Freedom for odummer's Taliban 5

They are unlawful enemy combatants; they don't have the right to a trial.

They were captured on the battlefield and are in our custody until the war ends.

In war, you don't release your enemies to return back to the battlefield.

Then why not try them? Try them in a military court or even a specially appointed war crimes tribunal. Make the case to keep them or let them go. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
They are unlawful enemy combatants; they don't have the right to a trial.

They were captured on the battlefield and are in our custody until the war ends.

In war, you don't release your enemies to return back to the battlefield. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
To pretend this is anything resembling a conventional war is ludicrous. And therein lies the problem. I guess you don't care how they treat captured US soldiers.
You are too much of a simpleton to understand the difference between unlawful enemy combatant and lawful enemy combatant.

Seems to me they are treating our soldiers worse than we treated theirs; how does letting these guys go free work to our favor?

You must be one of those "if we only treat me honorably and make sure they had a job" they would want to kill us.

You are a supreme idiot. I am not surprised you are all in with Obama (the worse President in american history).

To pretend this is anything resembling a conventional war is ludicrous. And therein lies the problem. I guess you don't care how they treat captured US soldiers. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You are too much of a simpleton to understand the difference between unlawful enemy combatant and lawful enemy combatant.

Seems to me they are treating our soldiers worse than we treated theirs; how does letting these guys go free work to our favor?

You must be one of those "if we only treat me honorably and make sure they had a job" they would want to kill us.

You are a supreme idiot. I am not surprised you are all in with Obama (the worse President in american history). Originally Posted by Whirlaway
No, I don't believe that, but you love putting words in my mouth about as much as you like putting dick in yours. Look, each side thinks they're right. The simpleton is the one who just barrels on through, without giving any though to a better way of doings thing other than the status quo.

The guys are out of Guantanamo, that's over. The cat is out of the bag. You can choose to move forward and face the new situation or mew about what should have happened. It's over. I'm also not all in on Obama. Suck on Bush's dick some more, you shrubby bitch.

Coming from king of the idiots, I'm nowhere close to being in your league.