hobbyist and their camera

I take a lot of photos...for the reviews. I do not take any personal photos, meaning something extra for my eyes only. I do not show anything the lady does not want shown. I blur faces and identifying features per the lady's request. I send the photos to the model if she wants them, but I never send them to anyone else
I take the photos to enhance the review, showing how the lady really looked on that particular day, and I never play any games, trying to trick or surprise the model onto taking an embarrassing photo.
When I photograph you, it will be for the review, and I will give you plenty of editorial control! So, when did you want to meet? Originally Posted by tbonetas
You can trust him. He's done mine and he's a sweetheart.

There's another guy that ruin the picture thing for me. I will never allow it to happen again because he wanted to put my stuff on blast. Yes it's also about trust but once you've been screwed over...you don't want to do it again. Good luck with whatever you decide in the near future.
Yeah, I can tell these photos probably were not intended to be shared. I think the part that was the most disheartening was the fact that I knew one of the girls personally and I am friends with her entire family. I knew she was a provider, but I never in a million years wanted to see it so vividly.
Mojojo's Avatar
I knew she was a provider, but I never in a million years wanted to see it so vividly. Originally Posted by exoticentyce
It is what it is though and knowing she is in the business you shouldn't take images of her doing her job to heart. I'm not saying its right for the inquirer to share photos from his personal stash without her consent, but rather it should not shock you when you see a picture of her on duty. Just my .02
fire engine red's Avatar
I take a lot of photos...for the reviews. I do not take any personal photos, meaning something extra for my eyes only. I do not show anything the lady does not want shown. I blur faces and identifying features per the lady's request. I send the photos to the model if she wants them, but I never send them to anyone else
I take the photos to enhance the review, showing how the lady really looked on that particular day, and I never play any games, trying to trick or surprise the model onto taking an embarrassing photo.
When I photograph you, it will be for the review, and I will give you plenty of editorial control! So, when did you want to meet? Originally Posted by tbonetas
I have been the same many times. I always email the photos to the lady and she is the one that tells me which ones to use. I do the same on blurring faces and tats at there request. It all up to the lady herself. I also have had the ladies use them in their ads. Veronicapeach, Allisonofhouston, Latneremedy and Alli are a few that have done that. I have even had a few calls and ask to do photos. I'm a lot cheaper then the pros.
Now I also have had ladies tell me no cameras. I do not question their decision. Its theirs to make.

If I am ever given the green light to photo a lady I will burn them to CD on the spot (remember I pack my laptop with me) and so she has them all for future use on ads. All that I ask is that the time we use for photography is not part of my session.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
I have never taken any photos of a provider. I have been sent quite a few. I wouldn't share the explicit ones.
tcx's Avatar
  • tcx
  • 07-10-2011, 03:33 PM
1st if you do take photos you should def. trust this person
2nd they shouldnt share the photos unless u r giving them consent
3 myself I wouldnt mind a few photos but the nude ones I would leave off the face or enough so It couldnt be made out. You never know who could get there hands on this material and why put a young lady or yourself in that situation.
I dont see nothing wrong with a picture of the young lady fully clothed but we all have different life styles and photos could cause problems for some
If a guy has a problem with not getting a photo he shouldnt get up set if this wasnt agreed he should just move on. If he doesnt want to see you know more because of a photo then he has a problem.
Always feel comfortable with what you r doing.
He won't be discreet with you either.

That was tacky of him to share those photos. I doubt the ladies in the photos would appreciate his lack of discretion.

So I've had a few guys request to take photos of me in our meetings. My polite response is always no. Discretion is extremely important to me, and there's already enough of my photos floating around cyberspace. Well, one of the guys I've seen before who gave me a completely stellar review had been asking me for pictures and JUST when I thought I'd give in, he emailed me with 7-8 photos of OTHER providers attached engaged in various sexual acts. I was so taken aback that he thought that sending me photos of other girls he had visited with would entice me to take pictures as well. I told him that I didn't feel comfortable seeing him anymore because I feel like it was classless and inappropriate.

Ladies, what are your thoughts? Do you think it's a good idea to have photos of yourself in compromising positions emailed to other providers without your consent?

Gentlemen: if you do ask for your own "personal" photos, do you routinely breech your code and share them with your buddies and friends? Originally Posted by exoticentyce
tyboy1's Avatar
What I like is when the ladies txt me pictures of themselves. It always puts a smile on my face and makes my day. I would never share pictures with anyone if I was into taking them.
fire engine red's Avatar
What I like is when the ladies txt me pictures of themselves. It always puts a smile on my face and makes my day. I would never share pictures with anyone if I was into taking them. Originally Posted by tyboy1
I love when that happens. It's such a turn on for me. I know what they are doing and it usually works. I call back and set up a rendezvous!!
+1 tyboy

+1 FireEngineRed....it totally rocks when a lady emails some pics in confidence, after the session a few days later!

landon's Avatar
Many of the gals I have seen over the years have no problem modeling for me - bikini, nude, etc. A lot of them were excited by it and it was exciting taking photos of them b4 the session.
tcx's Avatar
  • tcx
  • 07-10-2011, 09:38 PM
What I like is when the ladies txt me pictures of themselves. It always puts a smile on my face and makes my day. I would never share pictures with anyone if I was into taking them. Originally Posted by tyboy1
wow I feel left out
I have took some pictures of a Hot young lady but
I didnt ask for any and she didnt offer.
I damn sure would have kept those if she would have offered.
she was my atf at the time and I didnt want to offend her.
Yall are lucky if a hot young lady is sending u pics.
I have had a hot latina send me some but she wasnt a provider of your time.
If a gentleman asks to take pictures, and I am comfortable with them and trust them then I will let them take one below the neck. If they plan on sharing them I ask that they blur my tats out. I've never had a problem with a gentleman ignoring my request but I've never allowed someone I don't trust to take a picture.

I've met with a particular gentleman several times and a few times that I have gone over his iPhone has been propped up with the camera towards the bed. The first time it was on his dresser. When I saw it I asked him why he had it propped up and he said said it was his reciever. I asked him to move it to where the camera wasn't directly pointed at the bed and he obliged. The second time it was propped up in the cloest with the camera directly pointed to the bed. Again when I inquired he said it was his reciever and he moved it when I asked. After we finished I told him if he has been recording me I would like the videos removed. I don't know if he was recording but I can only assume. I would be devastated if there was a video of me to surface on the internet against my will. I don't plan on ever going back to see him.