And now Backpage?

Hopefully not, but one might never know!!
trynagetlaid's Avatar
Anyone can post an ad on Backpage. The escort ads are not free. You can pay with a credit card. I have had girls ask me to post BP ads for them but I just tell them to go to Wal-mart and buy a prepaid Visa card.
Dannie, no one works for me, I take care of the ads for a friend, she has no charge card and backpage don't take cash.
AgoodMess's Avatar
Banning parts of web sites will just increase the cost of advertisement to providers. Yes, ECCIE might be at risk too (because of the AD sections). Many of the ladies already have their own web-sites, but then ISP's can be asked to shut them down, too (Not sure if can they do that).

However, the internet is here to stay, and the ladies' home computers can act as web servers, too. If they (the providers) pay google, then a google search for "dallas escorts" will give clients the list of providers to choose from. When they ask google to censor search results based on contents or search criteria, we'll call ourselves the Chinese State of A.

Speaking of evolution, a lady operating her own web server has other advantages, too, e.g., the server can be password protected, client information and database contents can be encrypted, the process of responding to screening requests can be automated, etc. Anybody interested in paying me to build such a system for you?

This is really a fight between control and freedom, and luckily for us, the internet is biased towards freedom. Just my $0.02, - aGM
But, but, like...aren't we just buying and selling time here? That's not "human trafficing"! Pshaaw.
  • MRMR
  • 10-18-2010, 02:08 PM
Open the gates as we will see a large increase here if BP does away with the escort area. I do not see how they will be able to keep it up on the site. They will give in to the AG's and public sentiment.

Remember that this is all a game and a silly whore board (Guys and Gals). Enjoy the game.
cooper2002's Avatar
No Girl i totally agree with you 100, but if all the sites shut down their escorting sections, then what are you going to do?

Stopn providing?
post up on a street corner?
walk the hotel bar?

Im just sayn that this game will always be out there, if we can post on the internet or not, its not the end of the world, just a hell of alot safer!! Originally Posted by babydollsnow
BDS you are a hoot and so positive in ur attitude
At some point it will come down to money. When it costs more to shut down advertising than it does to fight for your 1st amendment rights in court, someone will challenge and win to break the damn for all of the others to get back in. You have to prove the site/paper knew about unlawful activities. and that's very hard to do. Given the CL problems with the murderer and other bad press it was unwise to take it to court and have a prolonged fight in an unfavorable environment. It's just a matter of time before CL wants that revenue bad enough to risk the state lawsuits.
  • Kid a
  • 10-18-2010, 03:13 PM
Looks like its mostly spam, but I guess they don't know/care that the previous posts can be reached from google cached version of the page:
Congress is full of criminals that would love any excuse to take control of the Internet.
First of all, if all the sites shut down I'd get a real job before I beat pavement and take car dates for it. I'd say it's not about a dependency on the internet, it's more like a dependency on providing as a sole means of income without furthering yourself but I digress.

The fact of the matter is, screening does exist, and those days of extreme risk taking are over. Unfortunately, I predict the number of worthless alerts with little to no information due to a lack of screening, increases drastically around here, as well as fucked up fonts and use of ebonics and slang in ads and posts. This also increases my own personal entertainment so I guess it's not all bad... Originally Posted by Dannie

For you and many others and maybe myself, yea a real job is a easy fix, but not every girl thinks like that....for many girls backpage and craigslist is there only means of gettn income.....they simply just dont know about other sites or ways of income, i didnt in the beginning(8yrs ago), till a pimp put me on the internet on craigslist...i didnt know about aspd, eros, redbook, nothing till i LEFT him and the streets,and became and INDY. A girl i meet at a strip club right here in Dallas told me that i had a review on ASPD. So not every provider has been introduced to this part of the game!
where all these damn PIMPS coming from lately!?
REALLY??? I miss the OLD DAYS!!! I remember when ..Oh hell, nevermind.

DANNIE - you said "Beat the pavement" ...LMAO. Real jobs suck (I know cuz I have one) but hey, at least I'm not trolling any streets or mingling with pimps....(to each their own)

Ok I'll stop now and go do something constructive before I get any feathers ruffled here... LOL

I don't believe for a minute that Backpage will shut down it's adult section. Backpage and The Dallas Observer(and all the other free city newspapers in hundreds of citys in the US) are owned by The Village Voice. PLUS they are making a fortune on these adult ads. Craigslist was owned by one man, Backpage by a very liberal corporation, and I can't see them just letting all that money go. I believe they'll clean it up to whatever standards, but a friend said they'll fight it to the Supreme Court if they have to.
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
The next time some guy here posts not to be worried about whether or not a lady posting ads has a pimp, remember the words "human trafficking" because that is the excuse they use every single time, whether or not it's legit. If there is management they will always claim it's human trafficking, and if the girls are being moved city to city by said management, the case gets even stronger.

Doesn't matter where you are hosted. You do not want on their radar right now.
cowboyesfan's Avatar
Craigslist was owned by one man, . Originally Posted by Sweet Heather
eBay owns 25% of Craigslist. The former CEO of eBay is running for Governor of California. If I put on my tinfoil hat I might see a connection.