Letter to Labron James

winn dixie's Avatar
Dear, bron bron. I hope you get broke backed mountained you over paid cry baby! I do not know what shows more? Your racism or your stupidity? One thing for shoooore bron bron. You will never be as good as M. Jordan!!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yep. Whrre’s Dickey? We need someone to scream Fake News!

Right now Labron is the man everyone wants to hate right now besides Trump.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah, they’re booing him in LA.

He shoulda signed with the Rockets.

Why hasn’t the OP responded to the dubious source of his post?

The person who allegedly wrote this open letter had it published ... nowhere. The writer in question can’t be found for comment.

Maybe OP. got suckered again.
  • grean
  • 02-26-2019, 01:35 PM
The author is correct regarding manufacturing jobs. That could all go up in some before it's said and done in his term.

Again someone is giving Trump credit for an already falling unemployment number. Correlation vs. Causation.....

I'm not saying Trump didn't continue to help it, I'm just saying Obama's contribution shouldn't be discounted.

Trump's projected deficits to be added to the debt for his first term is 4.7 Trillion. Supporters are confident he'll get another 4 years. Obama's total added debt was 8.5 Trillion. Trumps on his way to matching Obama's and doesn't have a bad economy to blame either.

A quote about throwing stones in glass houses comes to mind.

All this to say a sports writer who doesn't seem to have the tightest grasp on the economy probably, but certainly doesnt shy away from giving his opinion, should not be telling anyone else to not give theirs.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hal Lundgren is covering horse racing in Houston as a retired freelancer.

I don't think this is a legit story.
Hotrod511's Avatar
you know you and mystic show your ignorance with ever post you make, you want to know who wrote the letter, google the first paragraph which will answer your question, as to whether it is true that Hal Lundgren wrote the letter I say 50/50 kinda like the Trump dossier they used to start mulehauler investigation, "but it did what I wanted it to and that rubbed your ass so when you and mystic have your circle jerk remember to invite bamscram (aka R Lenny) he likes beiing the pivot man Originally Posted by Hotrod511
Yeah, they’re booing him in LA.

He shoulda signed with the Rockets.

Why hasn’t the OP responded to the dubious source of his post?

The person who allegedly wrote this open letter had it published ... nowhere. The writer in question can’t be found for comment.

Maybe OP. got suckered again. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

you should get some new glasses
themystic's Avatar
Hal Lungren didn't write this letter. More bullshit from Hot Rod. You dont know your stuff
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
themystic doesn't know BronBron!!!
themystic's Avatar
themystic doesn't know BronBron!!! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I know Waco and Waco is scared of liberals. he hides in his house behind a keyboard

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
themystic doesn't know his stuff!
Solemate62's Avatar
When you write the real letter, try spelling his name correctly, Mr. Duke!
Yssup Rider's Avatar

you should get some new glasses Originally Posted by Hotrod511
This is a cut and paste job, Hotrod511.

Where’s the source? Where’s the return address?

You’re quite the gullible fella.

And you don’t know your stuff.