We have too many stickies as it it...
Originally Posted by Glenn Quagmire
I made one assumption when I made the first post I should make clear.I still think the banned handle thread assists in this area. It consists of Group 2, and if membership has information that can help mods identify them, then they can look at the list, see the offense, and send an email to staff.
with over 100,000 handles, there is no way the staff has the time to search out banned members multiple handles etc. Especially in a large forum like Dallas. typically its not till they start breaking the rules or a member points them out that they get looked at.
So one of the main points of the post is how do we help the staff remove people from group 2 without infringing on the people in group 1? Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
Simple Jamie I was asked too. How dose someone who starts so much crap still get to be on here? So many questions to be answered huh? Originally Posted by Tara EvansSo you asked to be banned for life?? Or you were asked to be banned for life??
Tara, you are an exception that makes the rules. you have been banned many times. sometimes for life. but, you made your case to the staff, and you were allowed to come back. the point is your back as Tara not somebody else. you did not try to sneak back on with some other handle. anyone that cares can easily see much of your history on the board. whether you like her or not at least you know its her.Thank you Love!
the ones I am more concerned about are those who were banned and continue to cause problems using different handles.. they were not allowed back on the board by the staff.
Lickher is an example of how the staff should not have handled this. he was found out by the staff that he was a banbed member. A staff member decided to give him another chance. but instead of making him use his old handle, they have continued to allow him to post under the handle he used that broke the rules to get back on here.
if he is worthy of a second chance why hide it? I do not know why he was banned before. but I think people deserve to know who they're dealing with when it comes to banned members who are allowed back. Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing