Infected wiener

Finman22's Avatar
You should cancel, but at a minimum do a CBJ. She doesn’t want your open wound in her mouth and in her system. Good luck.
Treetop78759's Avatar
That mother fucking cum dumpster whore ghosted me. Im so furious that it has triggered another anger episode. Im tracking you down now you worthless cunt. You will regret this. Trust me.
Treetop78759's Avatar
pittlicker's Avatar
Classy Post. Or just more BS?
Treetop78759's Avatar
Originally Posted by Treetop78759
So sorry i got angry. mommy always said i was an evil seed.
really a bad idea to threaten someone in a forum like this. REALLY a bad idea
... Crikey! ... No offence meant to the OP, but I'm rather
relieved to find out THAT is the problem.

When I read the thread title - I surely thought maybe
Nathan's Famous or that Oscar Mayer bloke had a product RE-CALL!

... Please forget I posted.

### Salty
Michael8219's Avatar
If only OP could be recalled
Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 03-15-2022, 06:37 AM
Please prevent vomit: do not post about your infected wiener.
Grace Preston's Avatar
Infected Weiner-- by far the WORST Rick James album....
Captain Midnight's Avatar
My guess is that the megahot traveling hooker from P411 read your post and decided to "cut" her loss. As said above, another reason not to pay a deposit.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-15-2022, 12:18 PM
I've cut the area next to my sausage and it got infected last year, the real mistake here was sending a $ deposit, the cut will heal, the getting ripped off by a hooker never heals. At least it wouldn't for me....
You should nick name your manscape tool “Lorena” as in Lorena Bobbit. The oil used in a trimmer ain’t nothing to take lightly, you should go see a Doctor, even if it gets better, might not actually be better, so you wake up one day, in great pain, finally get to the doctor’s office where he tells you only partial amputation will help. The deposit will be the least of your worries, don’t blame the hooker, you knew the terms before you let the little head call the shots.
Treetop78759's Avatar
Just wanted to take the time to thank everyone who cares about my injured wiener. Its healing but slowly because I keep picking at the scap during the night. The rubber cement works just like the OTC stuff but it itches more.
pittlicker's Avatar
Yea! Everyone was really concerned.