There must be an epidemic or something...

ill take care of ya TexasT
Saturn's Avatar
I've had 3 cancelations in the past week as well.
pmdelites's Avatar
maybe cos i've been visiting women i've visited for some time [some up to 2 yrs] and only a few new-to-me women [none of which are the "woman of the week/month/season"], but i have not had a ncns or a cancellation in a loooooooong time.
  • Junah
  • 04-22-2010, 01:28 PM
I have to say that I've never encountered this run of misfires ever before. I've been around in the hobby for many years now. While flakiness has always been a thorn in the side, does it seem to anyone else that it has intensified recently?

Or maybe I'm just getting grumpy in my old age.