Dildo-in-chief: it was the TelePrompTer’s fault.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
57 states to campaign in
I see some of the fallen heroes are with us here today
There a brave corpse men in the audience
My Muslim faith... Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
What aboutism.

In other words, you can’t defend the dildo in chief.

But we all know that nobody knows shit that happens since about 1938.

He's such a monumental dumbass. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
He's in good company...
In other words, you can’t defend the dildo in chief. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
How do you defend "legalizing immigration" and "you fellas post good news and try and use it to attack others"...WTF is this nonsense!!
"It's the teleprompter"...is that your excuse too??
What's the term I'm looking for...HYPOCRITE!!

You got a lot of room to talk...GENIUS!!
Hotrod511's Avatar
OK, so it was a little gaffe. Not horrible by anybody’s barometer. Everybody fucks up, right?

Trump could have laughed it off.

He could have said he was caught up in the moment.


This fucking guy blames it on the rain and the TelePrompTer for making yet another statement that shows what a fool he is.
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Hotrod511's Avatar
The whole world knows that twit head is a blow hard clown...butt holy shit...can he possibly make America look more stupid..and on the 4th of July with his tanks and airplanes and airports that didn't exist.

Trump and his ignorant racist redneck supporters still amuse the fk out of me. I just wish they didn't have to show stupid to the whole world. I'm surprised that Putin hasn't given up his ownership of trump. I'm sure Putin was also amused for a while too,butt dang he probably knows more about America than trump will ever know. Originally Posted by Tsmokies

What aboutism.

In other words, you can’t defend the dildo in chief.

But we all know that nobody knows shit that happens since about 1938. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Do you blame Trump’s gaffe on the TelePrompTer?
Do you blame Trump’s gaffe on the TelePrompTer? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
What do we blame your gaffes on...
What aboutism.

In other words, you can’t defend the dildo in chief.

But we all know that nobody knows shit that happens since about 1938. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Definition of what aboutism: a term used by leftist snowflakes when their hypocrisy is revealed so they can try to run away without having to defend Obozo's sheer stupidity and ignorance.

In other words: you can't defend the ignorant Obozo.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
What about Hillary's e-mails? What about Obamacare? What about Whitewater? What about . . . ? Whaaa whaaa whaaa!

Sounds like a lot of rancoring. What about the black helicopters?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
What do we blame your gaffes on... Originally Posted by bb1961
Nobody is looking to blame my gaffes on anything, bb1961.

Why do you and your buddies keep avoiding the truth about the Orange Sphincter, the topic of this thread?
Do you blame Trump’s gaffe on the TelePrompTer? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
It obviously was akin to an autocorrect type error from "port", or "seaport", to "airport". It is obvious and if he considered it he might have just thought "fuck it" and continued.

Only miserable partisans would go on about it...it was an unintentional error and is quite different than not understanding that we didn't have fucking airports before the Wright brothers.

It is different from when an uneducated lawbreaker like the oft banned WTF mangles the difference between "your" and "you're" for instance.

If this is the best you people have against Trump you are weak.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Did you read the OP?

I’m not criticizing the gaffe. He does it all the time.

I’m pointing out the stupidity of the coverup. Only a narcissistic asshole would go on about it like he did.

Shirley you know the difference.
  • oeb11
  • 07-06-2019, 05:58 PM
OK, so it was a little gaffe. Not horrible by anybody’s barometer. Everybody fucks up, right?

Trump could have laughed it off.

He could have said he was caught up in the moment.


This fucking guy blames it on the rain and the TelePrompTer for making yet another statement that shows what a fool he is.


Trump blames 'airports' gaffe on teleprompter

US President Donald Trump has blamed a teleprompter going "kaput" for a glaring anachronism in his Independence Day speech.

He told crowds on 4 July the Continental Army "took over the airports" during the American Revolutionary War in the 1770s.

Observers quickly pointed out there was no air travel in 18th Century America.

Explaining away the slip-up on Friday, Mr Trump also said it was hard to read the teleprompter in the rain.

During his "Salute to America" speech at the Lincoln Memorial on Thursday, he was talking about the year 1775 when he said: "Our army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do."

Critics pointed out the rebels could not have seized airports more than a century before the first powered flight - credited to the Wright brothers in 1903 - took off.

In the same sentence, Mr Trump also appeared to date a battle at Fort McHenry to the American Revolution, when it unfolded decades later during the War of 1812.

Outside the White House on Friday, Mr Trump said: "I guess the rain knocked out the teleprompter.

"I knew the speech very well so I was able to do it without a teleprompter but the teleprompter did go out and it was actually hard to look at anyway because there was rain all over it but despite the rain it was just a fantastic evening."

The president spoke to reporters as he departed with First Lady Melania Trump for the weekend to his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey.

The Salute to America event featured military flyovers and fireworks
Before winning the White House, Mr Trump used to criticise ex-President Barack Obama for relying on an autocue.

The president's Independence Day celebration saw military tanks transported into the nation's capital and a flyover by the Navy Blue Angels aerobatics team.

His critics had pilloried the event as inappropriately partisan and a misuse of public funds.

But Mr Trump surprised some by steering clear of overt partisanship in his speech, instead celebrating patriotic themes and US history including civil rights.

Before a cheering crowd on the steps of the monument to Civil War era-president Abraham Lincoln, he said the story of America was "the greatest political journey in human history".

He was the first president in nearly seven decades to address a crowd at the National Mall on the Fourth of July. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

DPST's take the most minor thing and make a Federal Case of it

A good speech - inclusive and relatively apolitical.
Cannot see the forest for the seedling.

The usual TDS

So - to compare with the many gaffes of the DPST front-runner - ancient Joe Biden
Put trump and Biden in a gaffe contest - Who wins?
DPST's will put him out to pasture - too moderate, old, and white male.

It will be interesting pinning down Harris on her actual stands on issues - all she ever states is - "To Be Considered".
Did you read the OP?

I’m not criticizing the gaffe. He does it all the time.

I’m pointing out the stupidity of the coverup. Only a narcissistic asshole would go on about it like he did.

Shirley you know the difference. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You're obfuscating and it gets tiresome. You are a DPST.

I hope for the sake of America we don't have too many who think like you do.

BTW, if Kamala gets her 100 billion for black homeowners thing passed I hope it at least counts against reparations.

Also, the motherfuckers who get those loans need to have good credit histories. I hate motherfuckers who don't pay their legitimate debts.

(Unless it is the federal gummint.

They should just keep printing the money as long as suckers will take it.)
Whisky_1's Avatar
Every time I read and post in the eccie political forum I don't know if I should weep or laugh at the responses. I sincerely believe this nation is at the point where newly minted (naturalized) citizens have a better comprehension of American History as well as the The Bill of Rights, US Constitution and the democratic processes of the American Republic than many native born citizens. Meanwhile back in Texas......