Democrat run city to be burned and looted after re-election

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
we remember this retard yeah? the one Trump told to "SIT DOWN!"

Trump Got His Wish. Mexico Is Now the Wall.

The American immigration system needs a complete makeover, but López Obrador’s government shouldn’t act as an extension of the Border Patrol.

By Jorge Ramos
Mr. Ramos is a contributing opinion writer and an anchor for the Univision network.


BAHHAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Jorge Ramos? He's hand wringing that Trump is having his way with illegal immigrants? GOOD!!!

Once that wall is built, it'll be much easier and quicker to catch illegals. they're building a single wall in many places, a double wall is really whats needed.
  • oeb11
  • 09-02-2020, 10:46 AM
Legally immigrated hispanics are no fans of the open borders and free stuff for all ilegals.

It takes their hard earned place and makes it worthless - with hordes of illegals taking and sopping up billions in government welfare - but the radical marcist and racist DEPST's know this - and care not.

they are intent on bring ing in as many Citizens of global Amrica as possible to Vote for more and more welfare from their controlling Racist marxist terrorist benefactors.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Gonna look like escape from NY-LA those movies and the really issues the dim-wit DPST don't care just look to Venezuela
Legally immigrated hispanics are no fans of the open borders and free stuff for all ilegals.

It takes their hard earned place and makes it worthless - with hordes of illegals taking and sopping up billions in government welfare - but the radical marcist and racist DEPST's know this - and care not.

they are intent on bring ing in as many Citizens of global Amrica as possible to Vote for more and more welfare from their controlling Racist marxist terrorist benefactors. Originally Posted by oeb11
That's so true. I have a couple of friends from Europe and they have been in America for over twenty years. Gaining citizenship is more involved than just showing up. It sort of pisses them off that these Mexican immigrants didn't have to go through nearly as much as they did.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... they're building a single wall in many places, a double wall is really whats needed. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

1st term = First wall
2nd term = Second wall?
  • oeb11
  • 09-03-2020, 08:18 AM
We need the resolve to open fire on criminals umping the border.

you want to jump our border - We will Shoot You.

The best deterrent . particularly to teh organizers of the 'marches' to destroy our borders.
Our country is under assault from within and without - time to stand up and show some resolve to protect ourselves from vicious racist, marxist DPST criminals/