from the USA should have come with strings attached Originally Posted by Tiny
How would the Bidens keep the money laundering machine going with a peace settlement?

You are woefully ignorant of what's going on over there if you think the US was ever interested in peace.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Seems the O'Biden is playing it fast and loose by funding both sides of the war with our tax dollars to Russia now a days. He spent a tad over $100 Billion for a base in Niger which is now occupied by the Russians and it seems as though we're just giving away Abrams A1 tanks to them these days. Though a few might have gotten mangled in the transfer.

I wonder if he still gets his typical 10% these says or if he settled for 5%.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Another nutball video used as reference for an argument.

Why do you even do it when you know it's bullshit to begin with? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Checking my Gibberish to English translator...

O I C, you have no facts that you can dispute. Better luck next time. But you can still keep the Major Award table lamp.
  • Tiny
  • 05-18-2024, 10:27 PM
How would the Bidens keep the money laundering machine going with a peace settlement? Originally Posted by texassapper
What evidence is there for that? Remember Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of Burisma and Hunter Biden's ex sugar daddy, who Joe Biden is purportedly working for? He's a pro Russia politician. And last I heard, he's on the run from the Ukrainian government, which wants to lock him up. He'd probably like to see Russia win the war. And Joe Biden is not on Russia's side in this.

You are woefully ignorant of what's going on over there if you think the US was ever interested in peace. Originally Posted by texassapper
I have a pretty good idea of what's going on. The neocons like Lindsey Graham and Joe Biden think the cold war never ended. They're only too happy to pump money into the war to keep Russia tied up, and would prefer to fight to the last Ukrainian rather than see a peaceful settlement. The military and defense contractors are happy to go along. The U.S. aid to Ukraine is not a conspiracy on the part of the U.S. government to launder money or extract pay offs for the Biden's.

Why do you believe pumping tens of billions of American taxpayers' dollars into Israel, a wealthy country, makes sense while sending money Ukraine's way does not?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What evidence is there for that? Remember Mykola Zlochevsky, the owner of Burisma and Hunter Biden's ex sugar daddy, who Joe Biden is purportedly working for? He's a pro Russia politician. And last I heard, he's on the run from the Ukrainian government, which wants to lock him up. He'd probably like to see Russia win the war. And Joe Biden is not on Russia's side in this.

I have a pretty good idea of what's going on. The neocons like Lindsey Graham and Joe Biden think the cold war never ended. They're only too happy to pump money into the war to keep Russia tied up, and would prefer to fight to the last Ukrainian rather than see a peaceful settlement. The military and defense contractors are happy to go along. The U.S. aid is not a conspiracy to launder money or extract money for the Biden's.

Why do you believe pumping tens of billions into Israel, a wealthy country, makes sense while sending money Ukraine's way does not? Originally Posted by Tiny
You need to ask?

texassapper's Avatar
Why do you believe pumping tens of billions of American taxpayers' dollars into Israel, a wealthy country, makes sense while sending money Ukraine's way does not? Originally Posted by Tiny
Where did I ever write that I support sending 10s of billions of dollars to Israel?
Michael8219's Avatar
Remember when FJoeBiden said he told Ukraine to fire Shokin, the guy investigating Burisma for corruption or else he would withold $1Billin of funds?
[*]A top U.S. official in Kyiv blamed Hunter Biden for undercutting U.S. anticorruption policy in Ukraine through his dealings with Burisma. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do