Again, you whine away about the GOP and Obama's opposition.

The poll is about Obama's failures not the GOPs................why are you jabbering about Congress and those who didn't vote for Obama ?

The poll, prepared by 2 polling firms from both sides of the spectrum = OBAMA ADMINISTRATION LESS COMPETENT THAN BUSH OR CLINTON, OBAMA HAS WEAKENED AMERICA !

Again, feel free to post the poll results that show America trending Obama ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Fox News poll asshat. Don't know how many ways to say it.
Obama has been told by his far left billionaire supporters to block Keystone, Shut Gitmo, Kill the Coal Industry, and Approve Amnesty.....otherwise they aren't going to kick in funding for his presidential library.

It is explains why he is willing to do all this by Execute Orders; without seeking approval even from his own party.

Obama is selling us out !

Fox News poll asshat. Don't know how many ways to say it. Originally Posted by timpage
Munchmasterman's Avatar
[QUOTE=Whirlaway;1055400864]If there has been any repeating the lie again and again; it is from the mainstream media who has been shielding Obama for 5 years................

Apparently, it ain't working any longer; the good folks are figuring it out that the Emperor Hasn't Any Clothes !

But of course you think they are mostly stupid rubes ! You are a sorry sort MunchMouth.

A poll from 3 years ago ? You really are a pathic dupe for all things Obama. And you have to admit it; Obama's failed policies make ordinary Americans question if he was born here - war on the middle class, destruction of healthcare, systemic unemployment, IRS as a weapon against his opponents, NSA snooping, open border policies, unconstitutional executive actions, a DOJ that ignores the rule of law, negotiating with terrorists, constant lying to the public, and so forth. Continuing previous administration policies calls into question where a president was born?
All I'll admit is that you are obviously still one of the 25% of mouth breathers. One of the most moronic, the most uneducated, the most closed minded group of Americans to have existed in over 200 years. We all can see the elephant in the room. And he is one racist motherfucker.
Go ahead and claim that racism has nothing to do with it. You know, another example of a lie repeated over and over. One straight from the 25%'s mouths.[/QUOTE]

Nice dodge. I gave an example of a lie over and over. From your sinking ship you scream, "If there has been any repeating the lie again and again; it is from the mainstream media who has been shielding Obama for 5 years" And of course no proven example of a repeated lie by main stream media or White House that is accepted as fact by 25% of Americans.
What's the lie ?

Feel free to dispute the polling data............or if you have a poll indicating Obama isn't viewed as incompetent and weakening America, please post ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
So you have a recent poll refuting mine? Or the number of mine over a multi year period? Of course not.

My example covers the type of claim you made and uses the same poll questions for years.

You have one Fox poll. One FOX poll.

So as usual, you fall apart under close examination and are revealed as a 25% douche-bag.

Trying to justify the birther position. What an asshole.
I don't need a poll to convince me that this administration has done absolutely nothing to strengthen this country economically, militarily and internationally. When it's all over Obama will have carved his initials into the back of America and we'll live with the scars for ever.

Further evidence that you are either a liar or delusional to the point of needing medication. Where would that "middle" be that the Republicans were willing to meet at? Oh, yeah....the "Repeal the ACA" or we will all act like whiney-ass bitches for the next two years middle? Amazing that the dems didn't jump right on that offer, isn't it? Even more amazing is how the conservabots have gone completely silent on that issue for the last six months right after they finally realized it was a loser for them. What happened to all your posts about de-funding the ACA and the infinite wisdom of that position? I haven't heard one peep out of you about that....Oh, you realized it was a stupid fucking idea and politically damaging position for you to take and you finally shut your fucking piehole about it? Yeah, that's what I thought.

Screw you and your middle. There is no middle with you people. Your stated policy is "no agreements, no compromise, our way or no deal." Eventually, you will figure out that you can't govern that way.....our system isn't designed for it. Originally Posted by timpage

try to stay focused little timimie obamaton. It's your guy who won't compromise. That's why the Taliban Dream Team is free. BTW, bin Laden and Hussein started those wars. Never forget that.
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I don't need a poll to convince me that this administration has done absolutely nothing to strengthen this country economically, militarily and internationally. When it's all over Obama will have carved his initials into the back of America and we'll live with the scars for ever.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
The stock market is at an all time high (or there abouts).

Only one refute needed to topple your tripod.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
See douche-bag? You have no specific example under any given "lie".

Is the media lying about our economy?

Is the White House lying about our economy?

The economy can be measured in real numbers. The media and the White House have no control over the reporting of those numbers.

I'm not going to say I'm sorry America isn't falling apart like you want. I'm sorry you're here to see it do what America has always done. Come back.

You project your programing on to the rest of the country. You shill for Fox and either don't realize it or don't care. You don't acknowledge it.

Just like Fox will never acknowledge you.
The stock market is at an all time high (or there abouts).

Only one refute needed to topple your tripod. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
A small spike in the stock market is not the only indicator of economic recovery. Our economy has a little ways to go yet before we can label it in recovery.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Since when are polling firms registered as (D) or (R)? These are Fox News polling results shit-for-brains.

It just absolutely slays me that you will come on here and talk about Obama zombies etc while you dutifully recite the Fox news mantra (like a a little schoolboy) in your posts as if it makes it the gospel truth. Fair and balanced my fucking ass...... Originally Posted by timpage
Timmie didn't look did he? No matter how much you talk, no matter how much you screech or bitch, no matter how many posts you are still an idiot and we know it. Understand Timmie, we know you're an idiot. Everytime you want to say anything we will always start out on the premise that you are an idiot.
Spoken by a true idiot..Thanks JD .
The stock market is at an all time high (or there abouts).

Only one refute needed to topple your tripod. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Irrelevant. So it's a little bit better than at its peak under GWB because of record low interest rates?

While a record number of people are on food stamps and the labor participation rate is at a multigenerational low and the national debt is at an all time high.

Try to stay focused. We just traded the Taliban Dream Team to wreck havoc on the remaining US Soldiers and Afghanis in a lame distraction for Obama to shut down Gitmo - which no one but his most base Democrats want closed.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-06-2014, 07:45 AM
I don't need a poll to convince me that this administration has done absolutely nothing to strengthen this country economically, militarily and internationally. When it's all over Obama will have carved his initials into the back of America and we'll live with the scars for ever.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin

Unfortunately you are correct in many ways. And it is also true that the republican House has done absolutely nothing either. In fact, for the most part, the two Wacko fringes have kept almost any positive movement from happening. The first question asked in DC for the past decade+ is no longer "What is good for the country?", it isn't even "What might win us votes?", if has degenerated into "Will this proposal make THEM look good? If so we must oppose and stop it!" If you don't understand this basic shift in the power politics then you have not spent any significant time in DC. It is a pervasive sickness that right now engulfs both parties.

Until both parties throw out the Wackos it won't change much. And whichever party throws out the nuts first will likely reap big rewards. The marketing axiom of the two ice cream stands on the beach is still true, but the basic problem is the primary system--or more correctly that the Wackos have generally been in control of the primaries because zealots vote in them, most normal people do not. By the time we get to the general elections there is no decent choice in too many cases. The primaries tend to look like the demographics of this board, and there is no way to argue the demographics here are remotely normal.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar

Unfortunately you are correct in many ways. And it is also true that the republican House has done absolutely nothing either. In fact, for the most part, the two Wacko fringes have kept almost any positive movement from happening. The first question asked in DC for the past decade+ is no longer "What is good for the country?", it isn't even "What might win us votes?", if has degenerated into "Will this proposal make THEM look good? If so we must oppose and stop it!" If you don't understand this basic shift in the power politics then you have not spent any significant time in DC. It is a pervasive sickness that right now engulfs both parties.

Until both parties throw out the Wackos it won't change much. And whichever party throws out the nuts first will likely reap big rewards. The marketing axiom of the two ice cream stands on the beach is still true, but the basic problem is the primary system--or more correctly that the Wackos have generally been in control of the primaries because zealots vote in them, most normal people do not. By the time we get to the general elections there is no decent choice in too many cases. The primaries tend to look like the demographics of this board, and there is no way to argue the demographics here are remotely normal.
Originally Posted by Old-T
Good analysis. I always vote in the primaries..LOL.