Unexpeccted tours

Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
...any mutt treated to such an unexpected thrill who then ups and tells about it is a FUCKING IDIOT!!!

Any Shapely Adorable reading this: they can waterboard my ass but I ain't talking. Pecking either.
...any mutt treated to such an unexpected thrill who then ups and tells about it is a FUCKING IDIOT!!! Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak
Htowner's Avatar
Lol, paTROLLing is cathcin on.
Wayward don't talk about tongue in cheek on a free anal thread. Just not in good taste.

You kow I never believed in Frequent F'r miles . Would just rather pay as I go, no contract, nothing more than hourly , rather than waiting for those progressive YMMVs to rise.

I would rather have the Benz than spend the Bens.
If you can both, more power to you.
Htowner....that's why I drive a Chevy
I'm I offending anyone? I'm just saying I want to get my money's worth. Who here pays for time and companionship only? Not me, besides to each it's own, some guys want the girls to stick the girl's fingers up the guys' ass as an extra, I know this cause I do ask the girls what the most disgusting thing guys have asked to perform on them(provider on Johns) Me, I want to be offered something unexpected that I will enjoy and will make my money worth(but not a finger or two up my ass)
Htowner's Avatar
Htowner....that's why I drive a Chevy Originally Posted by tbone2u
Well your Checy may be worth a lot more than some Benzes.
The way you hobby, I believe you are responsible for some of our trade deficit with China.

I'm I offending anyone? I'm just saying I want to get my money's worth. Who here pays for time and companionship only? Not me, besides to each it's own, some guys want the girls to stick the girl's fingers up the guys' ass as an extra, I know this cause I do ask the girls what the most disgusting thing guys have asked to perform on them(provider on Johns) Me, I want to be offered something unexpected that I will enjoy and will make my money worth(but not a finger or two up my ass) Originally Posted by robotman
I pay for time and companionship but if someone can talk some gal into a prostate massage and pay her for it, who are we to judge about two consenting adults.
Who knows what you have asked the girls to do .We were not there to verify it.
Please don't start moralizing what is ok and what is not on a board like this. That is the most rediculous thing you can do .
May be we start talking about whom you are cheating on and do your parents know about what you are doing here and it can get pretty sticky for you . So much so you wouldn't remember whose finger went up whose ass.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
I'm I offending anyone? I'm just saying I want to get my money's worth. Who here pays for time and companionship only? Not me, besides to each it's own, some guys want the girls to stick the girl's fingers up the guys' ass as an extra, I know this cause I do ask the girls what the most disgusting thing guys have asked to perform on them(provider on Johns) Me, I want to be offered something unexpected that I will enjoy and will make my money worth(but not a finger or two up my ass) Originally Posted by robotman
I like a provider who... after you have exhausted every kinky idea you ever saw in a low brow porn movie... comes up with 3 items right off the top of her head...says "Is there anything the other providers won't let you do...we could do that!"

Dang .... I miss Little Red Robbin... you don't think there's a chance she'll retire or anything ... do ya...
Robotman, maybe it's just bad timing on your part for this thread. You should put some reviews on here before you share that kind of info (I guess). I don't like the way people badmouth each other on these sites, but I also don't like people ratholing their girls. I know it happens. Guys also neglect to share the bad stuff. I have had my share of TOFTT's just because of the failure of people to share information. Anyway, consider yourself lucky to get MSOG, Greek or any type of extra services. Just please share with the class.
As a provider I can say there have been times that I was in the mood for more than the guys donation, and have offered a upgrade on the house. I would not encourage you to write your free upgrades into your reviews. If I were you I would write reviews that stated you got what you paid for. I gave a gentleman a free trip to the isles and he wrote that into the review. For weeks I had people calling me assuming a reduced rate because of his review, even though all of my ads say otherwise. They would come in and say, "Well I saw this review. Is that offer still available?" I was livid. If you get freebees of any kind I would not be inclined to do it again if you proclaimed it to the community and caused me weeks of drama. Be happy the providers you are seeing truely enjoy you company, write reviews and call it a day.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
I would not encourage you to write your free upgrades into your reviews. Originally Posted by Taylor_Summer

(And if the lady has mercy just because she's in the mood or because you're so dang irresistable it won't do nobody no good yakking your fool head off about it. All you're doing is bragging. But it won't do the next mutt a bit of good to have this information; in fact it wrong foots his ass, not to mention the girl's motivated to NOT get wild, you loquacious fucks.

Just use common sense and decency the way your mama taught you.
As a provider I can say there have been times that I was in the mood for more than the guys donation, and have offered a upgrade on the house. I would not encourage you to write your free upgrades into your reviews. If I were you I would write reviews that stated you got what you paid for. I gave a gentleman a free trip to the isles and he wrote that into the review. For weeks I had people calling me assuming a reduced rate because of his review, even though all of my ads say otherwise. They would come in and say, "Well I saw this review. Is that offer still available?" I was livid. If you get freebees of any kind I would not be inclined to do it again if you proclaimed it to the community and caused me weeks of drama. Be happy the providers you are seeing truely enjoy you company, write reviews and call it a day. Originally Posted by Taylor_Summer

great point and very true