I don't mean to sound like a prude, but WTH?

Mature Companion's Avatar
Maybe times have changed or perhaps I'm just a prude. But help me out here.

But what in the hell is with all the camera phone pics in the bathroom?
Originally Posted by hotlips_houlihan
At least some of those cell phone bathroom photos are large enough to see. What I find tacky, are photos that are so small you have to squint real hard just to get a glimpse at what or who's in the photo???
Jasser's Avatar
Jules, I've seen that pic before and thought of it when I read this thread. That's some funny shit (no pun intended)!
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
+1 on the youth movement. You don't see many providers over the age of, say, 25 posting these specific pics.
Jasser's Avatar
At least some of those cell phone bathroom photos are large enough to see. What I find tacky, are photos that are so small you have to squint real hard just to get a glimpse at what or who's in the photo???
Originally Posted by Wicked Milf
This annoys me as well. I just saw a showcase yesterday that caught my attention. I clicked on the pics and they were the size of a stamp at best. Of course, I closed the showcase and moved on.

My favorite pictures are with a regular camera. I don't care for blurry phone pics or professional ones. I will say, Pearlman's work is good.
Traveler64's Avatar
But I just don't get it.


Meg Originally Posted by hotlips_houlihan
Well, does anyone remember the difference in pictures between Playboy and say Hustler or Adam? At the time we called Playboy pics classy and thought Hustler got a lot nastier. (Their cartoons were even worse.) I think it's as simple as the marketplace. There are always places for high end Rolls and Bentleys of the world as well as places for the lower end mass marketed cars. And there are buyers and sellers for each of these market segments.

Meg - just take your next set of pics splayed across the hood of a Rolls Royce in one of those tight fitting dresses. Leave the tidy bowl pics to others.
the toilet is a sign that they cater to clients who suffer from incontinence. Originally Posted by monkmonk
HA HA HA That's a good one
pmdelites's Avatar
1. The girls might not have a friend they care to let know this is the way they make money.


5. yes the cluttered or messy bathrooms are the worst. But for many girls, the only large mirror they have access to shoot in front of is in a hotel that they are living in and as cluttered as their incall happens to be so might their lives. Originally Posted by LazurusLong
that's what i think - they dont know anyone who can help them out, they dont know of or are not able to come up with any way to achieve the goal [photo of self], and they are only staying in 1, 2 or 3 star motels. which, to me, also says thay dont know of or are not able to stay any place else.

they might make it on my check-out-her-photos-for-a-millisecond list, but definitely not my gcho list.

btw meg, times changes and technology improves, but that doesnt mean the general populace is getting any smarter or more intelligent. as least that's what i see in the world.
Jules, that is my favorite camera phone pic! TFF!
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Jules, that is my favorite camera phone pic! TFF! Originally Posted by cpi3000
yeah i know i sure got a kick out of it
Who cares... all the guys are really looking at is the ass lol
  • PL
  • 09-02-2010, 02:28 PM
it's a mid-teen to early 20something girly thing. seems to fade around age 21 or so on average. Originally Posted by rakuguy

I suggest you go to some of the internet dating sites. Every stupid 40 year old bitch with a teenage daughter is taking pictures of herself in the bathroom mirror sucking her cheeks in, flashing some stupid finger-shit....

There are more than a few imitating art here as well.
smartguy420's Avatar
If I was a provider I would NOT be taking these amateur pictures as I like to call it.

For one, there are no great cameras on phones, and most of these photos are poorly done and only hurt the provider.

In one aspect, you can look at it being legit, seeing how the photos are done so poorly, who would of thought to steal em? If that makes sense..

I just think if someone takes the time and either has a good digital camera or trades services with someone who does photography.

I dabble using a variety of digital cameras in the 600 and less range. Nowadays these cameras can provide some very stunning pictures with the right knowledge..

I can understand people who edit there photo for privacy, but a grainy photo shoot in the bathroom just doesn't seem professional to me.


LETS NOT FORGET THE POSES IN THESE PHOTOS: The girls giving the duck lips sticking there lips out so far out it seems so unnatural... who started that fad anyways?
Don't forget the tits, when I am scrolling through the ads, I scope the tits first, then ass.

With some of the camera phone pics, you can barely see neither....

Who cares... all the guys are really looking at is the ass lol Originally Posted by AlotofKreme
I suggest you go to some of the internet dating sites. Every stupid 40 year old bitch with a teenage daughter is taking pictures of herself in the bathroom mirror sucking her cheeks in, flashing some stupid finger-shit....

There are more than a few imitating art here as well. Originally Posted by PL
Nice to have you back Chim-Chim. Where you been? We have missed you.


Gonzo DFW's Avatar
It's also a good screening tool, if you catch my drift.