Comer Tells Is All We Need To Know About Bidens

Lol. This grand investigation yielded NOTHING aside from more innuendo. The big show was Nada. The story is dead.

No one gives a fuck. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

I would not be so sure 1b1 but time will tell. I am just curious why the FBI has not provided the 1023 form if one exists that has been subpoenaed. I can assure you that Comer has a legion of Tax attorneys going thru all of the items.
If one exists. Operative phrase. One likely doesn’t exist and if it does it very likely doesn’t make the claims that are Grassley asserts.
If one exists. Operative phrase. One likely doesn’t exist and if it does it very likely doesn’t make the claims that are Grassley asserts. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Time will tell and generally where you have smoke you have fire. And personally I do feel one exists and if and when the FBI turns it open you will be surprised the amount of information that can be gleaned from this. I think that we are just seeing the tip of the iceberg.
Biden has been a corrupt piece of shit his entire political career.

Him and his whole Fuckin’ family.

The chickens have come home to roost.
Time will tell and generally where you have smoke you have fire. And personally I do feel one exists and if and when the FBI turns it open you will be surprised the amount of information that can be gleaned from this. I think that we are just seeing the tip of the iceberg. Originally Posted by golferguy55
Your thoughts and feelings aren’t fact. The facts are . . . There’s nothing.

Here is the hard work of the committee. No afctual allegations of fraud. Just some innuendo. If they had some facts they would assert some criminality.
Your thoughts and feelings aren’t fact. The facts are . . . There’s nothing.

Here is the hard work of the committee. No afctual allegations of fraud. Just some innuendo. If they had some facts they would assert some criminality. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
1b1 show me where I said that my personal feelings are fact. If you truly are an attorney then you should have some semblance of reading comprehension but it seems to be escaping you. One can only hope that you listen to your supposed clients better.
Lol. This grand investigation yielded NOTHING aside from more innuendo. The big show was Nada. The story is dead.

No one gives a fuck. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
..... WHY so blue and cross then, mate?

You seem ready to take the bridge! :
(Don't do it! ... I surely want ya alive and well
as we see this investigation through)

Lemme say a few more things:

"The story is dead"?? ... How so?
Comer and the others are just getting started.

And you don't believe the document Comer and Grassley
asked-for even exists? ... The FBI/DOJ surely believes
it does... They WON'T turn it over, though.
Wonderin' WHY that is?? ... If the Bidens have done
"nothing wrong" and this is just a "big nothing-burger"...

And all the Golfer-guy bloke is doing is asking
reasonable questions. ... No need for you
to soak him for it.

Don't we all get to voice our OPINIONS here??

### Salty
The list of crimes he lays out is basically pretty much awesomely explained as

NONE Originally Posted by 1blackman1
It's early in the investigation. Besides they've already have uncovered about 16 bogus businesses linked to the Biden's receiving money from Romania and China and so far nine Biden family members have received money from at least five foreign banks. The only thing Joe Biden has ever been involved in is Politics there is no family business connection. Joe Biden lied when he stated he has no knowledge of his families business ventures in foreign countries. You would have to be an idiot to think that something fishy isn't going on. Joe Biden is nothing but a Criminal posing as a President.This investigation is far from dead its just getting warmed up and the Biden's are going to fry.
And no worries Salty it would be a cold day in you know where before 1b1 could soak me. I chalk it up to him being a political hack for the Dems. But with his lack of reading comprehension I sure hope that his billable hour is not over $100 per hour. If it is then his supposed clients need to ask for some reimbursement.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
thisis a good arguments for term limits.
Lol. This grand investigation yielded NOTHING aside from more innuendo. The big show was Nada. The story is dead.

No one gives a fuck. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

And yet Trump was impeached for less.
Still no proof or any where close. The gop keystone cop committees are soaking all the megas and they're tooooo stupid to know it
And no worries Salty it would be a cold day in you know where before 1b1 could soak me. I chalk it up to him being a political hack for the Dems. But with his lack of reading comprehension I sure hope that his billable hour is not over $100 per hour. If it is then his supposed clients need to ask for some reimbursement. Originally Posted by golferguy55
... Surely hope Joe Biden aint one o' his clients, mate.
If-so - I'd reckon he's in a whole patchel of trouble!

Though to be fair - 1blackman1 is almost a bludger-mate
of mine... Sometimes he's fair-minded.
But he and the other cache o' liberal lads here have
put so much of their faith in Biden - NOW they're surely
seein' what a disaster that is - on ALL fronts.

Almost maybe kinda feel sorry for the lot o' them. ...

#### Salty
No need for pity mate. I’m good.
... Surely hope Joe Biden aint one o' his clients, mate.
If-so - I'd reckon he's in a whole patchel of trouble!

Though to be fair - 1blackman1 is almost a bludger-mate
of mine... Sometimes he's fair-minded.
But he and the other cache o' liberal lads here have
put so much of their faith in Biden - NOW they're surely
seein' what a disaster that is - on ALL fronts.

Almost maybe kinda feel sorry for the lot o' them. ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

I doubt that 1b1 represents Biden. If he truly is an attorney then he probably spends more of his time in small claims court dealing with evictions and such. If you notice he has an inordinate amount of his day posting on a hooker board. Wonder what the Sr. Partners would say and if he is billing his supposed clients for his time. But alas he says he is good depending on what his definition of good is