15 States Sueing Biden/Harris Administration

15 States are Sueing the Biden/Harris Administration for allowing noncitizens to enroll in Obamacare. This is the reason why there are so many undocumented immigrants. There is no incentive to become citizens they still receive all the benefits a legal citizen receives.

https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/15...f9b19d03&ei=30 Originally Posted by Levianon17
That is a dog and pony show. Your narrative is nothing less than a lie. By definition. You must be either a citizen or lawfully present in the United States to enroll. Undocumented immigrants receive absolutely nothing from the federal government. They contribute 5-20 times more to local state and federal treasury than they ever receive. Unlike the huge majority of GOP constituents. They get emergency room healthcare just like me a white guy with no insurance and there is some tiny little wedge of Social Security that less than .01% of them are eligible for. It amounts to $75 million per year.
The only programs they receive our either from states, municipalities or non-for profit, like a church.
Also, as a demographic, undocumented immigrants are far less likely to commit crime and even less likely to commit violent crime than natural born citizens. They have lifted many metropolitan areas out of poverty. Becoming the least amount of vacant homes, highest employment and the true economic driver of entire regions.
If you're going to discuss policy the least you could do is understand the policy before bringing it up. I find that to be intentionally disingenuous. Not cool.

Unlike red states, which all receive more than they contribute. So in truth, undocumented immigrants are subsidizing red states.

To get down to the really nitty-gritty, immigration is not on the list of things contributing to our Third World shit hole status. It is a political football to keep us from discussing the real issue. The corporate rape of planetary resources and our federal treasury. If you are worried about money going to anyone but the proletariat, it should be corporations. Every taxpayer in America is liable for $8000 per person per year to corporations and $37 to our fellow citizens.

Stupid white guys on the other hand are definitely in the top three. Hell, they are the top three. JUST STOP!
No, these are non-citizens that will get free health care and guess who will be paying for it. Yeah, these states are nipping this bullshit in the bud. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Only citizens and legal residents can enroll in Obamacare. Take your disingenuous bullshit elsewhere. I shall not stand for it. Speaking of not paying for it, I'm sick and tired of subsidizing red states. Every single of them receive more than they contribute.
But you're perfectly OK with subsidizing billion dollar per quarter profit planet raping corporations? That is where the treasury is going.

You are gladly playing political football in the front yard while the donor class walked out the back door with the treasury.

Seriously, you don't understand what you are referencing and it's a terrible optic.

But hey, don't let truth contradict your narrative.
No, I am afraid non-citizens do exist in just about every state. America has given them great incentives to leave their home countries and come here at the expense of American taxpayer. What we have worked hard for all our lives they get for just showing up. Originally Posted by Levianon17
The only incentive we have given them is an unlivable society created by our drug and gun policies. Your replies should be removed. They are completely incorrect. Dwelling entirely in the alt fact universe. How very American of you.....
Also, we never want to miss an opportunity to go after these damn DCA people. Many of whom pay taxes, etc. Fuck em all! Compassion and fairness just plain costs too much.

And it is much more fun to exaggerate issues like this, keep the flames of hate going.

Changing their status does not automatically mean they get health care paid for or subsidized. It would still be needs based. This is dumb. Originally Posted by BillysEatinIt

His claims, in their entirety are absolutely incorrect. Must be a citizen or a legal resident to enroll in the program. Certainly as hell is not free. They are obviously a GOP voter. Probably in a red state. Which every single one of them receive more from the federal treasury then they contribute. Unlike undocumented immigrants who do the opposite. He's getting subsidized by them, proudly ignorant of the dynamics.

Most people here illegally flew on a plane and overstayed their visa.

Also, immigration across the southern border is an easy fix. End prohibition end implement a background check for every gun sold in America. It's private or not. Those are the two policies creating unlivable societies in which these people are immigrating from. We are victims of our own spin golly.

If you want to use the term "victim" for something that is doing nothing but benefit our society.

The entire traffic is a political football. Immigration isn't on the list of things contributing to our shit hole status.

Thank you for calling BS
Just look at the states that initiated the lawsuit: "Besides Kansas and North Dakota, the other states involved in the lawsuit are Alabama, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Ohio, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, and Virginia."

Without looking it up, I'm willing to bet most of those states are essentially federal welfare states. They take in more to keep afloat than they produce in taxes. Most of the DACA residents probably don't even live there. All for show.

Bear in mind that the OP of the thread doesn't believe the moon is solid, and goes on about a global Zionist conspiracy running everything. We can safely ignore this if he thinks it's a big deal. Originally Posted by TechPapi
Nailed it! Every single red state receives more from the federal treasury that they contribute. Given that, blue states and undocumented migrants subsidize them and their genetically deficient masses
Cute little article. Right now, immigration is a zero-sum game. There's winners and losers and unfortunately the losers are the American people. Maybe one day the Politicians in this country will get their shit together and come up with a system that will actually work for both immigrant and the citizens of this country. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Your narrative and that citation are completely incorrect. All of it. Not worth parsing. Ignorant Americans are the one that need to "get their shit together." We live in a Third World outhouse. Created by consenting to corporate control of government and blatant ignorance. Imagine how terrible it must be do you want to come here.

Immigrants, no matter their status do nothing but cONTRIBUTE. More than I can say for the average Red state resident or average Red party constituent.

Hey admin, how are replies such as this left on the forum? Bovine fecal matter in its entirety. Basically, GOP and Putin talking points. Respond to such seditionist gibberish with vulgarity and the comment is removed. Interesting dynamic. Just exactly who's side are you on?
That is a dog and pony show. Your narrative is nothing less than a lie. By definition. You must be either a citizen or lawfully present in the United States to enroll. Undocumented immigrants receive absolutely nothing from the federal government. They contribute 5-20 times more to local state and federal treasury than they ever receive. Unlike the huge majority of GOP constituents. They get emergency room healthcare just like me a white guy with no insurance and there is some tiny little wedge of Social Security that less than .01% of them are eligible for. It amounts to $75 million per year.
The only programs they receive our either from states, municipalities or non-for profit, like a church.
Also, as a demographic, undocumented immigrants are far less likely to commit crime and even less likely to commit violent crime than natural born citizens. They have lifted many metropolitan areas out of poverty. Becoming the least amount of vacant homes, highest employment and the true economic driver of entire regions.
If you're going to discuss policy the least you could do is understand the policy before bringing it up. I find that to be intentionally disingenuous. Not cool.

Unlike red states, which all receive more than they contribute. So in truth, undocumented immigrants are subsidizing red states.

To get down to the really nitty-gritty, immigration is not on the list of things contributing to our Third World shit hole status. It is a political football to keep us from discussing the real issue. The corporate rape of planetary resources and our federal treasury. If you are worried about money going to anyone but the proletariat, it should be corporations. Every taxpayer in America is liable for $8000 per person per year to corporations and $37 to our fellow citizens.

Stupid white guys on the other hand are definitely in the top three. Hell, they are the top three. JUST STOP! Originally Posted by Daneskold1
Keep going, How much more of your Liberal nonsense can you spew out.
Your narrative and that citation are completely incorrect. All of it. Not worth parsing. Ignorant Americans are the one that need to "get their shit together." We live in a Third World outhouse. Created by consenting to corporate control of government and blatant ignorance. Imagine how terrible it must be do you want to come here.

Immigrants, no matter their status do nothing but cONTRIBUTE. More than I can say for the average Red state resident or average Red party constituent.

Hey admin, how are replies such as this left on the forum? Bovine fecal matter in its entirety. Basically, GOP and Putin talking points. Respond to such seditionist gibberish with vulgarity and the comment is removed. Interesting dynamic. Just exactly who's side are you on? Originally Posted by Daneskold1
Oh, there is some more.
Your narrative and that citation are completely incorrect. All of it. Not worth parsing. Ignorant Americans are the one that need to "get their shit together." We live in a Third World outhouse. Created by consenting to corporate control of government and blatant ignorance. Imagine how terrible it must be do you want to come here.

Immigrants, no matter their status do nothing but cONTRIBUTE. More than I can say for the average Red state resident or average Red party constituent.

Hey admin, how are replies such as this left on the forum? Bovine fecal matter in its entirety. Basically, GOP and Putin talking points. Respond to such seditionist gibberish with vulgarity and the comment is removed. Interesting dynamic. Just exactly who's side are you on? Originally Posted by Daneskold1
Here's another one. Immigrants wouldn't come here if it wasn't worth it. Immigrants aren't coming here for citizenship, they come here for wages and opportunities. You have very little idea what you are talking about.
Here's another one. Immigrants wouldn't come here if it wasn't worth it. Immigrants aren't coming here for citizenship, they come here for wages and opportunities. You have very little idea what you are talking about. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Originally Posted by AwesomeAce
Yep, time to grow a garden.
Precious_b's Avatar
Just look at the states that initiated the lawsuit: "Besides Kansas and North Dakota, the other states involved in the lawsuit are Alabama, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Ohio, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, and Virginia."

Without looking it, I'm willing to bet most of those states are essentially federal welfare states. They take in more to keep afloat than they produce in taxes. Most of the DACA residents probably don't even live there. All for show.

Bear in mind that the OP of the thread doesn't believe the moon is solid, and goes on about a global Zionist conspiracy running everything. We can safely ignore this if he thinks it's a big deal. Originally Posted by TechPapi

They are so scared of being pulled off the govt. teat they have to make up false stuff.
Just like the donald, free loaders cry the loudest.