Carter wasn't anti nuke!Did I say Carter was anti nuke? No -- learn to read.
Three Mile Island could not have come at a worse time.
You can't blame Carter for that
We are stupid as a society, sorry but thats just the way it is. We should have built nuke and still should be of course Iowa being the first primary sure makes it hard for politicians to tell the truth in this regard. Both parties guilty there. Originally Posted by WTF
I said he was naive and that the kinds of alternative energy that DOE has been pushing are dumb -- which they were then and are today. They will never scale and they create worse problems than what they solve. (Ooooh! I have a great idea, lets burn the food for energy. Fucking morons!)
I said the tree-huggers killed nukes -- by driving the cost of construction through the stratosphere in some half-wit search of perfect safety -- which doesn't exist. Why we pay any attention to these lunatics is beyond me. They have been wrong for 50 years.
The way to get out from under the Mideast oil is to exploit our own. We have plenty here, if only we would go after it. But no, we have to let some fucking caribou in ANWAR keep us from doing it.