Just an Observation

Miss Valentina's Avatar
Back to your irregularly scheduled thread of debauchery.

I have to laugh. You truly are a one trick pony. Do you find comfort in hiding behind esoteric remarks? Cave ab homine unius libri . You are well read Miss V, but even your penchant for prose cannot lead you to a reasonable conclusion. Yes, I crossed you like a “bitch behind a mandle” but it is you Miss V who is coming across as the objective bitch on this post. Remember, this is your platform for making money, not mine. Cut off your nose to spite your face all you want as I, nor anyone else, can stop you.

I disrespected you once? Maybe twice? Whatever. I never came across and disrespected you like SL or Whispers or Rockerrick. . . . did to other ladies and tried to hurt their business. Maybe I nor anyone else did this because you seem to be doing a damn fine job of it here. What is the gist of your argument? That I’m a gal? That I’m a hypocrite? That I have some weird agenda of spreading hate on the Austin community?

Yes, you never asked for an apology. Thus I rescind my apology to you.

You seem to think I came on this board just to start shit and garner attention. I initially found this site and thought it was terrific. The site had KC, a town I live in, and Austin, a town I frequent for legal work. Yes, I do visit Austin 3-4 times a year. I looked around for a girl in Austin and, what do I find? I find this. https://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1971611&page=9 And guess who the first person I ripped into? Firephoenix, whom I am supposedly her mandle. And then Whispers. Those two were both ignorant as hell about the definition of rape and their asses were ripping into a lady who was posting an alert on a guy who barebacked her without consent. Then, not too much later, I find this: https://www.eccie.net/showthread.php...622&highlight=

All within the month that I was about to come down to Austin
I guess I really did sew some “seeds of bullshit” didn’t I. Please point to where I started, from the beginning, the colossal calamity that this board has become.

Then those fucks followed me, even up to KC, to start disrespecting any KC girl they could.

Anyways, this bullshit has been going on before me. Maybe I am the one who is persistent about bringing attention to the issue?

So, I guess what I was trying to say is this: I had a list of clowns I thought were going to throw this thread off topic, but I didn’t think you would be one of them. I guess judging a book by it’s cover is truly a fool’s lament.

Miss V, I don’t need a thesaurus to get my point across. You are picking the wrong fight Madame. Originally Posted by gt27
The droning monologue of the self-emasculated. Yawn.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
I have no dog in this fight/disagreement. I hate to have to say this but please leave my name out of this. Thanks
Miss Valentina's Avatar
Let me get this right...

You call out the assholes for being assholes.

V calls you out on being an asshole.

You apologize, barely.

She declined your apology.

You double down on being an asshole.

Did I get it right?

Just want to add that we appreciate you being a good example for us. Originally Posted by Kickrocks

Whoa, whoa whoa!!! We posed the tiniest challenge and this dude goes rides the crazy train straight off the rails into Blithering Mouth Corner Spittle Station Number 3

Man cannot handle slightest critique, man becomes enraged, man projects his own violent and disgusting tendencies! Classic!!!! It's so pathetic, it's almost like gt is pathologically inclined to cut off his own dick! Who knew!!!??

I mean, he's spent the bulk of his time chasing us "assholes" around, bloviating and pooping his pants, calling people like Whispers filthy names, but you know, he's "above" this. He's "better". He's beacon of civility here on Austin Eccie!!!

He literally told you to go hang yourself with a rope. But remember people! He's "BETTER"!!!

gt goes around throwing a epic tantrums attempting to correct some "flaw" he sees with our community here, but never catches on to the irony....

I would explain it to him, but dang it, I'm all out of crayons! (shrugs)

I'm creaming' my La Perla's to see how gt continues to set a good example for us.
Smpslt7's Avatar

Man cannot handle slightest critique, man becomes enraged, man projects his own violent and disgusting tendencies! Classic!!!! It's so pathetic, it's almost like gt is pathologically inclined to cut off his own dick!

I would explain it to him, but dang it, I'm all out of crayons! (shrugs)

us. Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
OMG! It's Donald Trump! GT is Donald Trump!

Whoa, whoa whoa!!! We posed the tiniest challenge and this dude goes rides the crazy train straight off the rails into Blithering Mouth Corner Spittle Station Number 3

Man cannot handle slightest critique, man becomes enraged, man projects his own violent and disgusting tendencies! Classic!!!! It's so pathetic, it's almost like gt is pathologically inclined to cut off his own dick! Who knew!!!??

I mean, he's spent the bulk of his time chasing us "assholes" around, bloviating and pooping his pants, calling people like Whispers filthy names, but you know, he's "above" this. He's "better". He's beacon of civility here on Austin Eccie!!!

He literally told you to go hang yourself with a rope. But remember people! He's "BETTER"!!!

gt goes around throwing a epic tantrums attempting to correct some "flaw" he sees with our community here, but never catches on to the irony....

I would explain it to him, but dang it, I'm all out of crayons! (shrugs)

I'm creaming' my La Perla's to see how gt continues to set a good example for us. Originally Posted by Miss Valentina

Your right. I don't think I can remember anyone ever tell somebody to kill themself in austin coed.

Definitely a good role model for us guys here!
I don't reckon that went as planned. Originally Posted by Kickrocks

Miss Valentina's Avatar
OMG! It's Donald Trump! GT is Donald Trump! Originally Posted by Smpslt7

Smps, I think you're on to something here....
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
I'm guessing the OP was only funning about the rope trick. But I could be mistaken.
Miss Valentina's Avatar
Your right. I don't think I can remember anyone ever tell somebody to kill themself in austin coed.

Definitely a good role model for us guys here! Originally Posted by Kickrocks
There are tons of websites calling for the extermination of entire races and worse, millions filled to the brim with the vilest, most base sub-human content one can imagine. Onto any number of which he could turn his Flaming Sword of Righteousness.

But naaawwww, gt sets his sights on attempting to change the culture of this one, and he does so by simultaneously contributing in it's own particular brand of baseness while berating it's participants for the same. The mind boggles.

This seems a futile, hypocritical, and completely moronic hill to die on but hey, if this he wants to climb it, who are we to stand in his way right Kickrocks!?

GoAhead gt! Go climb that hill! Tilt at those windmills!!! I believe in you!!!
When your right, your right Miss V.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
OMG! It's Donald Trump! GT is Donald Trump! Originally Posted by Smpslt7
Hmmmm. Tha Donaldt ain't got tha focus ta write fer more'n 140 characters. Mah munny wuz on 'is son, Erick. But eye-thar o' his boys ain't verbal enuff. Ah'm thinckin' it culd be his son-in-law, Jared Kush 'r. 'R mebbe e'en Invancka!
Grace Preston's Avatar
Nothing like charging at moral windmills on a SHMB.
gt27's Avatar
  • gt27
  • 07-04-2017, 08:01 PM

Whoa, whoa whoa!!! We posed the tiniest challenge and this dude goes rides the crazy train straight off the rails into Blithering Mouth Corner Spittle Station Number 3

Man cannot handle slightest critique, man becomes enraged, man projects his own violent and disgusting tendencies! Classic!!!! It's so pathetic, it's almost like gt is pathologically inclined to cut off his own dick! Who knew!!!??

I mean, he's spent the bulk of his time chasing us "assholes" around, bloviating and pooping his pants, calling people like Whispers filthy names, but you know, he's "above" this. He's "better". He's beacon of civility here on Austin Eccie!!!

He literally told you to go hang yourself with a rope. But remember people! He's "BETTER"!!!

gt goes around throwing a epic tantrums attempting to correct some "flaw" he sees with our community here, but never catches on to the irony....

I would explain it to him, but dang it, I'm all out of crayons! (shrugs)

I'm creaming' my La Perla's to see how gt continues to set a good example for us. Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
Nope, I'm not better than anyone else at all. I guess my admitting I was wrong also is lost on you. By the way, KickRocks, I would never want you to kill yourself. That was a childish statement on my end and I should have never made it in the first place.

I could throw a slew of insults towards Miss V at this point. I could probably even dig in and flesh out some uncomfortable things about her in a public setting, but I'm not.

Nonetheless, in an odd twist, it's a provider that steam trains the locomotive of intelligence on this crusade. Yep, I am as bad as Whispers and SL. Didn't you see all the barebacking accusations I made, I mean I practically stalk people on Facebook, but that's cool because I have a mod in my back pocket in Ztonk because of some business deal(I presume). I violate all the rules on Eccie on a daily basis and it's all good. You know, slewing slurs towards a hooker I can't stand because of (insert whatever bizarre reason here).

I'm not trying to change anything about you Miss V. You're 41 right? You and I both know there is no changing you. I like how you bring up Whispers in your comparison of me. . . Don't you just love his persona? If I were as bad as a person as you think I am, which neither of us knows each other on any level, this would be the spot I would start smearing your name. I have seen it done more times that I care to admit and you are leaving yourself wide open for it. For a woman who is so smart, you sure don't mind leaving yourself open to crude retorts. I may not be better than many things in life, but I refuse to lob cheap insults about you in hopes I ruin your profession or self esteem.

The other reason I don't feel like tearing apart Miss V, outside of the fact she is a human who, typically, doesn't run around with malice towards others, is that I am done. It has nothing to do with Miss V, Whispers, SL, and whatever piss on trolls that aren't creative enough to mention. I'm done because of a lot of things but, mainly, because I'm done wading through battery acid this site has become.

I will say this as a parting shot, Miss V, I've never met you nor would I want to. You appear pretty, smart and well read but, while you project a persona of intelligence and strength, there is something deeply hurt inside you. I already know that you will scoff at this notion, blast me as being pathetic and sweep this under the rug, but I would bet my last dollar that you would admit that you came here broken and still haven't put that pain past your life. I have no clue as to what caused that pain inside you, nor do I care to speculate, but I hope you can get through whatever it is.

Good night Eccie, I'm gone. Thumb up for me leaving.
Hope she keeps her word and leaves, well at least fucking dies, so Little Monster can rape her corpse!
Treetop78759's Avatar
Nope, I'm not better than anyone else at all.

I'm sure your lack of ego really turns on the women.

FYI. I'm better then most people.