Trump leading in polls

Well talk is cheap especially when it comes from an El Cheapo fuck from across the border, lol.
With his operation he could pull it off. that was quite a escape tunnel.
Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
It appears you desire an escaped murderer to successfully assassinate a leading candidate for President of the United States.

J'accuse you of treason! Originally Posted by DSK
Engage brain before starting to type. Seek help!!!
Engage brain before starting to type. Seek help!!! Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Sounds like you're impressed with El Chumpo. I bet he had a bunch of help from just the right people.

Sounds like you're impressed with El Chumpo. I bet he had a bunch of help from just the right people.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
You would lose that bet. Don't be another idiot on this forum.
Sounds like you're impressed with El Chumpo. I bet he had a bunch of help from just the right people.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
They say he is a billionaire. Can't the Government of Mexico find where his bank is and seize his assets?

Of course not. They are getting big fat envelopes. And besides, if you refuse the envelope, he will have your wife and kids murdered.

Somebody needs to put a bullet between el Chapo's eyes.
Of course trumpet leads in the polls, shit floats to the top. He better enjoy it before El Chapo gets him. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Talk about shit rising to the top. The biggest turd of all has been floating around forever and is leading the Democrat field.

How's this for a bumper sticker........"Hillary, the turd that just won't flush"
Talk about shit rising to the top. The biggest turd of all has been floating around forever and is leading the Democrat field.

How's this for a bumper sticker........"Hillary, the turd that just won't flush" Originally Posted by Jackie S
Sorry I hurt your feelings, The trumpet is just another turd. Hillary, hopefully will not get the nod.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Dang, I just spit coffee all over the keyboard. At first glance, the title of this thread reads "Pump leading in trolls."

How utterly shocking that most of this bullshit seems to be bearing that out...

Nothing new here. The field will get winnowed down soon enough, and the one or two leading non-Trump candidates will start pulling away from Trump.

You see bozos here and there who no one should take seriously, but who excite fringe elements of both parties. For instance, Democrats have Bernie Sanders, who in a different way is every bit as ridiculous as Trump.

Besides, I don't think the guy's serious about sticking through this all the way. Unless the virtually impossible happens, and it gets to the point that he's a shoo-in for the nomination, he'll head for the exit. His ego can't handle anything else. He might be just hunting for a time and place to say there's no way he can work with all those clowns in congress, so he's turning it back over to the professional politicians.

He craves the attention. Nothing more, nothing less.
Nothing new here. The field will get winnowed down soon enough, and the one or two leading non-Trump candidates will start pulling away from Trump.

You see bozos here and there who no one should take seriously, but who excite fringe elements of both parties. For instance, Democrats have Bernie Sanders, who in a different way is every bit as ridiculous as Trump.

Besides, I don't think the guy's serious about sticking through this all the way. Unless the virtually impossible happens, and it gets to the point that he's a shoo-in for the nomination, he'll head for the exit. His ego can't handle anything else. He might be just hunting for a time and place to say there's no way he can work with all those clowns in congress, so he's turning it back over to the professional politicians.

He craves the attention. Nothing more, nothing less. Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
The altitude must be affecting your brain. Sanders is hardly as ridiculous as Trump. I don't think the 'Donald' believes half of what he says. He's playing to the crowd. Sanders, he's hardcore. And why would the Trump lay out all this chum, only to say he's going to hand it back over to the professional politicians, which is exactly 180 degrees from his current message? Because he doesn't believe what he's saying.
The altitude must be affecting your brain. Sanders is hardly as ridiculous as Trump. I don't think the 'Donald' believes half of what he says. He's playing to the crowd. Sanders, he's hardcore. And why would the Trump lay out all this chum, only to say he's going to hand it back over to the professional politicians, which is exactly 180 degrees from his current message? Because he doesn't believe what he's saying. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Nothing is affecting my brain, you lying fraud.

Bernie Sanders thinks a 90% top tax bracket would be just great. Even the French self-described "socialists" backed off the 75% rate after it blew up in their faces. He has no fucking clue how the economy works or how the tax system works.

Why don't you tell us another whopper about how you made a lot of money and "retired" before you were 40? Fucking insecure phony.

I agree that Trump doesn't believe the bullshit he spews, but it's pretty fucking difficult to be more ridiculous than a loon like Sanders.
Nothing is affecting my brain, you lying fraud.

Bernie Sanders thinks a 90% top tax bracket would be just great. Even the French self-described "socialists" backed off the 75% rate after it blew up in their faces. He has no fucking clue how the economy works or how the tax system works.

Why don't you tell us another whopper about how you made a lot of money and "retired" before you were 40? Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
It wouldn't be 90 percent effective rate, don't shit yourself. It really worked at killing those boom years... no, wait, it didn't. You're just perpetuating the same lie that all of Wall St perpetuates. It's a scam. I know how capitalism works. It's predicated on cheap labor. When that labor ceases to be cheap, you move it. Sound familiar? Now we don't make shit. And Wall St is making money hand over fist by moving shit from here to there, producing nothing. I also never said I made 'a lot' of money. You keep putting words in my mouth. I made enough to not have to work if I didn't want to.

Why don't you tell us all a whopper about how your dick gets hard W/O the aid of science...
It wouldn't be 90 percent effective rate, don't shit yourself. It really worked at killing those boom years... no, wait, it didn't. You're just perpetuating the same lie that all of Wall St perpetuates. It's a scam. I know how capitalism works. It's predicated on cheap labor. When that labor ceases to be cheap, you move it. Sound familiar? Now we don't make shit. And Wall St is making money hand over fist by moving shit from here to there, producing nothing. I also never said I made 'a lot' of money. You keep putting words in my mouth. I made enough to not have to work if I didn't want to.

Why don't you tell us all a whopper about how your dick gets hard W/O the aid of science... Originally Posted by WombRaider
Progressives today want to resurrect the high rates of the 1950s, but without allowing the giant loopholes of days gone by. Of course, you far left loons are OK with that.

If you're not aware that a 75% rate backfired in France, you haven't been paying attention. (What a surprise!)

You said you "made your nut," got out early, and boasted that your life is better than I can hope that mine ever will be.

Why don't you relax and go fuck that fat, $150 BP hooker again? If you can afford it.
And as for Bernie and his 'socialism', which is a dirty word to you, I'm sure, you don't even recognize the nuance. There are different kinds of socialism. Complete govt ownership of the means of production is not the only Socialism there is. Capitalism won't last forever. It's not designed to. The concentration of capital will be its collapse one day.
Progressives today want to resurrect the high rates of the 1950s, but without allowing the giant loopholes of days gone by. Of course, you far left loons are OK with that.

If you're not aware that a 75% rate backfired in France, you haven't been paying attention. (What a surprise!)

You said you "made your nut," got out early, and boasted that your life is better than I can hope that mine ever will be.

Why don't you relax and go fuck that fat, $150 BP hooker again? If you can afford it. Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
I never said I was ok with 90 percent. I like Bernie. You assumed the rest. France isn't the US. As for my life, I'll rephrase that; my life is better than I ever thought it could be, in my wildest dreams. Your inability to be happy for a fellow human being, on any level, is sad. This is a hooker board, where we bullshit about politics. Don't make it into something it's not.

And to put me down, you continually put down a woman you've never met and have no idea about. I wish you'd stop. If you want to put me down, that's fine. You can be man enough to do it to me and not through her. She doesn't deserve to be talked about by the likes of you. By all accounts, you're an old, fat piece of shit who pops a pill to get hard. That's not my fault. Take it out on someone who gives a fuck.
And as for Bernie and his 'socialism', which is a dirty word to you, I'm sure, you don't even recognize the nuance. There are different kinds of socialism. Complete govt ownership of the means of production is not the only Socialism there is. Capitalism won't last forever. It's not designed to. The concentration of capital will be its collapse one day. Originally Posted by WombRaider
I recognize the nuance just fine, and understand economics and taxation vastly better than you do. What Sanders believes in, generally speaking, is what we refer to as "social democracy," and a rather robust form of it, but most of you fools who fall into that camp seem not to realize that your political heroes dare not tell the public about the sort of tax system that's required to finance it.