OH! I had it all wrong. According to Susan Rice Benghazi is a "false controversy".

....What difference does it make now? People get/spread faulty intelligence...Just look at the lead up to Iraq.. Originally Posted by WTF

the difference between this and WTF's idiotic statement is grand and apparent and huge and obvious....

it wasn't at all from "faulty Intelligence" as WTF states

it was a lie and a knowing lie

it was a lie and on purpose

it was a lie with a hope they could fool the American people

it was a lie for crass political purposes

Hillary had to lie to fade the heat about some sort of fall and hitting her head

it was a lie and the entire apparatus of government was solicited and corrupted by the lie:

from the judicial system going after the poor video maker to the sec of state promising to get him, to rice lying repeatedly, to Obama's own statements like" I gave the military the order to do everything possible", to the white house apparatchiks covering up for Obama as to his competency and to where obama was that night

and in the famous words of both hilliary and WTF- "what difference does it make now?"
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-24-2013, 09:48 AM
It was Cherry picked intelligence used in the drumbeat to war. A war that killed far more than four. If you want to beat Hillary over the head for something beat her over the head for voting for that god damn war. I'll gladly join you.
It was Cherry picked intelligence used in the drumbeat to war. A war that killed far more than four. If you want to beat Hillary over the head for something beat her over the head for voting for that god damn war. I'll gladly join you. Originally Posted by WTF
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
She got there by being intelligent, hard working, and espousing progressive/ liberal policies that have helped the country. Originally Posted by Bert Jones

Give some undeniable, concrete examples other than winning elections (of which she has won exactly ONE!). Show us where she has done good.
bengazi happened over a few hours....veep dick and rummy and there followers had months to plan the invasion of iraq and still fucked up to the tune of 4,000+ k.i.a.'s and tens of thousands destroyed by the invasion....
it's a shame yinz can't run against b.o. again...maybe you could beat him this time....of course that's what you said about mitt....
"Then the Dems better stop blaming Bush for sending troops to Iraq, right? After all , his (and Queen Clinton's) reasoning was based on faulty intelligence"
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 12-24-2013, 12:03 PM
Give some undeniable, concrete examples other than winning elections (of which she has won exactly ONE!). Show us where she has done good. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
LexusLover's Avatar
She got there by being intelligent, hard working, and espousing progressive/ liberal policies that have helped HER POLITICALLY . Originally Posted by Bert Jones
Fixed it for you.

Shame on you for forgetting Bill's "coattails" ... or was that "cocktails" ... or BBBJ's?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Maybe you misunderstood the question. I want YOU to point out, in your own words, what Hillary has accomplished. I want you on record and I want you to demonstrate to us what you consider important.

In this case you give us a post nearly a year old by a Clinton sycophant. His statements are all generalizations that have no weight and will not be proven for 20 years.
Why are we still talking about this?? Time to move on to the next fake scandal....
It was Cherry picked intelligence used in the drumbeat to war. A war that killed far more than four. If you want to beat Hillary over the head for something beat her over the head for voting for that god damn war. I'll gladly join you. Originally Posted by WTF
Not only did Hillary vote for the war, she and Bill are responsible for the false intelligence.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-24-2013, 01:23 PM
Why are we still talking about this?? Time to move on to the next fake scandal.... Originally Posted by mikeylikesit69

you're kidding

without bullshit to breathe the rightwingers would suffocate in 30 seconds
Not only did Hillary vote for the war, she and Bill are responsible for the false intelligence. Originally Posted by gnadfly

Why are we still talking about this?? Time to move on to the next fake scandal.... Originally Posted by mikeylikesit69
Yea, mikey... lets talk about this fake scandal

BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 12-24-2013, 02:27 PM
Maybe you misunderstood the question. I want YOU to point out, in your own words, what Hillary has accomplished. I want you on record and I want you to demonstrate to us what you consider important.

In this case you give us a post nearly a year old by a Clinton sycophant. His statements are all generalizations that have no weight and will not be proven for 20 years. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Asked and answered. Remember, I was never in the military so stop ordering me around, too.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-24-2013, 02:33 PM
Maybe you misunderstood the question. I want YOU to point out, in your own words, what Hillary has accomplished. I want you on record and I want you to demonstrate to us what you consider important.

In this case you give us a post nearly a year old by a Clinton sycophant. His statements are all generalizations that have no weight and will not be proven for 20 years. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

here's the way it works Teach ... Hildabeast is a champion of and for the women.. she'll get the women's vote just like Obie got the black vote, and women's vote will win her the next general election .... doesn't make a shit what you say or think either. You and your ilk are screwed, screwed, SCREWED.

deal with it.