The US vs. John Lennon..

Sisyphus's Avatar
Savage. Love him or hate him. He is one of those guys that calls them like he sees them and I have to respect that. He yells at everyone equally :-). Also, He's not always right but he is never wrong..

He seems to be a well read man. Pulled him up on Wikipedia

He holds master's degrees in medical botany and medical anthropology and he earned a Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley, in nutritional ethnomedicine.

Intesting background Originally Posted by coast_encounter
I don't know that I've ever heard him...but I'll cop to being mesmerized by a CV for the first time I don't know how long. What the hell does one DO with a PhD in "nutritional ethnomedicine"?? What's the subject of his dissertation? Is it "ok" for the terminally ill to eat nothing but bacon & blizzards?