RIP Steve Jobs...

I've been an Apple fanatic for years, and every computer in my home is a Mac. I can't remember what my life was like before the ipod and itunes, and I am still discovering how the ipad was a device that I needed all along but just didn't know it.

This man completely changed my life, and he will be missed.

SingleMaltScotch's Avatar
I've been a Mac fanatic since 1986. Apple products are all over my house, and my entire family are Mac bigots. Steve Jobs was rare in that he had a vision, made it real, and then successfully communicated and shared that vision.

The news brought a tear to my eye. He will be missed.
rip....i love my iphone and i will be getting an ipad soon... damn he will be missed
Toolman's Avatar
I got one of the first Macs in 1984 and have owned 27 Macs since that time. It has been such a joy to participate in the evolution of the Mac technology and watch with amusement as the Pee Cee tried to catch up with the innovations that sprang from SJ's brain. Until 2 years ago, I was fortunate in that my professional life never required me to use DOS or Windoze or any other non-Mac operating systems. It wasn't until a job change required me to use a Dell product that I began to fully realize how incredibly superior the Mac OS was to Bill Gates' homely stepchild. The world will be poorer for the loss of Steve Jobs. RIP.