Where is Romney when you need him?

Yeah, we know you would much rather vote for the motherfucker who is owned, so you can get owned, lol.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Actually, I would much rather be the owner.
Irrelevant? Was Roe v. Wade irrelevant? How about Brown v. Topeka Board of Education? Or Bush v. Gore? Or National Federation of Independent Business v. Sibelius? All irrelevant?

And who owns the Court? Justices are appointed for life. They make $244,000 a year and file annual financial disclosure reports. Is the Man paying them under the table, COG? Originally Posted by lustylad
They get paid through their family members, foundations, charity organizations, and cleverly crafted business transactions, same as politicians.

Their rulings are only relevant when the states agree with them. Take abortion for example, it's still illegal in many states (as far as the state is concerned) and the vast majority of states have gone against the courts and put restrictions on what the SCOTUS ruled. And more importantly, SCOTUS cannot by it's ruling, force a doctor to perform an abortion if they do not choose to do so.
lustylad's Avatar
Ask Justice Roberts. The Court is a joke. The Justices are appointed by the President, who is fully owned by the corporations and Wall Street. And you think they are independent? They don't pick the brightest legal minds, they pick who can get through the Senate, another wholly owned subsidiary of the banks, Wall Street and major corporations. That's why most of the appointees have little or no record. They can be formed into whatever the elitists want them to be. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
One thing puzzles me, COG. There are 9 justices on the SCOTUS. If they're all mere puppets molded and shaped by the elitists, why do they often vote 5-4 and write such passionate dissenting opinions? Is that just a ruse to make it look like they actually think for themselves?

Oh, and one more thing. If the Senate is "another wholly owned subsidiary" of the elite, why do those same elitists need to worry about getting their hand-picked SCOTUS appointees approved? Shouldn't the Senate just FOLLOW THE MAN?

I want to be a populist like you, COG. I really do. Being a populist is cool right now. Heck, it can even make an old fuddy-duddy like Bernie Sanders look cute. But your bumper sticker slogans and explanations just ain't making it.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I'm a fucking imbecile cocksucker no i don't know why. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You're a fucking imbecile is why. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

If at first you don't succeed, try again Urinal Lips...

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
One thing puzzles me, COG. There are 9 justices on the SCOTUS. If they're all mere puppets molded and shaped by the elitists, why do they often vote 5-4 and write such passionate dissenting opinions? Is that just a ruse to make it look like they actually think for themselves?

Oh, and one more thing. If the Senate is "another wholly owned subsidiary" of the elite, why do those same elitists need to worry about getting their hand-picked SCOTUS appointees approved? Shouldn't the Senate just FOLLOW THE MAN?

I want to be a populist like you, COG. I really do. Being a populist is cool right now. Heck, it can even make an old fuddy-duddy like Bernie Sanders look cute. But your bumper sticker slogans and explanations just ain't making it. Originally Posted by lustylad
Do your research. Think. Realize the government does not care about you, and quit believing what the media tell you to believe. You've got the brains to figure this out, just not the balls.
Actually, I would much rather be the owner. Originally Posted by nwarounder
Good luck to ya.

TheDaliLama's Avatar
Where is Romney when you need him?

Why? Do you need some one to buy you another six pack of Colt 45?
lustylad's Avatar
Do your research. Think. Realize the government does not care about you, and quit believing what the media tell you to believe. You've got the brains to figure this out, just not the balls. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
More bumper sticker sloganeering - is that all you got? You could at least try to explain your contradictions when someone points them out to you. It's all a conspiracy, right? Who exactly is the controlling elite? Yeah I know, Wall Street, the banks and corporations - one big scary group of puppeteers. Problem is that even people like the Koch brothers and George Soros have polar opposite political views. They can't BOTH be successfully pulling all the strings. You just like to demonize all bankers and business folks because it makes you feel like a populist. If you actually believed your own nonsense, you wouldn't run and hide behind bumper sticker slogans and facile generalizations whenever someone asks you to elaborate.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
More bumper sticker sloganeering - is that all you got? You could at least try to explain your contradictions when someone points them out to you. It's all a conspiracy, right? Who exactly is the controlling elite? Yeah I know, Wall Street, the banks and corporations - one big scary group of puppeteers. Problem is that even people like the Koch brothers and George Soros have polar opposite political views. They can't BOTH be successfully pulling all the strings. You just like to demonize all bankers and business folks because it makes you feel like a populist. If you actually believed your own nonsense, you wouldn't run and hide behind bumper sticker slogans and facile generalizations whenever someone asks you to elaborate. Originally Posted by lustylad
Koch and Soros are pawns. You're a smart guy. Research.

I'm not here to educate anyone. I'm here because it is entertaining. Most of the time. No matter what I wrote, you would be critical of it, because that is fun for you.

You believe Koch and Soros are the ruling elite, because that is who the media tell you is the ruling elite. Research what some of our past Presidents and political leaders have to say about the unaccountable, invisible government that controls us. Find out what Alan Greenspan said in response to the question of whether the FED is accountable to Congress. What happens when Democrats are in power? Government grows and Liberty recedes. What happens when Republicans are in power? Government grows and Liberty recedes. Notice a pattern? Who gets richer, regardless of which party is in power? You got it, the rich. We have a $19 TRILLION debt. What did we spend that on? Where did the money go? Poverty is rampant, it didn't go there. Health care sucks, it didn't go there. Infrastructure is deteriorating, it didn't go there. We can't win a war, it didn't go there. Where the hell did it go? Do we ever seriously audit any departments or agencies? No. Can we get enough votes to audit the FED? No. Do we audit defense contractors, Wall Street, or anyone who gets our money? No. You know why? THEY DON'T WANT US TO KNOW WHERE THE MONEY IS GOING! And it's going to banks, companies and people who could squash Soros and the Kochs in minutes. You will not hear of these people in the media. They own the media.

This isn't bumper sticker rhetoric. This is a fight for the survival of freedom. Except the fight is pretty well over. If I were younger, I'd be more active than what I am. Fortunately my children can see it, too, and they're willing to fight.

Lusty, you're not an idiot like so many here. If you'd open your eyes, look beyond the façade of the MSM, you'd see. Changing Presidents is meaningless. Switching from Republican to Democrat is pointless. There will be no real change. We need a massive demonstration of non violent civil disobedience to make any meaningful change. That's not going to happen.

So I'm going to spend my time having a few drinks, visiting a few providers, and watch my grandkids grow, and tell them about how there used to be a great country, based on freedom, called America.