_ Go Wright Something Intelligent on the board... why don't cha ? "

lovinfun's Avatar
I have a magnum of champagne Naomi?????
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Damn... when I'm drunk I get super horny and want to f**k everything. I couldn't imagine being drunk and posting on eccie. That would kill the mood.. lmfao Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Uh....Hello....Let me give you my number
you must not let comments by other affect you..you have to find inner peace and and things will be clearer for you. You and the rest of are not trash because of what we do....it is anyone in or out of this hobby who is disrespectful and mean and nasty are the trashy ones. Drinking isn't the answer. you write want you think and what you feel and that is good enough. Honesty is intelligence...
Damn... when I'm drunk I get super horny and want to f**k everything. I couldn't imagine being drunk and posting on eccie. That would kill the mood.. lmfao Originally Posted by Naomi4u
I'm complete opposite! I just get really feisty (more so than I normally am)...doesn't really make me horny, I usually already am anyways Lmao....
I reread your post and the first paragraph...when did this happen? i ask because I am assuming you are speaking of a past occurence am I correct?

I was the reciever of a smart ass comment of that nature some time back.. on an alternate board I was WELL reviewed on, here in the DFW area. Because I was desperately trying to fit in to some city ... some where... as some asset , rather than the liability I felt I was... I went home. Drank a bottle of Sweet Red ... in its entirety.... and sat in front of my lap top at my recycled kitchen table... trying to think of something intelligent to say.

I have to say... that my only critisizm of that form of 'inspiration'.. is that you can't tell a person to be intelligent or write that way. You can't even really inspire them. If they have it within themselves to be an inspiration to others on SOME level..; you only cover it up their nature when you saturate them with visuals, audials, and instictual memories... Especially when they are propelled by anger or resent.

Therefore... I won't rate my own thoughts in this.... post ... but .. as I sit here in my flannel bikini briefs and white bra... preparing to soak and fix the visual aspect of the feet I value more than any part of my body ... hands down.... I would rate this attempt at a thought process as IMPROVEMENT .... level.... NOT in the SENIOR LEAGUE OF LITERARY SUCTION.

My current thought process... is really a sub category to just giving the intelligent wrighting concept a stab.

------------------ to recycle or trash ------------------------

Regardless of your habits when ridding yourself of garbage and such... ; ( i.e., anything you deem clutter or un neccessary due to age or usage )
.. I have to ask opinions on WHATS YOU PRACTICE ? I mean there's recycle .. thrift store type. There's green recepticles and black ones... and grey ones.. Do you think there should be red ones as well?

We , as communities.. have troubles galore with garbage. Some people consider people like me.. garbage... and MANY have tried to throw me away ... in the RED recepticle.. so to speak... and even got so far as the ULTRA tape job one might need to wrap that up. Fortunately.. a few very understanding, very bright people saw that I might be worth something.. to someone. Isn't everyone... I mean? ( another topic later.. )

Trash can be from used profilactics to ' people'... I am not one to throw away the ladder .. but you may still be in the dark ages. And as a side bar.. on that topic.. anyone here who feels the need to shame one who shows their ass... to me... is SHOWING THEIR ASS.

Feel free to comment on this... so that I may learn a more direct way of communicating with a board I feel is an asset.


* To double clarify... THIS POST IS AN ATTEMPT AT COMMUNICATION FEED BACK. * I should have underlined the asset part and italisized the liabilty... but to be clear... YES.. I'm asking a question... on the main board... to get some feedback .. primarily because I want it.. and secondarily.. if you reply and it makes sence to what I was asking.. I'lll know I was on the track going the way I think I want to. And there is no ISLAND... **


Jayne Originally Posted by _Jayne_
Naomi4u's Avatar
I'm complete opposite! I just get really feisty (more so than I normally am)...doesn't really make me horny, I usually already am anyways Lmao.... Originally Posted by Valerie

Babe I've read your blog and I love it!

I'm very shy in person. That goes away after a few minutes of chatting or a few drinks.. that's all... lol!

Babe I've read your blog and I love it!

I'm very shy in person. That goes away after a few minutes of chatting or a few drinks.. that's all... lol! Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Ok so now I know all I have to do is take you out for some drinks and then I can have my way with you! ....GUYS she's mine first!
Naomi4u's Avatar
Ok so now I know all I have to do is take you out for some drinks and then I can have my way with you! ....GUYS she's mine first! Originally Posted by Valerie
I reread your post and the first paragraph...when did this happen? i ask because I am assuming you are speaking of a past occurence am I correct? Originally Posted by Irish Vixen
Well being that there was a major misspelled word in the title of this thread (Wright), and various others/typos, I'm not quite sure you'll get an answer, as she may not even remember what she just wrote...
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Ok so now I know all I have to do is take you out for some drinks and then I can have my way with you! ....GUYS she's mine first! Originally Posted by Valerie
This comment right here belongs in my "things that make you say WTF" thread lol

I been hittin' on her a while now and you come along with your good looks and charm and just cut in line....ain't that some shit
Eccie Addict's Avatar
To the OP- Don't put so much stock in what people say. Don't let comments change who you are and stifle your personality. Just a short time ago a comment on one of my reviews among other things actually made me consider not posting again. In the end though I am who I am and I'm not going to let anyone change that.....ever
This comment right here belongs in my "things that make you say WTF" thread lol

I been hittin' on her a while now and you come along with your good looks and charm and just cut in line....ain't that some shit Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
No no no...I've been hitting on her in the, well former Powder Room (RIP) for a while now.....and anyways she's a bit bi-curious so you'll have to wait your turn!
Naomi4u's Avatar
No no no...I've been hitting on her in the, well former Powder Room (RIP) for a while now.....and anyways she's a bit bi-curious so you'll have to wait your turn! Originally Posted by Valerie
Jayne, there is an island. I know, because I have posted there while intoxicated...but on the island of misfits, they live for that stuff so no big whoop.
Wayward's Avatar
We are all broken, some just a little and many who thinck not the most broken of all.

We know a place when there is always some beautiful bird flying over a rainbow, there are no trash receptacles of any kind. Where everyones thoughts and dreams delightful, even when they are not delightful.

You should come sailing to us or with us, washing up on our beach like another piece of driftwood which can kindle your inner fires. It isn't trash on our beach but the light of becoming in the darkness of 'this thing of ours.'