Verified Reviewers

wellendowed1911's Avatar
I have never heard of full buying of fake reviews nor do not know where you saw that, but a quote from the TER website in the FAQ of reviews:

Once you submit a review it may take anywhere from two to four days before it shows up on the site. This is because we check your information to verify its validity, first. We don’t want to compromise TER’s integrity by posting biased reviews written by the ladies themselves, or by their pissed off ex-boyfriends! Remember, it is the accuracy and honesty of our reviews that lend credence to this site, and make it an indispensable tool for you to use in your quest for satisfying encounters."

With Eccie, as soon as you hit submit, it is posted. Considering a review is virtually the best form of advertising a provider can have, sometimes that is good, sometimes it is bad. A provider can dispute the validity of a review on Eccie in CoEd whereas once a review is submitted and posted on TER, there is nothing that can be done as I think the provider gets to see her own review or at least validate she saw the reviewer for a session, so she had ample opportunity to dispute it in the days between the review being submitted and posted. Many providers somewhat buy their reviews with giving a discount to guy for writing one. But speaking of fake reviews, I have seen reviews by pimps/friends of providers, studio owners/employees, ect. to bait business in the door as well as reviews on providers from guys with obvious agendas against them, but ONLY on Eccie.

I can see that happening, but in all likelihood from guys that write 3+ reviews a week or even multiple reviews a day, you have to question the validity of those, and rightfully so. Originally Posted by davidfree986
I know I wasn't mistaken this was posted by Nina Moretti:

TER Review


Everyone needs a little help with there business sometimes and needs a little boost. This is your business and you determine what kind of business you think you deserve to have.

The purpose of giving reviews is advertising. It’s all a part of marketing and boosting your business revenue. Some ladies just need a little boost sometimes. It is not to deceive anyone or put services out there that you clearly do not offer.

We offer reviews from established user accounts and written in a timely manner. You can either have us write the review for you or you can submit what you would like the review to entail.

We have plans below to fit your needs whether you need a quick boost to your business with one review, a package of reviews to keep you relevant on the boards or if you need to work on your review scores to boost your ranks with 12 or more excellent reviews, we can help you achieve your goals.

1 Review........................ ...........................$75
Package: 4 Reviews....................... ..............$250

Package: 10 Reviews....................... ............$500
Package: 20 Reviews....................... ............$800

Are you ready to boost your business?

Are you serious?? People pay people to write fake reviews, which ones are real anymore? This is sooooooo wrong!!! Maybe I'm just naïve, but I spent all of my provider years working really hard for my REAL reviews. Now as an Assistant myself, feel totally ripped off... I couldn't believe my eyes. This is Crazy!
"Well Behaved Women rarely make history..."
I know I wasn't mistaken this was posted by Nina Moretti:

TER Review


Everyone needs a little help with there business sometimes and needs a little boost. This is your business and you determine what kind of business you think you deserve to have.

The purpose of giving reviews is advertising. It’s all a part of marketing and boosting your business revenue. Some ladies just need a little boost sometimes. It is not to deceive anyone or put services out there that you clearly do not offer.

We offer reviews from established user accounts and written in a timely manner. You can either have us write the review for you or you can submit what you would like the review to entail.

We have plans below to fit your needs whether you need a quick boost to your business with one review, a package of reviews to keep you relevant on the boards or if you need to work on your review scores to boost your ranks with 12 or more excellent reviews, we can help you achieve your goals.

1 Review........................ ...........................$75
Package: 4 Reviews....................... ..............$250

Package: 10 Reviews....................... ............$500
Package: 20 Reviews....................... ............$800

Are you ready to boost your business?

Are you serious?? People pay people to write fake reviews, which ones are real anymore? This is sooooooo wrong!!! Maybe I'm just naïve, but I spent all of my provider years working really hard for my REAL reviews. Now as an Assistant myself, feel totally ripped off... I couldn't believe my eyes. This is Crazy!
"Well Behaved Women rarely make history..." Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Explains why I did not see it on their site. Good info to know.

Laura Lynn's Avatar
Heck I don't trust TER doesn't that site have the option where providers can buy "fake" reviews? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Don't know about that and wouldn't be any different than any other review site, don't ya think? Promoting of ladies for free sessions. ijs

I know ladies have the ability to read the ENTIRE review on the other site and comments aren't posted on reviews. Both are bonuses if you ask me....
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Don't know about that and wouldn't be any different than any other review site, don't ya think? Promoting of ladies for free sessions. ijs

I know ladies have the ability to read the ENTIRE review on the other site and comments aren't posted on reviews. Both are bonuses if you ask me.... Originally Posted by Laura Lynn
Well, it's a bit different when a site like (TER) actually promotes and encourages "false" reviews versus the guys on here who post over hype or fake reviews- you would at least think the site would have some standards- apparently TER doesn't have those standards.
hookem69horns's Avatar
First .. there is nothing in Nina's post that says the offer of fake Reviews was TER's offer or policy. It appears to be a business offering to write them under established Reviewers, who are likely fakes themselves.

Second .. every board is going to be littered with fake Reviews, hell some written by the ladies themselves. It could be regulated but that takes way more time than any of the Board's want to spend.

And lastly .. any and every Review is subjective, and if legit it is only in the eyes of the Hobbyist, whose tastes, needs, wants and desires are different than the rest of us .. if you have been around long enough you know the guys that write fake Reviews or that embellish their stories to flatter the woman or their own ego and you know the guys whom you can trust have given you an honest opinion of a lady .. however subjective, it still always gors back to YMMV!

And lastly lastly .. Providers have access to the Reviews.
First .. there is nothing in Nina's post that says the offer of fake Reviews was TER's offer or policy. It appears to be a business offering to write them under established Reviewers, who are likely fakes themselves.
Originally Posted by hookem69horns
Exactly, thank you! I found that post and I thought I would share it. That's all.

Thanks =)