Timeline for reviews

So whats the timeliness for reviews so we have a better idea for the future. Thx
Gentlemen. I have come under the scrutiny of the Eagle. I can’t call him a “Dr.” because it’d be creepy if he was my kid’s pediatrician. My attempt at a review was thwarted because it’s an “ad” and included no activities. Perhaps he had cameras in the room? Idk. I’ve been told I’m in violation of rule 12. Rule 12 which sits right behind don’t bite or eat other people’s food.

I said I would make an attempt to share an experience and I have done that, but my review was pulled. There will be no second review as promised. I tried.
Sounds like you posted a review and had no ROS . The review sheet is pretty basic. Happens to all at some point .
Sounds like you posted a review and had no ROS . The review sheet is pretty basic. Happens to all at some point . Originally Posted by Scoot642
Nope. Like you said. The form is VERY simple. Fill in all the boxes. Had an ROS. That’s the entertaining part. If anything the Eagle could have said add ROS, but he didn’t. He just didn’t like what I had to say which is why he deleted it vs. “you don’t get credit” as he’s done with others.

Truthfully. I didn’t say anything terrible.

I think FBSMlover should be moderator. At least he’s in here all the time and genuinely loves the game.
Who me?!?

Yea, I dunno about that. I’m not always well liked either lol.

Your vote of confidence is much appreciated tho.
Who me?!?

Yea, I dunno about that. I’m not always well liked either lol.

Your vote of confidence is much appreciated tho. Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
Right on cue. . .
I’m suddenly sensing sarcasm?