Trump tells all Americans to get the fuck out of Iraq...

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
There's 4 distinct groups of Kurds.
Iranian piece,
Turkish piece,
Syrian piece,
Iraq piece.
This dates back to the British/French treaty in 1916.
Jaxson66's Avatar
And you have a bad habit of living in the past. Posting a opinion piece from a time before the killing of that piece of shit doesn’t mean shit.

How can you believe the Kurds would stand with the fat lying bastard in a War against Iran. The world will not take a knee for that piece of shit. I doubt he’s as popular in Kurdish refugee camps as he is at Walmart.
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
Now that Private Bone Spurs has ordered the killing of the top Iranian Commander Soleimani be aware that if anyone visits one of Trumps properties anywhere in the world, then you will more than likely be a prime target.
For an act of terror. As Gen McCaffrey just stated , they had a chance to take him out a long time ago but decided against it because of what will happen now.
Soleimani will just be replaced by the next guy in line. Nothing will change.
But as we have witnessed before Trump only thinks about himself and this was more of a political move, a stunt to get him re-elected, flexing his muscles.
He hasn’t got a clue what he’s doing. Not strategy no foreign policy ...nothing.
Why stir up a hornets next...very foolish. But not surprising that we are stuck with this clown. He couldn’t care less about Americans living abroad. It’s all about him.
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  • 01-04-2020, 10:06 AM
ftw - that decision rests with the Iranian clergy - you are a terrorism apologist. Originally Posted by oeb11
You're correct, but Iraq is still an active war zone. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
You two are liars that still believe there are WMD's in Iraq.
Jaxson66's Avatar
There's 4 distinct groups of Kurds.
Iranian piece,
Turkish piece,
Syrian piece,
Iraq piece.
This dates back to the British/French treaty in 1916. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
True, but the Kurds are classified as terrorist in the states they occupy, more tolerated than accepted.

The US problems with Iran began in 1953 when the CIA replaced a monarch with a ruthless dictator known as the Shah. He terrorized and stole Billions of dollars and when the revolution chased that piece of shits ass out of the country in 79 and then took embassy employees hostage was the beginning of our problems.

What’s been a 40 year old problem will not be solved by another 20 year war. My point being, I’m doubting our allies will support that fat lying bastard in a new War.
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  • 01-04-2020, 10:16 AM
Exactly, our allies are not going to form a coalition like Bush 1 was able to do or even like Bush2.
LexusLover's Avatar
We should really leave that entire region alone and focus on America ! Originally Posted by Cbvxtrex
It's too bad that entire region doesn't leave us and our allies alone. It's also too bad that other countries don't take care of their own citizens so they won't want to move here and try to make our country like the one from which they escaped.

But they are like my neighbors who walk their dogs and allow them to shit in my yard and leave it for me to clean up. I even had one tell me that's what yards are for. (Their dogs to shit in!)

But what "should" be is unworkable most of the time in reality.
Jaxson66's Avatar
Now that Private Bone Spurs has ordered the killing of the top Iranian Commander Soleimani be aware that if anyone visits one of Trumps properties anywhere in the world, then you will more than likely be a prime target.
For an act of terror. As Gen McCaffrey just stated , they had a chance to take him out a long time ago but decided against it because of what will happen now.
Soleimani will just be replaced by the next guy in line. Nothing will change.
But as we have witnessed before Trump only thinks about himself and this was more of a political move, a stunt to get him re-elected, flexing his muscles.
He hasn’t got a clue what he’s doing. Not strategy no foreign policy ...nothing.
Why stir up a hornets next...very foolish. But not surprising that we are stuck with this clown. He couldn’t care less about Americans living abroad. It’s all about him. Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss
Yep, and trump tower NY will definitely be on their list. I hope that doesn’t happen but the new guy has to make his bones.
LexusLover's Avatar
Let's see ..... you all don't want to stop them from killing us, because they will kill us if we stop them from killing us. In the meantime keep our borders open and stay at home ... no overseas vacations! The SocialistLiberalAntiTrumperGlo balists have an issue!

.. Carry on!
HedonistForever's Avatar
Now that Private Bone Spurs has ordered the killing of the top Iranian Commander Soleimani be aware that if anyone visits one of Trumps properties anywhere in the world, then you will more than likely be a prime target.
For an act of terror. As Gen McCaffrey just stated , they had a chance to take him out a long time ago but decided against it because of what will happen now.
Soleimani will just be replaced by the next guy in line. Nothing will change.
But as we have witnessed before Trump only thinks about himself and this was more of a political move, a stunt to get him re-elected, flexing his muscles.
He hasn’t got a clue what he’s doing. Not strategy no foreign policy ...nothing.
Why stir up a hornets next...very foolish. But not surprising that we are stuck with this clown. He couldn’t care less about Americans living abroad. It’s all about him. Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss

What makes this any different than Killing Bin Laden or Anwar al Awalaki?

Did killing Bin Laden change anything? Didn't some one take his place? I'd bet military experts would agree that killing Soleimani was a more effective decision.

Why stir up a hornets next...very foolish

To protect Americans that were going to be his next target. Previous Presidents have let this man kill countless people including hundreds of Americans. You don't just let people like this go on killing. It could be argued that Killing Bin Laden was not a strategy but an act of revenge that put our Special operators in harm's way for nothing more than a feel good act of revenge. This guy was actively planning an attack on Americans. What would have happened if the word got out that Trump could have taken him out ( like what happened to Clinton ) didn't and Americans were killed in the following days?

This is just another example of letting hatred get in the way of common sense and it can be summed up in this ridiculous statement from some asshole on MSNBC "right decision, wrong Commander-in-Chief".
HedonistForever's Avatar
And you have a bad habit of living in the past. Posting a opinion piece from a time before the killing of that piece of shit doesn’t mean shit.

How can you believe the Kurds would stand with the fat lying bastard in a War against Iran. The world will not take a knee for that piece of shit. I doubt he’s as popular in Kurdish refugee camps as he is at Walmart. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

So you are now laboring under the impression that the Kurds are upset at Soleimani's killing? That the Kurds liked the Iranians?

Kurdish separatism in Iran or the Kurdish–Iranian conflict is an ongoing, long running, separatist dispute between the Kurdish opposition in Western Iran and the governments of Iran, lasting since the emergence of Reza Shah Pahlavi in 1918.

Kurdish armed organization emerged in Iran by the early 2000s. Insurrection led by PJAK in Western Iran started in 2004 and is ongoing to this day.

, west of Iran, Iranians celebrated the death of QassemSoleimani
with pizza. One of the writings on a pizza box reads
, " For the destruction of Khamenei.” ... Iranians and MEK supporters in different cities also
this heavy blow to the Iranian regime.

People in Iran and Across the Globe Celebrate Qassem Soleimani’s Death

Once again you open your mouth and ignorance comes out. Not surprising at this point.

TheDaliLama's Avatar
Some people did something.
LexusLover's Avatar
So you are now laboring under the impression that the Kurds are upset at Soleimani's killing? That the Kurds liked the Iranians? Originally Posted by HedonistForever
He parrots about 99% of his posts from LameStreamMedia and then tosses in his worthless opinion. He's about 48-72 hours behind, and what he hasn't figured out is by the time he posts it the bullshit has already been vetted and tossed ... but he keeps spewing it.

Militant "leaders" North of Baghdad got struck last night. Apparently, these had been at the meeting with the Iranians. Let's hope they keep having meetings and hit the road afterwards.
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  • 01-04-2020, 12:20 PM
What makes this any different than Killing Bin Laden or Anwar al Awalaki?

Did killing Bin Laden change anything? Didn't some one take his place? I'd bet military experts would agree that killing Soleimani was a more effective decision.

To protect Americans that were going to be his next target. Previous Presidents have let this man kill countless people including hundreds of Americans. You don't just let people like this go on killing. It could be argued that Killing Bin Laden was not a strategy but an act of revenge that put our Special operators in harm's way for nothing more than a feel good act of revenge. This guy was actively planning an attack on Americans. What would have happened if the word got out that Trump could have taken him out ( like what happened to Clinton ) didn't and Americans were killed in the following days?

This is just another example of letting hatred get in the way of common sense and it can be summed up in this ridiculous statement from some asshole on MSNBC "right decision, wrong Commander-in-Chief". Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Boy someone been drinking the koolaid hard and heavy today. Did it have a dose of WMD's in it?
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  • 01-04-2020, 12:23 PM
Sure does not look like we are pulling out of the Middle East like Trump kept saying and you boys kept backing.

What's a matter fellows... Trump keep snapping off your noses every time he makes an about face?