The shameless fucks at CNN...Lemonhead and Slowmo

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
We didn't have a border crisis under Clinton and Obama because no one in their right mind would want to come to America under those two administrations anyway. Now that Trump has the economy rolling these crazy bastards think they can come here unrestricted. It doesn't work that way under this administration. Originally Posted by Levianon17

actually, you're wrong.

It started after Clinton signed off on a mini-amnesty bill. this lead to a steady increase into the Bush 43 administration which became a tidal wave of 1+ million illegals arrested at the border with an unknown number making it to the american interior.

the decline (the numbers were relatively high) occurred during the bush 43 & Obama administration. It wasn't anything that Bush 43 & Obama did. it was only because of a poor economy was what caused that decline to 500,000 to 600,000.

you know they tried to pull of that amnesty crap during the bush 43 administration.

there's the expression:
Fool me once, shame on you;
fool me twice, shame on me

I believe the Reps ddin't want to be burned again for the 3rd time.
Reagan "trusted" the democraps on amnesty in 86' and regretted it.
You can't trust the democraps on anything!!