Better check his pulse, ladies!

MasterTrucker's Avatar
Many of the comments are very funny...

On a serious note. I think LE would have a hard time making a case like that stick. He is no longer around to give his side of the story and as long as she kept her mouth closed she should be fine. The likelihood that they were able to produce evidence to support their claim is pretty low and easy to defeat in court. I would be very surprised if they were able to go to trial and gain a conviction. Now if she plead out, now that a whole different deal.
  • thx
  • 07-06-2010, 10:58 PM
I think it would be a good thing if I died with a smile on my face and toes in an awkward position.
If it is true that the cock stays erect at the time of death, at least a gal would finally have a chance of "getting hers" If I kicked the bucket in the middle of coitus!

By the way, I do recall a Fort Worth gal posting about her experience with that on ASPD several years ago. Maybe she will regale us with that tale once again.
OMG this thread is way too funny. I jsut spit my diet dew all over my keyboard reading Jenna's post about rolling the body out the door and off the balcony. You guys are too much sometimes. Carry On.
Fiero's Avatar
  • Fiero
  • 07-07-2010, 07:31 AM
Ya know before reading this thread I thought being "kicked to the curb" was just an expression!!
Guest062512's Avatar
PLEASE make damn sure I'm COMPLETELY dead before you roll me out the 2nd floor.
Spikebaby's Avatar
Crossroads.......I promise (as I am placing my hand on my Rabbit) that I will make sure you are COMPLETELY Gone before I shove your butt out the door. I will even let my monkey double check your pulse.
texasred21's Avatar
I believe something like this happenned several years back to Kaylee Hotchick .
THX, I can just hear the eulogy now.....

"..and he died doing what he loved best..."
I have given this much thought over the years. While scary, it is DEFINITELY good to have a plan.

I thank my stars that I have a legit business along with current licensure and all that.

While me client may not be draped at the time of (God forbid) anything bad happening, they WILL be draped very shortly after! At least by the time the paramedics arrive!