When the drunk girl spends the night

vantruck's Avatar
Then again...explore your opportunity while you have a chance. She could exaggerated her situation to spent the night with you.
Guest012211-3's Avatar
You did the right thing! The last thing a girl wants when she is upset over a boyfriend and a little tipsy is to have the one guy she trusts trying to get into her pants. She's a dancer, so every man she encounters is making sexual advances even when she is feeling sad and vulnerable. Obviously she was too upset to work, and most likely wanted some comfort from someone who would acknowledge and respect her as a person, not a sex object.

Women don't have to play games to get a guy a to sleep with her!
ANONONE's Avatar

Women don't have to play games to get a guy a to sleep with her! Originally Posted by Nicole Preston
Never were more wise words spoken.
xperiment's Avatar
But games are fun. Oh well. Good job btw O2D.
Randall Creed's Avatar
I agree with Magnetron and John.

This will fall into the blown opportunity file, and there will be no 'next time'. She had you take her back to YOUR place (away from her angry bf so he wouldn't cockblock), and had you HOLD HER for comfort, which is supposed to lead to a passionate, 'heroic', movie style kiss. I think you know what happens at that...or what was SUPPOSED to happen.

Now she's thinking, 'WTF! He didn't make one single attempt to get in my panties'. Odds are now that you'll NEVER get in them. Right now you have to root for the boyfriend to fuck up again so you'll get a one in gazillon SECOND chance.

Good luck with THAT!

Way to go, NICE GUY!

TinMan's Avatar
She might have puked on you. Then you would have had your conscience AND vomit on the furniture to deal with.
Guest012211-3's Avatar
I agree with Magnetron and John.

This will fall into the blown opportunity file, and there will be no 'next time'. She had you take her back to YOUR place (away from her angry bf so he wouldn't cockblock), and had you HOLD HER for comfort, which is supposed to lead to a passionate, 'heroic', movie style kiss. I think you know what happens at that...or what was SUPPOSED to happen.

Now she's thinking, 'WTF! He didn't make one single attempt to get in my panties'. Odds are now that you'll NEVER get in them. Right now you have to root for the boyfriend to fuck up again so you'll get a one in gazillon SECOND chance.

Good luck with THAT!

Way to go, NICE GUY!

Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
Since when is it "Heroic" to take advantage of a drunk and emotionally distraught lady?
Oamaha, she thinks you are a really swell guy and thinks of you as a good "friend".

At least that is what she told me right before I gave her the good fucking she was looking for after you dropped her off...
TexTushHog's Avatar
I agree with Magnetron and John.

This will fall into the blown opportunity file, and there will be no 'next time'. She had you take her back to YOUR place (away from her angry bf so he wouldn't cockblock), and had you HOLD HER for comfort, which is supposed to lead to a passionate, 'heroic', movie style kiss. I think you know what happens at that...or what was SUPPOSED to happen.

Now she's thinking, 'WTF! He didn't make one single attempt to get in my panties'. Odds are now that you'll NEVER get in them. Right now you have to root for the boyfriend to fuck up again so you'll get a one in gazillon SECOND chance.

Good luck with THAT!

Way to go, NICE GUY!

Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
That anyone would even think of this, much less express it in public is dumbfounding to me. I'm just stunned. Amazing.
Did the right thing not taking advantage of drunk girl and
Maybe this will help with in the future

"It's my guess that the women reading this are giving you proverbial brownie points left and right. I am."


and i'm lmao at how clueless some guys are. some of these responses have made me go "i see why he has to pay for it. there are no ladies throwing any panties in that direction - for free"

xperiment: space balls was on tv today. i lmao in such a loud & obnoxious way that i think i lost a couple pounds. i hadn't seen that in soooo long i forgot how silly it is
Rambo, CPI,

You 2 need to go get laid and lay of the vitriol. Totally uncalled for, and putting smileys after it does not make it better.

If you disagree with what he did, fine. But disagree in a respectful manner.


Vitriol - something highly caustic or severe in effect, as criticism.
Randall Creed's Avatar
I'm pretty sure she wasn't as 'drunk' as some of you may think she was. Apparently she was sober enough to not want to go home (conscious decision and, again so the BF can't cockblock) and sober enough to want to be held. I'm pissed at my loser boyfriend, so HOLD ME?? She might've had a couple drinks in her system, but she couldn't been slobbering, falling down staggering, smelling of booze drunk, or she wouldn't have been making what seems like thought out decisions. Then again I don't know. Wasn't there. I will say this, though. If she was in the latter described state of drunkeness, this wouldn't be an issue because the right decision would be CLEAR. You DON'T take advantage of women who are drunk beyond reason. Tipsy? Fine. Slurred speech, stumbling, boob out and don't know it drunk? No way.

Please. She wanted some dick and you declined based on some invisible moral barrier that keeps nice guys paying for internet porn. Too many times in life I've been the 'thanks for helping me back to my feet, now I'm gonna go fuck my loser BF!' guy.

You blew it man, and lightning rarely strikes twice in the same place.

Of course, I say this out of the utmost of respect.

And yes, Spaceballs is funny.
Guest012211-3's Avatar
RC: Even if she was just a bit "tipsy", her emotional state was clearly unstable. Maybe she just wanted a hug. What if he kissed her and she said "no"...is that just teasing in your eyes??
mikahranae's Avatar
You are the greatest guy in my eyes right now. I have so much respect for men that actually do the right thing and don't take advantage of women that are not in their right state of mind. She may have been giving you little hints but who knows if it would have been the same if she had not been so drunk. I think you just would have been disgusted with yourself had you went ahead and got you some of that drunk *****!
PPE, I am much more close to the situation than you realize. If sarcasm and humor are not allowed here, then this site is in a lot of trouble. I guarantee Omaha2dallas will laugh when he reads my comments. We happen to spend a lot to time together at the same club.

There was no malice, no personal attack and no cause for your comments addressed to me as a moderator in public. The man posted a poll and discussion thread with the options to vote to validate him as a gentleman to calling him an idiot in a discussion forum.

I realize you are a new mod and you wish to keep order in Tbone's house. There is a difference between spirited discussions, personal attacks, and just having fun with a topic. We are talking about sex, sexual partners, and of course, the criminal act of prostitution to which this site is predicated upon. The members are used to engaging in some good banter and ribbing with our online friends in the spirit of good nature. I agree the personal attacks and agendas should be discouraged and flames put out when needed. I think you may have interpreted my post wrong.


Back on topic:

I live by the credo of what comes around, goes around. If you take advantage of other people, it will come back to you, both good and bad. At that particular club, it takes a while to build a foundation like we have as well as lots of $$$$. Short term thinking could ruin that. Thinking long term pays continuous dividends.