Trump Determined to be a Fraud

Game on!
So, who is closer in their valuation? It's a two legged race!
Trump and the underwriters of the loan or the stup-azzed judge?

Place your bets... Originally Posted by FesteredUncle

Real Estate is hard to put a value on, and put it up for auction and many times it goes higher than valuations.
winn dixie's Avatar
Trumpf lied to get a loan. Guilty. End of discussion. FRAUD
He can appeal, and will lose again...and again...and again. What's his winning percentage on 2020? I'm sure some here would bet their bank on him winning...

What was it P.T. used to say? A fool and his money are soon parted? Originally Posted by 69in2it69
Trump hasn't lost yet. Impeachments, Indictments, accusations of all sorts. He gets knocked down and keeps coming at them. Democrats need to just give it up.
FesteredUncle's Avatar
Trumpf lied to get a loan. Guilty. End of discussion. FRAUD Originally Posted by winn dixie
Who was harmed? Why aren't the loan underwriters culpable?
Who was harmed? Why aren't the loan underwriters culpable? Originally Posted by FesteredUncle
winn dixie's Avatar
Who was harmed? Why aren't the loan underwriters culpable? Originally Posted by FesteredUncle
This is a cmon man response. Investors owners and partners were lied to and mislead. On purpose by trumpf. Definition of fraud
  • Tiny
  • 09-27-2023, 06:33 PM
Unsurprisingly Trump is proven to be a fraud in business. The Trump Org is headed for dissolution. He's about to get hit with 250 million in fines. It's getting rough on the old dude. I guess everyone gets what they deserve eventually. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Based solely on karma, having perennially screwed his suppliers, customers, investors, banks, bondholders and the property tax authorities, he deserves a $250 million fine, and maybe to have management of his New York business turned over to an Administrator.

BUT, what about Festered Uncle's point, below, as well as his assertion (admittedly exaggerated) in post #9,

Who was harmed? Originally Posted by FesteredUncle
Indeed, who was harmed, during the years that were the subject of the court case? If the New York Times is to be believed, the banks got their money, principal and interest.

And what kind of a fucking idiot would loan money to Donald Trump without knowing he's well-secured? What kind of idiot would take Trump's word for the value of a property? Or even that he had good title to the security?

The banks were big boys and I'd be surprised if they didn't do their due diligence, since they knew what happened to the Donald's creditors in the 1990's.

However, Blackman, you're the lawyer and we're not. Do you think he'll actually have to fork over $250 million for this?
Trump hasn't lost yet. Impeachments, Indictments, accusations of all sorts. He gets knocked down and keeps coming at them. Democrats need to just give it up. Originally Posted by Levianon17

Yep, he sure kicked ass in all those election fraud cases didn't he. Even the ones with judges he appointed recycled his filings for TP.
Yes, if the judgment is upheld, he’ll have to pay it. If he doesn’t he’ll be held in contempt accruing further fines. And then the state will proceed with a collection through seizure of of these overvalued properties and send them to sheriff sale until they collect 250 mil.
Ducbutter's Avatar
Were the properties in question not appraised by an independent third party?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Were the properties in question not appraised by an independent third party? Originally Posted by Ducbutter

indeed they were. so looking beyond this clearly political prosecution by a judge who's "valuation" means zero because he's not a licensed real estate appraiser to make this "judgement" means Trump actually is a "brilliant criminal mastermind" who over 40+ years managed to hoodwink dozens of sophisticated entities like major banks (who have their own appraisers) and major insurance agencies (who also have their own appraisers) and best yet to make the "tax fraud" bullshit "true" hoodwinked the NYC tax assessor's office.

what does that say about the NYC tax assessor's office??

maybe Miz James should investigate them?


notice if you will that not one of these entities have yet (and never will) disputed the deals they made with His Regal Majesty The Lord Emperor Donald, Supreme Ruler of the MAGAverse.

the vengeance reign of Lord Donald begins Jan 20th 2025.

the DemonRats have until then to dig their holes very deep. but it won't be deep enough.

Yep, he sure kicked ass in all those election fraud cases didn't he. Even the ones with judges he appointed recycled his filings for TP. Originally Posted by 69in2it69
Yeah but he's not convicted yet either. Just some imaginary bullshit conjured up by his enemies that are so deathly afraid he'll win in 2024, lol.
Yeah but he's not convicted yet either. Just some imaginary bullshit conjured up by his enemies that are so deathly afraid he'll win in 2024, lol. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Could this be a crime without a victim?
Ducbutter's Avatar
indeed they were. so looking beyond this clearly political prosecution by a judge who's "valuation" means zero because he's not a licensed real estate appraiser to make this "judgement" means Trump actually is a "brilliant criminal mastermind" who over 40+ years managed to hoodwink dozens of sophisticated entities like major banks (who have their own appraisers) and major insurance agencies (who also have their own appraisers) and best yet to make the "tax fraud" bullshit "true" hoodwinked the NYC tax assessor's office.

what does that say about the NYC tax assessor's office??

maybe Miz James should investigate them?


notice if you will that not one of these entities have yet (and never will) disputed the deals they made with His Regal Majesty The Lord Emperor Donald, Supreme Ruler of the MAGAverse.

the vengeance reign of Lord Donald begins Jan 20th 2025.

the DemonRats have until then to dig their holes very deep. but it won't be deep enough.

bahahahahaaaaa Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

While I don't share your exuberance for Trump I agree that the judge has no business valuating any of Trumps real estate.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
While I don't share your exuberance for Trump I agree that the judge has no business valuating any of Trumps real estate. Originally Posted by Ducbutter

everything after the first paragraph was hyperbole meant to rattle liberals

and one wonders why this judge disregarded valuations prepared by experts working for the very firms Miz James and this judge contends were defrauded.

so again i ask our liberal fiends .. er friends .. is trump really capable of such total deception of these mighty financial and insurance institutions?

