In Public

You aren't serious are you? That is totally not "all in the game" lol. Providers require privacy as well. Originally Posted by kendra kayy

Agree totally.

Most awkward time I ever encountered was bumping into a SB in the mall when I had my work crew with me. We had an understanding that we didn't meet in public and she of course asked my how I had been and what I was up too etc. I was kind of vague and probably came across like a bit of an ass I'm sure because she was looking for some recognition and I wasn't really giving it to her. Lots of questions followed by a couple of the guys.
Mike1961's Avatar
I personally don't care if a prvidor says hi to me but I'd never go say hi first.
So let me get this straight, if I see my doctor in public and ask him to look at a rash on my arm that is NOT ok. But if I see a provider from here in public and pull out my hard on and ask her to take care of it, that IS ok?

That doesn't really sound accurate. I'm so confused right now.
Originally Posted by Boboss8

cafriend's Avatar
Never say hi to anyone in the hobby while in public, Never. A month or so ago I was sitting at a table near Sexuser with some friends he never said a word to me and I likewise. I'm not even sure he knew I was there. lol Originally Posted by Ms.Lady Y
That is the way it should be, if you were not sure then he was successful in honoring your privacy.

I've walked into a hotel bar and found someone I had visited many times a few years back. We ignored each other (I was alone, she was not) and eventually left the bar. Later that evening she sent me an email thanking me for not saying anything. She is no longer in the business and had moved on to her career and was with a coworker. I was surprised that she remembered me but glad she said something.
*Respect each others privacy. Most definitely.

When the state fair was in GI last year. I mentioned to a client I would be going out the next day. He gave me this ghostly stare & proceeded to request I not say anything to him while he was also going to be visiting with his wife & kids. Dude relax, I told him. I'll be enjoying myself too much to look up, I'm such a kid a heart. >insert sarcastic font< [& please. Don't flatter yourself.] >end sarcastic font< LOL.

Never would I ever approach a client in public! & I expect the same courtesy.
Ms. E can jump me in isle 11 by the whip cream anytime she wants