Anne Coulter Finally Admits Trump's a DAR

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
ann coulter is a sad person. she's not happy with all the stuff trump did?

and its not enough for her??? tsk, tsk, tsk.....
In the column, titled “Trump’s slanderous attack on Joe Scarborough is incompatible with leadership,” the conservative news outlet categorically breaks down why Trump’s claims against Scarborough, an outspoken Trump critic, are false. “This story is not just false, but verifiably so. It is also illogical and bizarre,” the editorial states.
“Whatever his issues with Scarborough, President Trump’s crazed Twitter rant on this subject was vile and unworthy of his office,” this week’s editorial said. “Some will undoubtedly shrug it off as Trump being Trump, but one could hardly be blamed for reading it and doubting his fitness to lead.”
Rank & file Republicans turning on Trump. “There are millions of voters who used to be reliable Republicans but are disgusted by the Trump administration,” Longwell said. “Some are upset about the skyrocketing debt. Others about how he has debased the office. Some wish he would pursue a more humane immigration policy.”
You can be a hero and an asshole in one lifetime. You can't take away the asshole things a person does and you can't take away heroic actions. Climbing into the cockpit of a jet, flying it off a carrier into enemy fire is a heroic act any way you cut it. Saying "I don't go home until we all go home" was the act of a hero. So yeah, I think McCain was an asshole at times especially to his wife, as it looks to us, but who the hell knows what goes on in a marriage. He was without question a hero at one point in his life and as a former military man, I will never take that away from him and will never not include the word hero when I speak of him. No matter the reason why he climbed into that jet, no matter that he was shot down as some complain and I will never forgive Trump for that disgraceful comment, he did what I could never do. I shutter to think what I might have done in the POW camp. It is the thing of nightmares.

Thank you for your service John McCain. RIP. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I agree with most of your statements. As a Veteran myself, (draftee), I respect John McCain for his service.

I also have distain for him as a political figure who came to represent everything bad in the Republican Party prior to the election of President Trump.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Coulter is pretty hot and I enjoyed a couple of her books. She started on President Trump when he didn’t do the wall as quickly as she wanted, which was a reasonable criticism imo.
Coulter is pretty hot and I enjoyed a couple of her books. She started on President Trump when he didn’t do the wall as quickly as she wanted, which was a reasonable criticism imo. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
She has gone down that rathole a couple times where Trump wasn't as far right or as fast as she wanted.

In the end her vote certainly isn't going to Biden in the General Election and neither is the majority of the limited number of people who actually pay attention to her.