Not sure I get the jist of this thread soggy cat.
I like that criptkicker stepped in. Thank you ck for doing that.
I imagine the volume of rtm is extremely high here. Fuck that if you are the only mod or two doing all the work. Pm after pm of whiny shit and grade school conflicts.
The more the merrier. Bring your mod buddies to houston coed!
Board needs attackers, spammers and trolls stopped.
Lock threads that only create crap.
An improved ignore system would be great but that would require cash. I am not holdimg my breath when volunteers mods are working for free with more people lining up to be one.
Imo, the board, over all, will get many more clicks from horny fuckers engaging with active posting providers than fuktards just getting off on the latest flame war.
As for ownership activity. I own my own businesses and I have subordinates to handle all my shit. Only a activity I need to stay involved in is the bittom line.
Anarchy is a lie. Someone is always in control.
Originally Posted by Eidolon
The point of the thread is that bringing in a mod who doesn't understand the dynamic of what is going on is not helpful. It might even be damaging. Sure he can close some threads and throw his weight around but does he know the players and the game that's being played? I don't know that he even knows Houston well enough to understand who the attackers, spammers and trolls are. If he doesn't then he has to figure that out. That's going to take some time for any outside mod. In the mean time does he close every thread?
I agree that help is needed. I welcome Crypt as long as he modtards with Houston members' and Co-ed's, more specifically, best interests in mind. It's a hell of a lot better than having someone who puts their interests first. We've been through that too.
You're right about owning your own business. How do you thinck the bottom line is doing here? Do you see any banner ads or sponsor ads? The pages used to be full of them. Is Houston Co-ed a vibrant community like Dallas or Austin? What would you be doing if one segment of your business was going to shit? Letting your subordinates fix it and stay where everything is running smoothly? I doubt that. I own a business too. I am the pulse and the attitude. I know that the way my business is perceived is through my employees but they take their inspiration from me. Without my guidance, gentle or heavy handed as it needs to be, anarchy WOULD ensue. Attitudes are adjusted from the top down not the bottom up.
The mods have been almost completely absent and they have been neither inspired nor replaced. That's not their fault. I suspect they lack guidance. We had an admin step in but the well being of Co-ed was not the first priority. What would you do if one of your subordinates was using your business as a vehicle for furthering their own self interests to the detriment of your business? You'd put a stop to it with a quickness I suspect.
The directive that was quoted has been so ignored for so long here in Houston that it carries very little weight. It's almost laughable to even use it as a tool to threaten the members with. I suspect in order to put some weight back behind that directive there is going to be some pain. I'm not sure that staff, as it appears to be, gives enough shits to deal with the pain. Probably rather jump off like rats on a sinking ship.
A blind man can see through the curtain...