Private Nurse?

That is brilliant Rocket!
If you have some type of visiting nurses association in your area you may try and call them with this. If they cannot help you they may know of a service that may be able to help you get back home.

Good Luck
tomcat2102003's Avatar
there are options. Check for private duty nurses. lots of companies offer it and are usually paid by the insurance company. google it.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
get a hot chick to help you out ..
dumars's Avatar
I've had two procedures, one was a colonoscopy, in the past few years where I was told I needed to have someone else take me home after the procedure. Both procedures done at Centerpoint! I got my son both times and both times I felt perfectly normal on the drive home. The last time Centerpoint was WAY overboard about it all. I got so pissed I asked them to just admit me for "observation" or I sign a waiver. "What the fuck"? Neither was good enough.

The idea I had but did not pursue was "medical transport". How that is different from a normal taxi I don't know. In any case I am sure Centerpoint would have given me a rash of shit, regardless. Now a days there's Uber.

I think they make your life difficult to collect more insurance.

Another run in I had w/Centerpoint was I had some surgery a few years ago. You're not supposed to eat anything (for some reason). Okfine! I had a large steak the night before and when I woke up I had a half cup of coffee w/non dairy creamer. They cancelled the surgery!!!! Not for the steak that I could feel STILL in my stomach but for the half tablespoon, equivalent, of non dairy creamer that was drunk 4 HOURS earlier!!!!!! I shit you not! Can you say "out of control"?