The truth behind the fake statistic...

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Uhhhh, we have 15 times the population of Australia and 6 times the population of England. Don't you think that may have something to do with it.

In Switzerland every adult male is required to own an assault rifle (the real thing) and ammunition. What are their stats on crime and suicide?
Switzerland US
Population: 8, 210,000 318,000,000
Murder rate: .71 per 100,000 5 per 100,000
Suicide rate: 11.1 per 100,000 12.6 per 100,000
Police officers: .9 per 100,000 243.6 per 100,000 Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Hello!!! Did you miss "PER CAPITA" from Southtown's post?

Second, every adult male in Switzerland is NOT required to an assault rifle:


But, again, Switzerland does not require "citizens to own guns."
The government issues a gun to men for their mandatory military service, but the gun is taken home under "carefully controlled conditions without ammunition," said Mikton, the WHO officer who is also Swiss.
"As soon as they have finished their military service — typically around 30 years of age — they have to return the gun," he said.

Swiss gun laws are more strict than the post implies, though less tough than some other European Union countries. Swiss law requires mandatory background checks on civilian handgun purchases and licenses for the concealed carry of weapons, and it bans automatic weapons.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So basically, JDrunk is LYING again.

I'm shocked!
  • DSK
  • 10-10-2015, 08:38 AM
Hello!!! Did you miss "PER CAPITA" from Southtown's post?

Second, every adult male in Switzerland is NOT required to an assault rifle:


But, again, Switzerland does not require "citizens to own guns."
The government issues a gun to men for their mandatory military service, but the gun is taken home under "carefully controlled conditions without ammunition," said Mikton, the WHO officer who is also Swiss.
"As soon as they have finished their military service — typically around 30 years of age — they have to return the gun," he said.

Swiss gun laws are more strict than the post implies, though less tough than some other European Union countries. Swiss law requires mandatory background checks on civilian handgun purchases and licenses for the concealed carry of weapons, and it bans automatic weapons. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I'm willing to follow Swiss laws on guns if you are willing to follow their immigration laws.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Hello!!! Did you miss "PER CAPITA" from Southtown's post?

Second, every adult male in Switzerland is NOT required to an assault rifle:


But, again, Switzerland does not require "citizens to own guns."
The government issues a gun to men for their mandatory military service, but the gun is taken home under "carefully controlled conditions without ammunition," said Mikton, the WHO officer who is also Swiss.
"As soon as they have finished their military service — typically around 30 years of age — they have to return the gun," he said.

Swiss gun laws are more strict than the post implies, though less tough than some other European Union countries. Swiss law requires mandatory background checks on civilian handgun purchases and licenses for the concealed carry of weapons, and it bans automatic weapons. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Which is why my stats are per capita but Southie should have highlighted that for the other readers who are not as astute as you. are right that not all males in Switzerland own a gun AFTER military service. They are all required to serve their country and afterwards, if they want to take their weapon home then they fill out the paperwork and can do so. As for ammunition, no government ammunition but they can buy civilian ammunition within strict guidelines.

Let me take a moment to point out something here. Unlike in this country, there doesn't seem to be a major political party demanding that they change their weapons status to "banned". There is not that worry about what the next liberal/progressive democrat is going to do when they get into office.

So every able bodied man knows how to fire and maintain an assault rifle in Switzerland. I wish we had that.

The point of my stats were to impeach the idea that the number of available weapons had a direct corellation with violence as NBK likes to write. Tell me, do you believe that? If it were true then there would be a pretty clear ratio but there isn't. Look at suicides between the two countries (since NBK wanted to include suicides with violent gun crimes statistics). They are for all practical purposes the same. Either the US is very peaceful and level headed or Switzerland is very violent and suicidal. What do you think?

No, as I said, there must be something else that is not being discussed. Wonder what that is? It's not the number of guns. Maybe it is the investigation into the mental well being of each person who wants to own a gun. Something we really don't do here. There is a little check box on the form but that is it. HPAA and Sigma 6 are getting in the way of public safety in the name of personal privacy. Tough choice isn't it.

I could also go into what other European countries do that have universal service for their men and some women. Norway and Israel among others. In Israel, which I've personally seen, teachers are armed in order to protect their students. It is national law that when you have a group of students together, there will be an armed adult escort. How many lives would have been saved in this country if we did someone so common sense?

I think we can safely say that I have refuted NBK's idiotic claims at this point.
southtown4488's Avatar
is "per capita" really that hard to understand?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

So every able bodied man knows how to fire and maintain an assault rifle in Switzerland. I wish we had that.

The point of my stats were to impeach the idea that the number of available weapons had a direct corellation with violence as NBK likes to write. Tell me, do you believe that? If it were true then there would be a pretty clear ratio but there isn't. Look at suicides between the two countries (since NBK wanted to include suicides with violent gun crimes statistics). They are for all practical purposes the same. Either the US is very peaceful and level headed or Switzerland is very violent and suicidal. What do you think?

No, as I said, there must be something else that is not being discussed. Wonder what that is? It's not the number of guns. Maybe it is the investigation into the mental well being of each person who wants to own a gun. Something we really don't do here. There is a little check box on the form but that is it. HPAA and Sigma 6 are getting in the way of public safety in the name of personal privacy. Tough choice isn't it.
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
While I agree with your statements about the number of guns I find it rather ironic. You have always put John Lott on a pedestal, and what is the title of his book? "More Guns, Less Crime". The problem I find with your statements is that most true right wingers do not want ANY gun control, and forcing a person to be investigated for mental well being before being allowed to purchase a gun would be a violation of their 2nd Amendment Rights. What is the NRA's position on such a requirement?
LexusLover's Avatar
is "per capita" really that hard to understand? Originally Posted by southtown4488
No. Once you define the population base upon which the "per capita" is based.

For instance ... do you count children, incarcerated, convicts, illegal aliens, etc?
No. Once you define the population base upon which the "per capita" is based.

For instance ... do you count children, incarcerated, convicts, illegal aliens, etc? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Hopefully, it doesn't "count" the Blithering Idiots from Idiotville!

BTW, have you answered the "simple" question yet?

Hopefully, it doesn't "count" the Blithering Idiots from Idiotville!

BTW, have you answered the "simple" question yet?

Idiot! Originally Posted by bigtex
Have YOU answered the simple question of what the definition of "IS" is ?
Have YOU answered the simple question of what the definition of "IS" is ? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
We'd all like to know what IS wrong with you?
Have YOU answered the simple question of what the definition of "IS" is ? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
So you want the definition of "is".

Ok, I have nothing to hide.


Definition of "is" follows:

verb 1. 3rd person singular present indicative of be.

It is now time for LLIdiot to answer the "simple" question that he has been duckin' and dodgin' for months.

If you happen to see the LL the Patriarchal Idiot, be sure to ask him what does he have to hide.

And before I forget, GO STROS'!

Adios Gay Rey!
So you want the definition of "is".

Ok, I have nothing to hide.


Definition of "is" follows:

verb 1. 3rd person singular present indicative of be.

It is now time for LLIdiot to answer the "simple" question that he has been duckin' and dodgin' for months.

If you happen to see the LL the Patriarchal Idiot, be sure to ask him what does he have to hide.

And before I forget, GO STROS'!

Adios Gay Rey! Originally Posted by bigtex
Is that your hero Slick Willy the IMPEACHED former President, convicted perjurer and sexual assaulter's approved definition Lil cotex ?
Is that your hero Slick Willy the IMPEACHED former President, convicted perjurer and sexual assaulter's approved definition Lil cotex ? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Lying cocksucker. His impeachment was not fully processed and he was later acquitted by the Senate. You just can't help being a lying shill for the republitard cause, can you?
Lying cocksucker. His impeachment was not fully processed and he was later acquitted by the Senate. You just can't help being a lying shill for the republitard cause, can you? Originally Posted by WombRaider
Articles of impeachment PASSED the HOUSE ya cum guzzler. He IS only the SECOND President to face impeachment. And a civil suit proved his lying ass was a lying sexual predator when he was sued and lost his case to Paula Corbin Jones ! The perjuring bastard was impeached over LYING, like you liberals do EVERYTIME you open YOUR suckhole, to federal investigators ! He lost his law license IN HIS AND YOUR SHITTY HOME STATE, where he had been the ATTORNEY GENERAL AND THE GOVERNOR ! Go ahead and try to defend him and re-write history. It might be the only writing YOU can do, you POS.
Is that your hero Slick Willy the IMPEACHED former President, convicted perjurer and sexual assaulter's approved definition Lil cotex ? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Who asked a question about a "former President?" Your question only dealt with the definition of "is." Nothing more, nothing less!

See below!

Have YOU answered the simple question of what the definition of "IS" Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
I answered your exact question as you specifically requested. Didn't I?

Personally, I thought the question was a little strange and then it occurred to me that a "simple" two letter word was probably too complex for you to wrap your feeble mind around.

Hell, I was just trying to help you out. See if I ever try to do a favor for you anymore.

Ungrateful Bastard!

And before I forget, GO 'STROS!

Adios, Gay Rey!