tax returns

you don't travel, do you? Originally Posted by notequiteatroll
I am planning g on starting real soon. I would now but I need a New car . I'm trying to hold off on getting one so I can get exactly what I want and not settle. So probably will travel this summer.
I am planning g on starting real soon. I would now but I need a New car . I'm trying to hold off on getting one so I can get exactly what I want and not settle. So probably will travel this summer. Originally Posted by Sweet Casey
great. i'll put my return on extension and we can look at it then.
great. i'll put my return on extension and we can look at it then. Originally Posted by notequiteatroll
Hmmmm I feel a full fledge audit coming!!!!

Hmmmm I feel a full fledge audit coming!!!! Originally Posted by Sweet Casey
yep, might need to see if we can uncover your hidden assets.