Referring to prostitution as evil"
Sounds like the philosophy department at the academy needs to invest more in its ethics/morals curriculum. We've got an absolutist over here playing fast and loose with the concept of evil!
Originally Posted by OldScratch
Yes ironically they end up following the philosophy of radical feminism whether they know it or not. A sort of civil religion based the principal that adult sex workers are ALL victims of the patriarchy and due to their trauma and subjugation are incapable of consent. Therefore anyone who purchases services is tantamount to being a rapist and needs to be in jail at least 6 months up to 2 years first offense. Although they wear cowboy hats this concept would have been very foreign to the lawman in the old west.
I think this started in the late '60s or early '70s when the radical feminist teamed up with fundamentalist to fight pornography. Anyone who spends a few minutes with the Bible and takes it seriously could never accept that women are not at least equally guilty of sexual sins when they occur in these sort of voluntary circumstances if one follows the whole purity handbook.
I guess now that they can't do the satanic panic thing and they are supposed to be nice to gay people the slovenly john enabling the sneaky trafficker makes a for a pretty good scapegoat for society's evils (where we have practically no social safety net for teenagers maturing into adulthood or mental health care and where automation is stealing a lot of good entry level jobs and what's left is low pay and menial).
It's really got to be a lot of fun for sexually repressed people to hear about such salacious abuse and then have the chance to entrap johns and arrest them as some sort of vicarious revenge. Some of what they say is true too. There are real examples of victims that fit into their narratives but it's far from the majority of sex workers. Their answer is too simple and doesn't really fix any underlying problems just like the extra harsh sentencing for a crack did not fix anything in the poor neighborhoods.
Imagine if they just hired a few good social workers that over the course of the year checked in with every single sex worker on the street or in ads to make sure that they weren't being trafficked. I'm sure it would be much cheaper than their current felony endeavor and they would get plenty of tips to go after real traffickers.