Anyone Tired of This Crap?

This Forum is a microcosm of American Politics. I do read some of the other Political Forums scattered occross the 'Net, but this is the only one I participate in.

Truth is, it's pretty tame compared to some.
Please try and point out when one of you right wing fags have posted anything stimulating or worthy of debate.

. Originally Posted by WTF
You're to gay to recognize it, lol.

JCM800's Avatar
There was aggressive debate, creative insults and intelligent posts. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Would calling someone a "soiled breechclout" be considered creative?

Seriously. The old Sandbox (Now the "Political Forum") used to be a lot of fun. There was aggressive debate, creative insults and intelligent posts. Now, when anyone brings something up that could stimulate some discussion, Assup (the Dipshit) and BigAssShits start in with their grade school taunts, complete with poop and homo "jokes". LittleEva does, too, but he can't help it. He's desperate for someone to like him.

Ah, the good old days. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Let me see if I can follow the bouncing ball.

In the very first paragraph of this thread, the thread starter calls out other posters for "their grade school taunts."

I believe I understand the point the thread starter is trying to make. Perhaps he is trying to say this forum should have a zero tolerance policy on "grade school taunts."

Ok, I can live with that!

But wait, it doesn't end there.

The thread starter then quickly resorts to, drumroll please.....

Yes, you guessed it!

The thread starter quickly resorts to "grade school taunts" against other posters.

In other words: Do as the thread starter says!

But whatever you do, don't do as the thread starter does.

Only in the Political Forum!

SEE3772's Avatar
Yeah... that's why I don't say much around here.
.. Now, when anyone brings something up that could stimulate some discussion, Assup (the Dipshit) and BigAssShits start in with their grade school taunts, complete with poop and homo "jokes". LittleEva does, too, but he can't help it. He's desperate for someone to like him.

Ah, the good old days. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Those you list are suffering from Obama Regret Syndrome. They spent the last 6 years spinning and covering for the guy and now realize they are intellectually and credibility bankrupt (if they ever had any). They are to be pitied.

WTF, on the other hand, is just a moronic buffoon.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You must be jealous, Slobbrin.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
This Forum is a microcosm of American Politics. I do read some of the other Political Forums scattered occross the 'Net, but this is the only one I participate in.

Truth is, it's pretty tame compared to some. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Yeah, but do they call each other such stupid juvenile names all day?

Great thread, Whiny. As you read the responses, try and think back to the beginning of ECCIE.

Maybe we should poll the issue...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
That is what is so funny about the finger pointing hypocritical cocksucker.He only attributes blame to the so called left. I'll God Damn sure accommodate his faux libertarian ass.. Originally Posted by WTF
You see, this is my point. I do not reserve my dislike for only the left. You just make stuff up. You lack the intelligence to be creative, and address issues head on. Oh, well. At least you're still funny.

And get serious, Assup. Calling you "Assup" is what started you on your quick decline to hate and drivel? LOL! That's funny!
That's funny! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
No, what's "funny" is that you are so friggin' dense that the irony of your OP flew right over your head! The fact that you have repeatedly referred to him as "Assup" for an extended period of time serves as a classic example of you being guilty of doing the very same "grade school taunts" that you were so very critical of in your OP?

Yet you try to pass yourself off as being the victim. Give me a friggin' break! You're the culprit, not the victim! Duh!

Given the fact that it was not that long ago that you started a Dipshit of the Year poll and nominated yourself as a leading contender. It Is quite obvious that you are in a class all by yourself.

You are the "grade school taunts" class clown and you're too ignorant to recognize it! COIdiot, wear your "clown" crown proudly. You damn sure earned it!!!!!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-17-2014, 07:14 AM
You see, this is my point. I do not reserve my dislike for only the left. You just make stuff up.

! Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Please point out the cocksucking rightie in the group you named.

, Assup (the Dipshit) and BigAssShits start in with their grade school taunts, complete with poop and homo "jokes". LittleEva does, too, but he can't help it. He's desperate for someone to like him.

Ah, the good old days. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Please point out the cocksucking rightie in the group you named. Originally Posted by WTF
I didn't name them for their ideology, I named them because they are boring me with their nonsense. Quit making stuff up. Look at the lefties I didn't name.

Hey BigAssShits, where am I a victim? Please post a link to where I said I was a victim. You are as bad as WPF at making stuff up. You're just not as good at it.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
I didn't name them for their ideology, I named them because they are boring me with their nonsense. Quit making stuff up. Look at the lefties I didn't name.

Hey BigAssShits, where am I a victim? Please post a link to where I said I was a victim. You are as bad as WPF at making stuff up. You're just not as good at it.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Oh? So you find the creative musings of whir-LIE-turd, JLHomo and Slobbrin to be amusing and witty rather than nonsensical?

Great thead Whiny. And yes, you penchant for renaming everybody who comes into this forum might be the most juvenile behavior of it all, setting the tone for this forum for thousands and thousands of threads.

Deal with it.

Truth hurts.
I have been on quite a few political forums and so far The Conservative side has always been the one that starts the name calling, fake stories and lies. Followed by some Liberals that respond in the same fashion. Then a few normal acting folks that refrain from the personal insults and actually say something worth reading. What I find
amusing is how everyone either picks a side or is put on a side. You cannot tell me that everyone either agrees with all that is Conservative or all that is Liberal. People seem to blindly follow one side or the other or even worse attempt to be a Libertarian. There is a harsh reality to being a Libertarian and if you study it you will find why we have a Democratic Republic and what it really means. The Forefathers had no idea what weapons and technology we would have in the future , but they did understand human nature.
Things that the Forefathers knew was that no religion should ever be the basis of our moral code and that no Dictator would ever keep the peoples best interest at heart. They also knew a pure Democracy would also fail even though that was what they wished for. Before the Civil war there were quite a few political party's with significant influence. It seem to me that once the Republicans won their first election there has been the two party system pretty much. When the day comes that we quit blindly picking a side and make the attempt to coexist things may be civil for awhile. Until then Forums such as this are just a waste of time and merely entertainment. Granted I have learned a lot from political forums when researching the latest scandal so I guess they do have a certain value.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-17-2014, 09:30 AM
I didn't name them for their ideology, I named them because they are boring me with their nonsense. Quit making stuff up.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
So I made up that all the people you named were so called lefties? .....

Tell me all the righties that are boring you with their nonsense.
