Do you understand yet??

oilfieldace's Avatar
Ok pollution and climate change are 100% what you call apples and oranges, you can pollute the water or trash the countryside and it has no impact on cc. Talk about missing the big picture
Redhot1960's Avatar
Apples and oranges.
There is definitely natural cycles in climates.
But humans are creating pollutants and toxins killing our planet.
Time for some responsibility to be taken
To say humans have had no negative impact on the climate/environment is a total falsehood . Easily fact checked Originally Posted by winn dixie
Thank You for completing the Exposure, let's talk about Tiny boy, now. scared?

winn dixie's Avatar
Ok pollution and climate change are 100% what you call apples and oranges, you can pollute the water or trash the countryside and it has no impact on cc. Talk about missing the big picture Originally Posted by oilfieldace
Wow! Just wow!
  • Tiny
  • 07-20-2023, 08:27 PM
Thank You for completing the Exposure, let's talk about Tiny boy, now. scared?

Originally Posted by Redhot1960
Don't fall into the trap of the Southern Baptist who wastes energy getting pissed off at the Methodists. He should instead spend his time converting the unbelievers and the heathens.

I think you intended to say Conversion instead of Exposure?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Yeah. One of the proposals to get to 0 net emissions is to limit people to one vacation trip a year by air travel... Originally Posted by Tiny
It was never about the climate and was/is always about control. Not to undifferent from masks, social distancing, shuttering of business, churches and so on, changing of election laws, etc., etc., etc., during flu season - which as you may recall - there was no flu those years.

I wonder if PT Barnum was Nostradamus reincarnated when he stated: A fool and his money are soon parted.

Hold on a hair-ball second! I think I'm having a PT Barnum moment with my own new adage: You can lead a bull around by their nose ring with a rope - until the bull decides you can't.
It's free to use without acknowledgement or royalties.
ICU 812's Avatar
The main message is that humans ARE killing the environment. Little by little. Originally Posted by winn dixie
But as the OP said, . . ."None of tthat happened."

For a similar discussion of recent environmental issues, see "Apocalypse Never" by Michael Shellenberger.
ICU 812's Avatar
Why did the Earth freeze up during the last glacial maximum . . .and why did it thaw?

What has the human race done in the past or currently to cause the magnetic poles to "wander" or even reverse polarity and flip?

What have we done to stimulate sunspot activity to an historic high this year? What caused the quiet or cool sun (no sunspots) during the "Maunder Minimum" of the 18th Century, the socalled mini ice age?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Waiter: See anything you like on the menu sir?
Me: Yes, I'll have the El Nino this year.
Waiter: Great choice sir. Enjoy your meal.
Waiter: How was your El Nino sir?
Me: It was a bit too hot for my liking, but very tasty, as usual.
Waiter: May I recommend the La Nina for desert?
Me: Is it hot?
Waiter: No sir, it's a chilled desert