How do you like your women?

offshoredrilling's Avatar
I voted other
but was thinking wrong
I was thinking naked
then read first post
so will go with knows when to be each of the other 3 choices
Satyrrical's Avatar
If she has oral skills I'll work around most other things.
I concur with Old T and James 1588 and would add that I like the ladies to enjoy the visit. Not just perform the service but really get into it and a little dirty mind/talk goes a Looong way.

Really looks are far behind attitude, ability and the willingness to edge me for a long time. Haven't met a provider yet that I didn't find something to enjoy and remember. Some are just more memorable than others.
So true!

The mind remains the most erotic part of a person... Originally Posted by Old-T
The mind can be the most awesome eroganus zone Originally Posted by DallasRain
Yes! My thoughts on the matter are similar Luxie. I'm best suited for those who appreciate strong-minded women.

Lol, anytime I post something a little controversial I always get a handful of appointment requests. I'm sure I've lost a few because of my opinions but we likely would not have gotten along anyway.

If a client wants a silent, meek woman he knows not to message me. Originally Posted by Luxie
To me, having some sense of other's perspectives can enhance an erotic connection.

I've learned so much from talking to my favorite Ladies.
I enjoy the insight given from posts on any medium, whether here Twitter or blog posts. I think the more you can learn from and about each other will just make the experiences you have with them that much more fulfilling.

So I definitely prefer to hear their thoughts and opinions. Originally Posted by DasAmebas
Well sir, it seems like we have to get me to Indiana or you to New Orleans at some point in the future..

...As an example, though, I can easily say that Lena Duvall certainly qualifies as "interesting," and frequently captures a big chunk of my mindspace. Originally Posted by James1588
I believe reading posts in forums such as this helps give insight to the quality of the time to be spent together more so than reviews may provide. Take them all as a whole and that helps make an informed decision.
Reverseheadstock's Avatar
Armed and dangerous. The mind is the most powerful weapon imaginable. Imsgine a woman, using hers to turn yours agaibst you, then she want you to use yours on hers. Yeah it's dirty, fun, kinky, intriguing, stimulating, erotic, and the whole body sexual experience.
James1588's Avatar
Well sir, it seems like we have to get me to Indiana or you to New Orleans at some point in the future.. Originally Posted by Lena Duvall
Lena, I see in your signature that you're in Chicago in the middle of this month. That's well within my travel radius. As it happens, though, I already have a Chicago appointment for mid-July with another lady who's traveling. Sooooo ... maybe New Orleans. I'm thinking maybe I can come up with a plausible opportunity, come early November. If I can, you'll be the first to know!
joesmo888's Avatar
a good attitude is extremely important!!

i can't stand bitchiness. if you are having a bad day i would rather you NCNS me than have to deal with your nonsense. a lot of men are already dealing with wives/girlfriends bs, why would they want to deal with yours too?
^^^^^ How exactly is quote-unquote bitchiness defined? Earlier in this thread, some gents shared that they are not at all put off if a companion expresses her perspectives or if those perspectives don't (always) align with their own.

When is a woman opinionated and free-willed and when is she the b-word? How thin is the line?

There seems to be a visceral difference between the type of man who appreciates a companion who is (or maybe pretends to be) intellectually docile and men who love companions with a little more dynamism when it comes to personality. This also intrigues me.
SlowHand50's Avatar
Smart sass is a turn-on for me. Confidence in her abilities and willingness to express what she wants/needs are big pluses, too. I want to hear her thoughts, including what she wants to do to me as she's doing it.
Is it hot in here or what?
cowboy8055's Avatar
Naked and sassy is a good combo
James1588's Avatar
^^^^^ How exactly is quote-unquote bitchiness defined? Earlier in this thread, some gents shared that they are not at all put off if a companion expresses her perspectives or if those perspectives don't (always) align with their own.

When is a woman opinionated and free-willed and when is she the b-word? How thin is the line?

There seems to be a visceral difference between the type of man who appreciates a companion who is (or maybe pretends to be) intellectually docile and men who love companions with a little more dynamism when it comes to personality. This also intrigues me. Originally Posted by Lena Duvall
"Bitchiness" is a complicated word. I think it is applied to what I'd call "gratuitous unpleasantness," but can also be used to denote sassiness, or something closely related to that, or might also be applied to female self-interest, frankly expressed, or to a certain dynamism of personality. Usually, one is left to sort out the possible meanings from context. For that reason, it doesn't seem to me to be a very useful sort of word. I have heard my daughter and her contemporaries use the term "bitch" toward each other, seemingly in a rowdy-humor or ironic-sarcastic sort of way. From my lips, I'm pretty sure the word would be perjorative, or would very likely be heard that way, so I don't and won't use it. If women can handle its use, more power to them.