Anyone else?

bigclitluvr's Avatar
Lexi, I'm impressed with your knowledge and passion for college football! Other than your being a Bama fan, you're the complete package!!
No need to apologize for drama or harsh feelings. I'm far from butthurt over a die hard bama fan. One note of caution though, this is the SEC. Nothing is ever certain (Vandy) and it's a long road to go.

Saban is the smarter coach though.....

Arverni's Avatar
Lexi WTF Girl? You're a CHICK ... and you know way too much about football! LMAO.

No seriously ... it's your passion ... it's cool.

I'm just wondering which LSU coach you guys are gonna steal next after Saban moves to Texas! :P
Arverni's Avatar
I will say this ... when LSU LOSES ... I hate it ... but I'm always working the bar during the games and I know if they lose - I can break out my Ipad and read a book - the rest of the night will be calm.

But when LSU WINS ... I just don't know what fuckin' gets into people - but I have all kinds of issues with people raising hell and I have to throw 'em out. I don't get any peace the rest of the night. LOL
Old Horn Dog's Avatar
I'm really, REALLY going to enjoy this: "So, ummm, Alabama & Auburn--they're the SAME SCHOOL, right?.."
It blows my mind how some of you think we "stole" your coach. That is so NOT true. Saban decided to go to the NFL, simple as that. When things didn't go as expected, he left and came to us. If he leaves Bama for another school, I'd have no hard feelings, wish him the best, be appreciative of what he did for our University and hope we don't have to play the team he's coaching. (Texas?)

HATE= Fear and Frustration
Why do so many of you hate Saban? He's the one who gave Les and LSU that National title with his winning recruiting class.

Yes, I'm very passionate about football and any man who walks in my room. It's all about the "challenge" for me..

I'm proud to be a redneck courtesan.

Life's short, Let's play hard

Now, who wants some

F$&kin hot
Here is why LSU fans hate Saban.

Lets say that your wife (Saban) leaves you for Brad Pitt NFL). Well, hell, you can't really blame her! Or him!

More money, sexier, famous, and an all around great guy from all I hear.

So, you wish them well and go cry in your beer.

Then you pick up the enquirer. Your ex is spotted back in town! Rumor has it - Brad dumped her! The cad!!!!

Soo, you go on a diet. Start working out. Looking in the mirror and flexing. Yeah, she wants me back. She'll be sorry for leaving me. Look at my new wife. Loyal, not as flashy, but she has her own style! And the most SUCCESSFUL wife you've ever had!

But wait, something is WRONG!!! Her car was spotted parked outside of your toothless cousin Bubba's trailer!! and he LIVES IN ALABAMA!!!

Things ain't been right since he "won" with the whole "bear lottery" years ago. What is she doing THERE?

OMG OMG OMG OMG. THEY GOT MARRIED. Pictures are on the internet of them HAVING SEX! and she looks like she's LOVING IT!!!

They even gave her a trophy for her performance!!! And the kids got the 'heisman' award - your kids didn't even get invited to the party!!!!

While she was here, she said we were special. She made us BELIEVE that she cared. If she really EVER cared about us, she would have gone ANYWHERE but to Bubba's. ANYWHERE!!!!

The only comfort we have is that we KNOW she'll always be her. Never change her spots. One day, sooner or later, Bubba will wake up to find she's moved to TEXAS - where things really are bigger!!!!
Wow Greg! That's some imagination you have there sweetie. Please don't take this wrong, but It seems to me you have some serious issues within your self, and/or your personal life that need to be dealt with. You've gotta let it go and let God help you resolve this hate which seems to be consuming you. If your not a religious man, might I suggest a few of Dr. Phil's books.
Again, I'm not trying to be ugly, I'm just sayin
TiCobra's Avatar
One thing is for sure...the difference in the team between the Fla win and the Ole Miss loss was night and day...the joke was the Grambling team that boycotted their game showed up at Ole Miss lol...there is still a chance but with A&M and Bama (can't overlook the Razorbacks either) left on the schedule LSU has their work cut out for them if they even want the Cotton Bowl,winning out could possibly get them in a BCS bowl. I guess a purple and gold condom that said GEAUX TIGERS on it wouldn't be a good idea to bring to a session with you lexi? I would love LSU to play spoiler in the LSU vs Bama game but I want the SEC to bring home another crystal ball. Oregon has been saying for the last few weeks they want careful what you wish for Ducks...
TiCobra..A condom that say Geaux Tigers? No, I think I'd like to see that. I'm always interested in trying new things. Purple and Gold are kewl colors, they just don't look good on me.

Anything can happen on any given Saturday in College football. It's gonna be interesting to see my team play against Tennessee tomorrow without Vinnie Sunseri who's out for the season.

The Mighty DUCKS...Just as LSU took them down in 2011, so will Alabama in the 2014 BCS National Championship game..

Now, I have a confession to make. In my home, (spare bedroom) I have a wall dedicated to LSU. There, I have Les Miles, Paul Maineri and Chad Jones autographs hanging. If anyone has anything else I can add to my wall, I come to town every 2 months. That's quite a compliment cause all my Auburn autographs are out of site.
TiCobra's Avatar
Lexi I've never seen one that says GEAUX TIGERS much less a purple and gold condom,but if I do I'll be sure and call you.A woman that loves football and SEC football at that! Not alot more can you ask for! ( I can think of a few more things but I'll hold keep those to myself for now until I make that call lol)
DallasRain's Avatar
you can "create your own condom"
SknyDiva's Avatar
You GO Lexi Love!!! Your Ballsy as Hell!!
I love watching these guys getting riled up!!
You do a damn GooD Job!!
Old Horn Dog's Avatar
I don't care for Saban for the same reason I don't care for any weasel: they aren't ethical & you shouldn't trust them. He isn't the only college football coach w/an ego the size of Rhode Island & the ethics of a puff adder, but he's an obvious example of what I call "NCAA head football coach ethics" which aren't the same rules as apply to everyone else. You sign a contract, you recruit players who are coming to the school to play in your program, then you just say "fuck it" & leave--for another college program or the NFL, instead of waiting until your contract is up. It isn't the fans--it's both the school (although I think the average Div. I Athletic Director is even lower than the coaches on the ethics spectrum) and THE PLAYERS he screws when he does that.

I don't care for Miles either. I USED to think the world of Joe Paterno, but even he, it turns out, had feet of clay. I'm not asking for perfection: we're human, we're not perfect, we all have foibles & flaws. But given the absolute priority so many place on football, and the expense involved for the school in maintaining a program, I'd like to see the head of a Div. I program in addition to Frank Beamer @ VA Tech (another school I don't esp. care for, but w/a good coach who seems to also be a decent human being, when I've started thinking the two are mutually exclusive) actually stay through his contract, require his students to go to class & graduate--lest we forget, it IS that wacky-zany-"college"-thing--and not act like a jack-ass whenever someone walks by a check-book.