Massage Parlor VS Incall

boardman's Avatar
I don't know........that seems kind of gay. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Useless comment.......
notanewbie's Avatar
ender can do that to a guy, a well worded retort here...a calmly written argument there....makes you kinda think twice.

well thats what The Paladin told me.
I don't know........that seems kind of gay. Originally Posted by dearhunter
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
okay... I am looking for some feedback...

so far I have only done Incall girls that are well reviewed on ECCIE and or have a good P411 profile. So far so good. I did a couple off backpage but that was not such a good experience.

Now I want to venture into the AMP world. It seems like it could be MUCH less hassle and less expensive. I mean, just call or show up and see who is available. I am sure I will develop some favorites and go when they are available.

The whole ordeal with Incall providers is really a big pain in the ass. Call them, text, email, they get my references, we set date, time changes 3 times, etc.... plus of course the average seems to be $$.5 to $$$ or more.

what advice do you guys have of one vs the other. Originally Posted by Jdesey
Amps are convenient ... if you can't or don't like to plan ahead ... you just show up take what's available... some are really good ... some are really, really bad .... some are outright scams ... some you have to build frequent flier miles with to get any extras ... that's why you usually need to check with the other board members ... saves you a lot of agravation, frustration and money... but you need to have a good rapport with the guys that you just insulted ... not trying to give you a hard time... ok so they didn't stand up and cheer about the review you wrote ... pull up one of the stickies on how to write a review ... read it and follow the example ... write a better review ... get credit for it... then politely ask for assistance... you'll be surprised at the difference in the response you get ... I'm just sayin' ...
J - Being a former fbsm provider in Houston, my opinion is going to be completely biased here.

These are the pro's and con's of each (as I see it)

Incall Girl: (assuming she is established and well reviewed)
Pros - guarantee of higher quality lady and services, if you do your homework you know more or less what to expect before you even walk in, cleaner environment (trust me, once you get a nasty case of staph, you will understand how important this is), safety and discretion
Cons - lengthy screening process (as you said), higher fees

Pros - quick in and out with no screening hassel, lower fees, maybe you'll get a high quality girl and service, it will do the job in a pinch
Cons - potentially unclean environment, big potential in recieving not so great service, no safety or discretion guaranteed as these places are often targeted by le, you can't always know what you are about to walk into

As I said, my opinion is biased, but it is mho that in this biz, you get what you pay for.

Everyone has different tastes as to what's good for them, so I am not judging anybody here. You just have to ask yourself, is the hassel of not having to be screened and the lower fee worth it?
pyramider's Avatar
Just state the facts about the provider. Most of us are looking for signs of her attitude. You do not need to write a Penthouse Forum letter or be graphic. However, many seem to prefer those.
  • cg00
  • 08-03-2010, 08:58 PM
okay... maybe Boardman is right... but I do not appreciate putting up a review and then get blasted , I mean flammed, by a bunch of idiots. I mean , I went thru the trouble to write a review and did my best.

anyway, I am still looking for someone to give some feedback ...

like "well I go to AMP because" "compared to incall this is what i experienced".... etc.... Originally Posted by Jdesey

Hey man, thanks for putting up the review. We certainly need more fresh meat giving their input on providers. If you read some of my past post, I am normally defending reviewers that give a lot of intel in the Activities, Description and other sections of their review and a spot of info in the ROS. In your case, I think you gave plenty of information. Activities were spot on and your Physical Description was thorough. Unfortunately you have to put something down on the ROS to get credit. Next time repeat exactly what you wrote in the Activities section into the ROS but do it in sentence form. I know that is stupid but that's all it takes to get these guys off your back. And maybe one sentence on her attitude. We've seen a lot of YES recommendations on spotty attitudes and that is a deal breaker for some. If they were GFE, GFE-Lite or PSE and you put that in the activities, I'd consider that adequate for attitude.

Good luck and keep writing reviews man. The one you gave had me seriously thinking about trying her. The LFK makes her borderline.

As for the AMP vs Incall, it's a matter of convenience, rate, ethnicity and discretion. Sometimes you get a mix of white and hispanic in AMP but usually not. Rates are normally lower and convenience of not needing to call first is better. The deal breaker for me is the discretion. I have been around the city too long to go into an AMP. Everyone knows what goes on in those places.