Encounter: Ashley At Nagoya

BobbyMann's Avatar
Just saw this exchange -- and thought I’d dispassionately weigh in with some relevant facts of which I'm aware, for your consideration and that of anyone else who might have an interest.

Chung, you describe this (in the several places in the last 24 hours where you’ve strangely gone out of your way to make these allegations) as happening in the evening. Which is curious indeed, because Nagoya had water (and some staff personal) problems yesterday, so closed early and wasn’t even open in the evening. They put a sign on the door to that effect hours before darkness.

Knowing that, would you now put this as happening in the afternoon or morning?

More importantly, there are a number of puzzling aspects of this account. For example, why would you recommend a girl you've so blatantly trashed recently? And if you recommend her, why you seem so hellbent on repeatedly attacking the one white girl in our AMPs at present (especially one who has never started a fight with or been rude or anything to you, and one whom -- wonder of wonders! -- you’ve previously reviewed positively when she was at another place with a drastically more limited menu). Bizarre behavior.

This hostility is particularly inexplicable now that she has (contrary to your persistent and consistent misleading attempts to shed doubt) has definitely opened her menu to full Catholic (including Orthodox Greek) for anyone who makes make that preference clear. (As GhostRider reiterates above, it’s incumbent upon hobbyists to not simply be passive but to make their desires clear).

As for the fee, again if we go out on a limb and assume that something like this happened, I don’t know -- but frankly doubt seriously -- whether as you claim there was any “upselling” at all, as opposed to the spa simply charging their usual rates. [Perhaps this mistaken impression could be explained by the clear fact that, as you well know, many spas (not just Nagoya) have been trying to get a nominal increase for the HH since last year, although they tend for now to still accept the traditional fees if pressed?]

In any event, even if we were (contrary to my personal instincts) to charitably assume that despite these factual issues and problems with your account there’s some passing resemblance to reality in your claims, I think that as usual the weird animus you show to Ashley and to Nagoya (now that she's there instead of e.g. Pearls or Illusions) remains strikingly unseemly and truly counterproductive for all of us, the girl, and the spa. Especially a girl you clearly stated previously that you like and you favorably recommended when she was elsewhere.

But putting aside the obvious difficulties of such clear double standards, I suppose no one should expect much chivalry here, least all from you.

Sadly, "the Crude Abides" . . .
Chung Tran's Avatar
Chung, you describe this (in the several places in the last 24 hours where you’ve strangely gone out of your way to make these allegations) as happening in the evening. Which is curious indeed, because Nagoya had water (and some staff personal) problems yesterday, so closed early and wasn’t even open in the evening. They put a sign on the door to that effect hours before darkness.

Knowing that, would you now put this as happening in the afternoon or morning?

my friend walked in Nagoya's door at 6:56 p.m. while I sat immediately outside the front door, in his air-conditioned car.. the door was 4 feet from me, no signs about closing. I remember the time exactly, because I was thinking if Ashley had a 7:00, there could be a conflict. he walked out at 7:03, with a disgusted look.. I knew it had not gone well.

More importantly, there are a number of puzzling aspects of this account. For example, why would you recommend a girl you've so blatantly trashed recently?

because my friend likes white girls, and I had recommended her a year ago.. I don't trash Ashley, but she is not a warm individual, to say it mildly.. she is blonde and tall, that is what my friend likes, so I didn't have a problem recommending her..

And if you recommend her, why do you seem so hellbent on repeatedly attacking the one white girl in our AMPs at present (especially one who has never started a fight with or been rude or anything to you, and one whom -- wonder of wonders! -- you’ve previously reviewed positively when she was at another place with a drastically more limited menu). Bizarre behavior.

I don't repeatedly attack her.. I posted the other night in a few spots where it made sense. I liked her enough last year, her menu was different only in the sense that she insisted on CFS.. she still did Greek, which I liked. and I was clear that I didn't like her menu in its totality, nor would I see her a second time.

As for the fee, again if we go out on a limb and assume that something like this happened, I don’t know -- but frankly doubt seriously -- whether as you claim there was any “upselling” at all, as opposed to the spa simply charging their usual rates.

my friend, whom you apparently believe is a fabrication, even as I have mentioned him a number of times, is still a newbie as far as AMPs go.. he asked me if the price is still $140, I told him what I tell everyone.. yes, and if you are asked for more, balk, and you should be good.. my friend balked, and Ashley had no problem walking away.. she was already bored and looked like she didn't care to see anyone.

In any event, even if we were (contrary to my personal instincts) to charitably assume that despite these factual issues and problems with your account there’s some passing resemblance to reality in your claims, I think that as usual the weird animus you show to Ashley and to Nagoya (now that she's there instead of e.g. Pearls or Illusions) remains strikingly unseemly and truly counterproductive for all of us, the girl, and the spa. Especially a girl you clearly stated previously that you like and you favorably recommended when she was elsewhere.

again, I liked Ashley a little bit.. she looks pretty good (big tats notwithstanding), and she did Greek. but her overall service is as bad as it gets in Dallas. why can't we be honest? Originally Posted by BobbyMann

I see you were much more reflective last night, when you posted this.. your mood grew hostile this afternoon.


I tried to contact Moon, to tell her how disappointed my friend was, after I recommended Ashley to him.. no response.. I wouldn't be surprised if she told you about that.
Chung Tran's Avatar
hmm.. so my previous post has been "hung up" by the software.. I (or somebody) has to post again in this thread, to "free" the last post.. as I said, I texted Nagoya's Owner contemporaneously, after my friend was snubbed.. she did not reply.

curious that BobbyMann is the only guy sticking up for Ashley.. well it's not, since he promotes for Nagoya.

edit: yup, right as I submitted this post, the last one finally showed up, after a 2 hour delay!
BobbyMann's Avatar
OK, Chung; let’s not quibble about your being so certain in your earlier ML post (to which you linked above) that it was “seven minutes” vs the “three” you now say. Although someone so "certain" about facts which change so easily casts doubt on his entire story. Indeed I do remain dubious of your entire story, including your latest preposterous claim that you tried to benevolently let Nagoya's owner know by texting her, in a text you somehow conveniently for you can't share with us, re your supposed friend's dissatisfaction with their service (as if! after you obsessively attack her and her girls all the time!) for reasons I made clear in my ML post which (since there’s no reason for it to be private) I’m happy to repost here:

The actual facts as I've described them were independently confirmed by me not just by the owner of the spa, but by all others who were there, all of whom I spoke to (over the phone, but without the others present) to precisely confirm them.

And anyone can speak to any of these transparently honest, guileless people -- in contrast to Chung -- to do the same (the KitchenMama, Ashley herself, the other providers there, or others in the community like Blue’s Kara who heard about Chung’s attacks the same night they occurred and similarly thought them absurd and mean-spirited, like his other repeated attacks on these poor-hardworking ladies, given that Nagoya was well-known to be closed on the night when the events Chung alleges supposedly transpired).

Looks like you’re caught out yet again, Padnah.

Not to mention the crazy and fallacious Hooker-type logic Chung constantly engages in to attempt to justify his mendacity, evident again in his post above:

• I’m supposedly a “promoter” of Nagoya and this lady, yet I’ve reviewed every spa in town (and not reviewed Nagoya except once this year, several reviews ago). I’ve never, ever reviewed Ashley myself – just reported on her expanded menu (which Chung devoted great effort to misleadingly deny, to the detriment of this board’s purpose of honest information)
• Why on Earth would he supposedly recommend a girl and spa he consistently goes out of his way to trash?
• And yet despite allegedly being a promoter of Nagoya and this girl I’m somehow “chapped” that he supposedly sends customers to the spa and girl I’m promoting? Why on earth would I do such contradictory things? Doesn’t Chung even realize how often he blatantly contradicts himself in this fashion?
• “Many other guys” report Ashley as a “failure” (?) yet he himself positively reviewed her with a resounding yes simply when she was at another spa (and as anyone can see via search, she has far more positive reviews than negative ones). Like it or not, there just aren't that many white girls at the spas (no others I know of at present, in fact), and it's even rarer to hear of one that reliably takes guys BBFS including for Greek -- IF they want and IF they clearly ask for that. (It's up to us to communicate; the girls aren't mind readers). That's precisely the sort of very valuable information we're here for.
• I’m supposedly the “top guy for Nagoya,” eh? – yet have only reviewed one girl from there this entire year? Ye Gads, I guess I should be fired!
• My sessions there should be disregarded because they are by his estimation “free,” eh? (Why would any spa give services away to such an obviously incompetent promoter as me – see the bullet point immediately above)? As many hobbyists and Chung himself well know, and can confirm by asking providers and management, I've paid tens of thousands annually there (and elsewhere), often seeing nearly daily such great providers as Happy and Lucy/Secret and Cherry (ex-Number One) (when they were there at Nagoya last year), just as I’ve done the same e.g. with Nancy of the Thai Twin Sisters (formerly NYNY and Blue), Pineapple of Blue, Cindy at many places, Cherry at Rainbow, Seven wherever the hell she may be found -- among other favorites. Chung’s clearly full of it.
• I had to “find something to blast” him for? No, the evidence is clearly that I've not usually responded to his attacks and have taken great pains to completely avoid him, especially lately. Yet when I see such low-life attacks on our lifeblood supply of lovelies reach such an intolerable and outrageous level I simply cannot refrain from simply and honestly responding to a small fraction of his ever-proliferating lies with factually accurate information (again, the very raison d'être of this board (!)) so that girls, spas, and hobbyists not on his favored list -- i.e. all of us in this community -- aren’t misled and hurt.

Just how many times must such embarrassing things happen to you, Chung, before you learn the lessons from Montaigne and so many others about lies being just too much trouble to keep straight?
AmericanHardwood's Avatar
He said. She said
No one fucking cares.
Bottom line.
She has some ok reviews. Some bad

Next subject ?
Let this one die
This thread has lost its point it’s no longer about Ashley.

Don’t sweat the Pettty
Pet the Sweaty
Ghostrider's Avatar
Thank you AH