Solitaire's Avatar
Actually, there are many larger female issues. It appears that the government really dislikes women. Look at how many states have cut funding to female heath issues. Planned Parenthood is a prime example. Planned Parenthood is a good source of female heath information, screening, and treatment. Yet the women in the state and federal legislatures are doing very little except trying to keep their seats. Originally Posted by pyramider
I agree completely!
Missy Mariposa's Avatar

When we address the issues with women in our culture IN GENERAL only then will things improve for sex work and sex workers.
Actually, there are many larger female issues. It appears that the government really dislikes women. Look at how many states have cut funding to female heath issues. Planned Parenthood is a prime example. Planned Parenthood is a good source of female heath information, screening, and treatment. Yet the women in the state and federal legislatures are doing very little except trying to keep their seats. Originally Posted by pyramider
Hi sweetness!

I agree with you wholeheartedly. And because as a woman have little to no legislative backing from the government i pay taxes to, or emotional backing from the men I lay down with, I take every precaution to make sure I minimize my own risks by being selective with my lovers in and out of this life, and being able to vote on the issues.

It's like Black men feeling like they're a target for the police, and that their sentences are higher than White men for the same crime (which they're not wrong.). My answer is minimize your individual risk of finding out by staying out of trouble so you can change not only perception, but the law since you have your ID (since those with warrants and outstanding tickets cannot attain) and can vote (since felons cannot).

Yes, we're targets for one reason or another. But it's up to us to take the bullseye off our tails.
Rogue_Gent's Avatar
I am reminded of the telling comments during the recent change of Canadian law regarding prostitution, making it illegal for a man to purchase sex. A conservative member of the Canadian Parliament listened to the testimony of a Canadian sex worker, begging the legislative body to not pass this Draconian law, stating that it would endanger prostitutes lives because the proposed law will drive the patrons underground, making any screening difficult. The conservative MP stated “this law is NOT DESGNED TO MAKE PROSTITUTION SAFER!”
Very well said. This has personal responsibility and truth written all over it. Thank you!!

Hi sweetness!

I agree with you wholeheartedly. And because as a woman have little to no legislative backing from the government i pay taxes to, or emotional backing from the men I lay down with, I take every precaution to make sure I minimize my own risks by being selective with my lovers in and out of this life, and being able to vote on the issues.

It's like Black men feeling like they're a target for the police, and that their sentences are higher than White men for the same crime (which they're not wrong.). My answer is minimize your individual risk of finding out by staying out of trouble so you can change not only perception, but the law since you have your ID (since those with warrants and outstanding tickets cannot attain) and can vote (since felons cannot).

Yes, we're targets for one reason or another. But it's up to us to take the bullseye off our tails. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson