How do you rate Trump's first 100 days?

LexusLover's Avatar
... What a pussy. Originally Posted by Budman
Now you're insulting women!
Fuck you. You post a stupid fucking list that has no basis in reality you should expect to be called a fucking drunk. Go ahead and call the MODS you fat fucking POS. What a pussy. Originally Posted by Budman
I don't think you would say that to my face and you know you wouldn't- it's quite ironic a person named "Budman" calls me a drunken- and I already sent it to the MODs. I post whatever I fucking want as long as its within the rules you dumb POS- if you didn't like the topic why the fuck did you respond? You see it goes like this budman
I am not a queer so you would never catch me in a gay bar- I don't listen to rap music so you wouldn't catch me at a Jay Z concert- so in other words people usually don't waste time on things they don't like- but you said my topic was a stupid fucking list- but you respond to my thread- just let that sink in for a second ok- and ask yourself this question.

Who is the bigger fool? The Fool or the one who follows the Fool?
LexusLover's Avatar
Bet he would eat a Spamburger. Originally Posted by R.M.

R.M. ... Have I been stalking you?
LexusLover's Avatar
"7) Collusions with Russians"

... if you had a line of work ... I'd suggest you replace it!!!!!

R.M. ... Have I been stalking you? Originally Posted by LexusLover
LexusLover the massage stalker- unless you can post a pic of your wonderful bod with the 6 pack than you are a fat ass yourself- whom are you kidding this is a whore site- full of fat asses and you are one of them just like me- but I don't steal RWI.
Hey R.M thought I would help you out- you can thank me later- instead of posting in the political forum- post here :
there's a lot of men in Houston looking to get laid- go see them
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Trumps 1st 100 days! Don't let the liberals deceive you, Trump has been very successful and is on the verge of accomplishing all that he promised .... look at what he has done!
1. We have a conservative on the Supreme Court
2. Trump has reestablished Americas role in the world with foreign policy that both sides of the isle approve and all our allies appreciate! ( bombing Syria and Afghanistan)
3. We have over 30 executive orders in place .... the most of any president since World War Two! He has cut regulations that hurt our economy.... Mainly turning the country around in a very different direction than we were going just three months ago!
4. He has an amazing cabinet in place in-spite of a stonewalling opposition from the liberals and the fake Media .... as we all know the Main Street Media is just another arm of the Democratic Party. ( thank God for twitter! )
* He has a lot of work to do on his legislative actions, but he has fought hard to get the right people in place and don't forget about all the leftover liberal loyalists that he had to deal with leaking classified information trying to hamper his efforts to put his cabinet in place and hampering his ability to get legislation past!
* I believe he will get tax reform accomplished and Obamacare repealed and replaced in the near future ... just not within a 100 days !!!!!
* Making America Great again is a Hugh task given all the setbacks of the past 8 years!
WTF's Avatar
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  • 04-24-2017, 03:19 PM
2. Trump has reestablished Americas role in the world with foreign policy that both sides of the isle approve and all our allies appreciate! ( bombing Syria and Afghanistan)
3. We have over 30 executive orders in pl. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Gitmo is still open, despite the prior guy's best efforts to close it.

Firing squad time!
LexusLover the massage stalker- unless you can post a pic of your wonderful bod with the 6 pack than you are a fat ass yourself- whom are you kidding this is a whore site- full of fat asses and you are one of them just like me- but I don't steal RWI. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
But YOU do steal VALOR to which YOU aren't entitled ! But YOU are ok with that, right " seArgent shitburner ! ? !!!!
Hey R.M thought I would help you out- you can thank me later- instead of posting in the political forum- post here :
there's a lot of men in Houston looking to get laid- go see them Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
" there's a lot of men in Houston looking to get laid..." TROLLING FOR MEN AND TRANNIESNOW "seArgent shitburner " ? ! Whatever will YOUR mentor, assup say about YOU " two timing " him ????? !
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I would give him a F. if it were possible a F minus- here are my reasons.

1) Failed attempt to ban muslims A lie.
2) Lied about appointing a special committee to prosecute Hillary You can't fail what you don't start. You really want a special committee?
3) Failure at repealing Obamacare-despite the GOP having 7 years to come up with a replacement and the replacement they came up was worse than Obamacare. This was a failure of the Congress who had seven years to figure it out, not Trump who just got there.
4) Appointing incompetent people to post like Devos and Carson. Oh, you can predict the future.
5) Blasting Hilary during the debates about her connections with wall street than going around and appointing Billionaire tycoons and wall street elitist to post in his cabinet 98% of donations from Wall Street went to the DNC and Hillary.
7) Collusions with Russians A damned lie that will find you in hell after you die of prostrate cancer. My gift to you.
8) Blaming Obama for wiretapping w/o any evidence only to have it blow up in his face Really? Turns out that Trump was correct.
9) Failed Syrian strike - the base was operational in 48 hours Not the aircraft...
10) Failed MOAB- dropping a bomb that large only killed 36 militants plus the Taliban last week were able to pull off an attack that killed over 100 afghan soldiers. So sad you can't read. The number was pushed to 100 dead terrorists. I posted the update.
11) Failed rescued attempt that led to death of a special ops soldier. Yes, I understand that Trump held up air support...wait, that was Obama.
12) His Supreme Court nominee only got confirmed under "special rules"- first time ever a supreme court nominee needed the rules changed to get appointed. The first time a party tried to filibuster a nominee to the SCOTUS. GOP put the rules back in place as they were 30 years ago.
13) Lowest approval rating of any President in their 1st 100 days. Depends on who you read and (take note) they've only been looking at this since the 1940s so you cannot say (unless you're lying) that "any" president is included.
14) Trump's constant fuck ups and the idiots on this site trying to defend his actions- priceless Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
I've marked all the ones you mentioned that are lies, distortions, half-truths, or just bull shit in red.
Trumps 1st 100 days! Don't let the liberals deceive you, Trump has been very successful and is on the verge of accomplishing all that he promised .... look at what he has done!
1. We have a conservative on the Supreme Court - They needed to change the rules to nominate him-1st time ever
2. Trump has reestablished Americas role in the world with foreign policy that both sides of the isle approve and all our allies appreciate! ( bombing Syria and Afghanistan)- The Syrian Airbase was operational in 48 hours and the Taliban just last week killed over 100 afghan soldiers-so the Taliban killed nearly 3 times more than what the MOAB accomplished.
3. We have over 30 executive orders in place .... the most of any president since World War Two! He has cut regulations that hurt our economy.... Mainly turning the country around in a very different direction than we were going just three months ago!- Yet you were bitching when Obama was giving out executive orders.
4. He has an amazing cabinet in place in-spite of a stonewalling opposition from the liberals and the fake Media .... as we all know the Main Street Media is just another arm of the Democratic Party. ( thank God for twitter! ) Fuck you
* He has a lot of work to do on his legislative actions, but he has fought hard to get the right people in place and don't forget about all the leftover liberal loyalists that he had to deal with leaking classified information trying to hamper his efforts to put his cabinet in place and hampering his ability to get legislation past! He hasn't passed one legislation- how did that repeal of Obamacare go- he had the numbers in both houses and Trumpcare failed miserably.
* I believe he will get tax reform accomplished and Obamacare repealed and replaced in the near future ... just not within a 100 days !!!!!
* Making America Great again is a Hugh task given all the setbacks of the past 8 years! Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I don't think you would say that to my face and you know you wouldn't- it's quite ironic a person named "Budman" calls me a drunken- and I already sent it to the MODs. I post whatever I fucking want as long as its within the rules you dumb POS- if you didn't like the topic why the fuck did you respond? You see it goes like this budman
I am not a queer so you would never catch me in a gay bar- I don't listen to rap music so you wouldn't catch me at a Jay Z concert- so in other words people usually don't waste time on things they don't like- but you said my topic was a stupid fucking list- but you respond to my thread- just let that sink in for a second ok- and ask yourself this question.

Who is the bigger fool? The Fool or the one who follows the Fool? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt

don't worry fat, drunk and stupid .. BeyBey isn't gonna "do you" anyway and she don't care if you go to her concerts or not.

i give Trump an A++++ and you an F------
I give President Trump an A for his greatest accomplishment.......that being,

Keeping that lying, despicable, money grubbing, sexual predator enabling cunt Hillary Clinton out of the White House.

That will do for the moment.